Don't fight for a share of the pie, make the pie bigger!

They wanted better jobs and wages. THat's not winning "vicariously", silly hateful lefty.

But they didn't want to do anything to get those jobs and better wages. They didn't want to go to college. They didn't want to get retrained and re-educated. They didn't want to modernize. They sat entitled and thought they didn't have to work to get those things. They thought because they're white and Christian, they were entitled to better jobs and wages. Well, they're entitled to shit. They earned nothing. They suffered only because of themselves. They are the obstacles to these things they say they want. Where's that "personal responsibility"????

The vicarious "winning" is just to boost their egos at having been a loser their entire lives. The promises made by Reagan 40 years ago to their parents -or to them- never materialized. The wealthy didn't "trickle down" like Conservatives promised they would. What do these white, aggrieved voters expect? Talk about entitled!

And voters vote by the economy. It's interesting that you somehow didn't know that.There is nothing dumb about wanting national policy to represent your interests.Lefties like you, have been ridiculing and demonizing and marginalizing work class whites, as you are doing right here for decades.The question is not why they voted against, you, but why they haven't been voting against you for decades.

First of all, no, Trump voters did not vote on the economy. The economy was doing quite well the last two years of Obama's term. Wages were rising faster those two years than the 15 years that preceded it. Unemployment reached near-full-employment. The market set a record high. Conservatives didn't vote the economy, they voted their bigotry and misogyny. Trump hasn't and won't do anything for those people. He doesn't care about them. He only cares about adulation, so he'll say whatever it takes to get that. Trump voters have to know by now that he's not going to do anything for them. If they don't, then they're in denial and not worth a passing thought.

Well, that's a lot of crazy hate you have there, and I've seen it's like from liberals for a long time, directed at working class whites.

Crazy hate? Telling Trump voters they're nothing, nobodies, and insignificant isn't hate, it's the cold hard truth. I don't hate those people, I just don't care about them anymore. They're not worth the effort. Fuck 'em. Focus efforts on people who don't vote. That's about half the electorate there. Get those people to vote and the aggrieved, entitled Trump voters will matter less and less.

And that's why working class whites, who have been union voters for generations, were ready to listen to a republican who came along and actually offered them something.

Trump didn't appeal to anything other than their unearned white grievance. His economic plan is a joke (and is completely off the top of his head).
Turn this nation into an ONe Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

So...Conservatives already control all three branches of Congress, 2/3 of state legislatures, and 2/3 of governors and you think immigrants want to turn the nation into a One Part Third World State? It already is thanks to you guys.
They wanted better jobs and wages. THat's not winning "vicariously", silly hateful lefty.

But they didn't want to do anything to get those jobs and better wages. They didn't want to go to college. They didn't want to get retrained and re-educated. They didn't want to modernize. They sat entitled and thought they didn't have to work to get those things. They thought because they're white and Christian, they were entitled to better jobs and wages. Well, they're entitled to shit. They earned nothing. They suffered only because of themselves. They are the obstacles to these things they say they want. Where's that "personal responsibility"????

Your assumptions about what they did or didn't do it unsupported. I've known quite a few working class whites who went to school and either failed academical or financially or couldn't find a job afterwards.

"Entitled" is just a stupid talking point. Wanting jobs and wages is not "entitlement" it is one of the most legitimate interests imaginable.

Your hatred is noted and held against you.

The vicarious "winning" is just to boost their egos at having been a loser their entire lives. The promises made by Reagan 40 years ago to their parents -or to them- never materialized. The wealthy didn't "trickle down" like Conservatives promised they would. What do these white, aggrieved voters expect? Talk about entitled!

Wanting better jobs and wages is the opposite of vicarious winning. TRy to be less crazy.

And voters vote by the economy. It's interesting that you somehow didn't know that.There is nothing dumb about wanting national policy to represent your interests.Lefties like you, have been ridiculing and demonizing and marginalizing work class whites, as you are doing right here for decades.The question is not why they voted against, you, but why they haven't been voting against you for decades.

First of all, no, Trump voters did not vote on the economy. The economy was doing quite well the last two years of Obama's term. Wages were rising faster those two years than the 15 years that preceded it. Unemployment reached near-full-employment. The market set a record high. Conservatives didn't vote the economy, they voted their bigotry and misogyny. Trump hasn't and won't do anything for those people. He doesn't care about them. He only cares about adulation, so he'll say whatever it takes to get that. Trump voters have to know by now that he's not going to do anything for them. If they don't, then they're in denial and not worth a passing thought.[/QUOTE]

YOur race baiting and gender baiting is noted and held against you. YOu are an asshole.

Beyond that, the inequality of income growth is something you lefties have been talking about for decades. What happened? YOu don't care about that, if the person with the shitty wage has white skin?

Well, that's a lot of crazy hate you have there, and I've seen it's like from liberals for a long time, directed at working class whites.

Crazy hate? Telling Trump voters they're nothing, nobodies, and insignificant isn't hate, it's the cold hard truth. I don't hate those people, I just don't care about them anymore. They're not worth the effort. Fuck 'em. Focus efforts on people who don't vote. That's about half the electorate there. Get those people to vote and the aggrieved, entitled Trump voters will matter less and less.[/QUOTE]

All you did there was strongly support my point that you hate working class whites. YOu did nothing to support your hateful claims, you just made them over and over again.

Speaking for working class whites. Fuck you, you vile piece of shit.

And that's why working class whites, who have been union voters for generations, were ready to listen to a republican who came along and actually offered them something.

Trump didn't appeal to anything other than their unearned white grievance. His economic plan is a joke (and is completely off the top of his head).[/QUOTE]

YOu are actively hostile to them and their interests. And you are fairly representative of liberals on this.

Soooo, not voting for you, pretty easy call for a working class white.

"unearned white grievance"?

Dude. Your shit don't fly no more. NO one believes you, not even you.
Turn this nation into an ONe Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

So...Conservatives already control all three branches of Congress, 2/3 of state legislatures, and 2/3 of governors and you think immigrants want to turn the nation into a One Part Third World State? It already is thanks to you guys.

LOL!!! My God, that was a shockingly ignorant statement.

Winning everything in an election is not what a one party state is.

You didn't answer my question.

You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

Don't you?
Turn this nation into an ONe Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

So...Conservatives already control all three branches of Congress, 2/3 of state legislatures, and 2/3 of governors and you think immigrants want to turn the nation into a One Part Third World State? It already is thanks to you guys.

LOL!!! My God, that was a shockingly ignorant statement.

Winning everything in an election is not what a one party state is.

You didn't answer my question.

You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

Don't you?
Too many black people in Chicago.
Nobody wants that.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
Winning everything in an election is not what a one party state is.

Yet that is precisely how they approach governing.

You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

We already are a Third World Banana Republic thanks to Trump and the GOP who have done absolutely nothing to improve this country despite having near-unanimous control. Nothing is stopping you guys from remaking the country as you want. So why haven't they improved anything? You scream about how terrible the country is, yet you guys control most of it. So that would mean you're the ones responsible.
Turn this nation into an ONe Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

So...Conservatives already control all three branches of Congress, 2/3 of state legislatures, and 2/3 of governors and you think immigrants want to turn the nation into a One Part Third World State? It already is thanks to you guys.

LOL!!! My God, that was a shockingly ignorant statement.

Winning everything in an election is not what a one party state is.

You didn't answer my question.

You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

Don't you?
Too many black people in Chicago.
Nobody wants that.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app

Ouch. YOu trying to say that Chicago's current situation is caused by too many blacks?

That's kind of racist of you.

My point was about ONe Party Control. NOte how I referenced that over and over again.

That's the type of hint that most people would seize on and realize is the focus.
Winning everything in an election is not what a one party state is.

Yet that is precisely how they approach governing.

Err, so you claim. YOu make no attempt to support your stupid claim, you just move on to the next stupid claim, hoping something will stick.

Your idiotic and unsupported claim is dismissed.

You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

We already are a Third World Banana Republic thanks to Trump and the GOP who have done absolutely nothing to improve this country despite having near-unanimous control. Nothing is stopping you guys from remaking the country as you want. So why haven't they improved anything? You scream about how terrible the country is, yet you guys control most of it. So that would mean you're the ones responsible.[/QUOTE]


YOu once again fail to answer my question.

You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.

Don't you?
Your assumptions about what they did or didn't do it unsupported. I've known quite a few working class whites who went to school and either failed academical or financially or couldn't find a job afterwards."Entitled" is just a stupid talking point. Wanting jobs and wages is not "entitlement" it is one of the most legitimate interests imaginable.Your hatred is noted and held against you.

So right on cue comes the unverifiable personal anecdotes Conservatives love to substitute for facts. No, those people didn't want to be retrained. They didn't want to get a degree. They thought if they whined enough that their factory job that was lost to a robot, that job will magically re-appear just through sheer force of will. Conservatives are so lazy they expect things to be handed to them while doing nothing to earn it besides whine about their unearned entitlement and grievances. Yes, immigrants are taking Americans' the ones Trump gave to foreigners to work at Mar-a-Lago. Why didn't he hire Americans?

Wanting better jobs and wages is the opposite of vicarious winning. TRy to be less crazy.

Conservatives are losers and have been their entire lives. They "win" vicariously through Trump, but don't actually come out ahead on anything.

YOur race baiting and gender baiting is noted and held against you. YOu are an asshole.Beyond that, the inequality of income growth is something you lefties have been talking about for decades. What happened? YOu don't care about that, if the person with the shitty wage has white skin?

As I said, wages started rising with greater speed the last two years of Obama's term. Last month, wages declined. I guess that's #winning by your standard. Hard to see how the income gap won't be exacerbated by this proposed tax cut for the rich.

All you did there was strongly support my point that you hate working class whites. YOu did nothing to support your hateful claims, you just made them over and over again.Speaking for working class whites. Fuck you, you vile piece of shit.

I said I don't care about them. That's different than hating them. Democrats don't need them to win elections...they need non-voters to vote. That's how Democrats win. The more people who vote, the less likely Conservatives are to win. I don't care about people who are married to dogma and who voted for Trump. They're to be written off.

YOu are actively hostile to them and their interests. And you are fairly representative of liberals on this.Soooo, not voting for you, pretty easy call for a working class white.unearned white grievance"?Dude. Your shit don't fly no more. NO one believes you, not even you.

Yes, unearned white grievance. What have white, working-class, Trump voters done to earn anything?
Err, so you claim. YOu make no attempt to support your stupid claim, you just move on to the next stupid claim, hoping something will stick.

You said my claim is "unsupported", yet all we're relying on for that is your word. Why should I believe you? What have you done to establish that level of trust? Nothing. So just like all the other unearned entitlements, this is just you trying to establish your thought as the mainstream standard. It isn't. You have done nothing to establish that level of trust. It's a microcosm of a larger disability.

Interesting.Ou once again fail to answer my question.You want demographic shift to make America a shitty One Party Third World State, like Chicago or Venezuela.Don't you?

We already are a shitty One Party Third World State. You all caused it.
It's becoming a island in a sea of brown poverty

So then what you said before wasn't true, was it? You had to walk that back. So everywhere except for where you live is becoming a Third World Shithole? Maybe the shithole is you. Maybe you're the shithole and everyone else is normal and fine.
Sherman Oaks is being swallowed up in the sea of third world shit

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