Dont forget it's the Party of Allah - Hezbollah (zbalah)

Hitler fan Luiza said:
And Nazi Nazi...
And nazis...

Hezbollah chief #Nasrallah quoting Benito know, as if he were admiring the Fascist dictator who taught Hitler how to Hitler..
View attachment 957382

Hezbollah's Goal: "Going After [the Jews] Worldwide"
Aug 10, 2006.

Listen to the words of its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah: "If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." (NY Times, May 23, 2004, p. 15, section 2, column 1.).

Nasrallah is one of the most admired men in the Muslim and Arab world today. Hitler made similar threats in Mein Kampf but they were largely ignored. Nasrallah has a reputation for keeping his promises.

She even pretends to be "against" intolerance and uses the pallywood language on top of hypocrisy.
Graham, Cruz, and whole bunch of others. Patelli loves Putin and Russia, because Trump does.
Lindsey Graham? He pushes for weapons to Ukraine!
So you do pay attention. Good.
So you mentined Garham and Cruz?

Lindsey Graham?

Here is from a liberal source:

Lindsey Graham, visiting Kyiv, urges Ukraine to pass mobilization law

By Siobhán O'Grady.
March 18, 2024


Ted Cruz at his own words:

Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took to the Senate floor to highlight how President Biden's weakness and appeasement have been manifested in foreign policy crisis across the world—the Biden-Harris administration has ceded Afghanistan to the Taliban, enabled a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and now are hurtling to provide a nuclear ...
2 Jul 2022

Sen. Cruz on the Crisis in Ukraine: 'President Biden and the Democrats ...
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She even pretends to be "against" intolerance and uses the pallywood language on top of hypocrisy.​
One of the Forum Outcasts returns with more novice Hasbara trolling .
Tell us about the Nazi policy of bombing hospitals Pastajelly.

One reason for you all being so hated .
Hitler's Luiza said:


View attachment 957309

Or nazi-genocide-suppourting luiza just wants attention with illogical sentences repetition.
What does it feel like Pasta Jelly to be hated everywhere you go ?

And what is this we are hearing about Nutty Yahoo's grandfather being the one who had a relationship with your leader Hitler?
Time for you to go back into hiding under the stairs Pasta .
Or nazi-genocide-suppourting luiza just wants attention with illogical sentences repetition.

When did you join the neo Nazi group Hasbara , Pasta ?

I see you were sent here to troll just after the October False Flag .
This must be your first placement because your trolling is very weak .
Israel vermin starting to crumble .
IDF useless without air cover .
Hezzers to take northern Nazisrael

Editor Of Lebanese Daily: No Point In Celebrating South Lebanon Liberation Day As Long As Hizbullah Is Monopolizing The Country's Decision-Making In Service Of Iran's Expansionist Agenda
June 6, 2024.

Anti-Israel Protests In Pakistani Cities – The Hamas Leaders' Engagements In Pakistan.
Mantasha Ansari | June 5, 2024.
Nazism and the Palestinians
Since Amin al-Husseini forged his alliance with Hitler, Nazism has profoundly influenced the Palestinian national movement.

Mein Kampf in Gaza—and Beyond.
In more recent years, Hitler’s manifesto has continued to enjoy considerable popularity in the Arab world.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians were driven into Lebanon in 1948 and again in 1967. Those people make up Hezbollah. Hezbollah was founded in 1986 to keep Israel out of Lebanon.
Sunni and shiite muslims have been at odds in Lebanon "forever". As a general "rule" ----Sunnis RULE in most muslim
lands----this 'rule' is a bit complicated in Lebanon because of
the existence of a considerable christian population which also
'ruled' As to actual demographics--the statement that "tens of thousands" of 'palestinians' were driven into Lebanon in 1948 and 1967 is a gross lie. The numbers of arabs who fled Israel
at both those times to Lebanon is much smaller. In fact there
has been a more significant flight of arabs from Syria to Lebanon and---there were muslim and christians and jews in Lebanon before 1947 with sectarian discontent mostly between
shiites and sunnis. Jews mostly WALKED OUT in the 1940s and 1950s----one of the easiest of the many escapes from arab lands during that era. With the islamic takeover of Iran---and its Ayatoallah driven imperialism----the marginalized Shiite
population rendered the Ayatoillets SALIVATING. Shiites are
IRANOPHILLES ----to the point of worship. They consider FARSI a "holy language" and Qom, Iran the home of their
imminently arising "messiah" figure---the MAHDHI. Shiites are so despised by Sunnis that the Sunnis sometimes call them
<gasp> JOOOOOOS (<<this is inside information which some who post here will deny)
And yes, it's about "freedom fighting" too, all that...

The Zionists changed the demographics of Christian Lebanon in 1948-1967.

They invaded Lebanon so often that Hezbollah was founded in 1986 to keep them out of Lebanon.

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