Dont forget it's the Party of Allah - Hezbollah (zbalah)

October 7 gave excuse to whatever Israel wants to do. More than 70% of America supporters Greater Israel. That will only continue to grow.
The area south of the LITANI RIVER does not constitute all or any significant part of Lebanon other than a convenient site for
attacking and murdering jews. It is actually wasteland with no
agricultural potential or any industry at all. It makes the
THERE entirely on Iranian supplied food and water. Way back--
it was a "no man's land"---so designated in order to avoid
that which the IslamoEpiscoNazis so desire---a convenient site
from which to accomplish the holy koranic ideal---OCT. 7
surada disagrees with my factual post
Right. The Zionists firebombed the refinery in Haifa in 1947.. Jewish Nationalism is a savage thing.
IslamoAngloNazism stinks like shit. IslamoEpiscoNazis bomb,
and engage in DOOR TO DOOR house invasions for the HOLY
IslamoEpiscoNazi purpose of torching infants to death and rape
and pillage for the GLORY OF THEIR shitty "god" and their
perverse imperialism. In the past 1000 years this disgusting
alliance has committed genocides in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS
globally----from the Indian subcontinent to Europe, Africa and on
to the Americas (well----a bit in Australia too) The East India Tea
Company filth not only instigated the American Continental
Revolutionary war in which the ANGLOS MURDERED their own and
the natives of the lands they exploited---its antics galvanized
the genocide of hundreds of millions in the Indian subcontinent---
besides their vandalism and pillage of that land. Aramco is its bastard
Right. The Zionists firebombed the refinery in Haifa in 1947.. Jewish Nationalism is a savage thing.
the fire bombing in Haifa was the "BEGINNING" of violence between
muslims and jews? READ THE FILTHY KHARAHan. Muslims have been
chopping heads, raping and slitting the throats of infants for more than
1400 years-----the blow torch method for infants is a fairly recent islamic
innovation. In Aden, Yemen in 1947 they did not use blow torches--
they did the slit the baby throat method favored by al nabi---same in
Hebron, 1929

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