Dont forget it's the Party of Allah - Hezbollah (zbalah)

To be Islamic Repuplic's expansionist thugs. 7 years after Hommeini's rise.

And how on earth did you connect 1948 and 1986? LOL... what ever works in islamization taqyyia propaganda?

Lebanon was a predominantly Christian country until the late 1930s. The 1932 census reported that 56% of the population was Christian, mostly Maronite Catholics, and 44% was Muslim, mostly Shiite. However, by 1956, the Christian population had dropped to 54%, and the influx of Palestinian refugees in 1967 further shifted the demographics in favor of Muslims.
The shiites have no more a liberal policy towards sunnis the vice versa.

It's not really a big deal except in Iran. The Shia in Arabia are in the oil business and make up the merchant class.

They also got a long when Lebanon had a Christian majority...
You still avoided why hezbollah invades israel.

Hezbollah was founded during or after the second intifada. Lebanon was such a gem... The Paris of the Mediterranean.. The angry, damaged Zionists were probably just envious.
Hezbollah is just Arab Nationalism. It's just like Zionism or German Nationalism.
NOPE. Hezbollah is SHIITE nationalism----a significant player in Iranian, islamic Imperialism which seeks two prizes. ---1) the capture of the Yellow pustule which was, in an Oct. 7 style, rape, pillage, murder attack on Jerusalem dumped onto
the Temple Mount and 2) the capture of the black turd in
the sand of mecca. (it all started as an in-law problem in the
family of the rapist dog of mecca some 14 centuries ago)
NOPE. Hezbollah is SHIITE nationalism----a significant player in Iranian, islamic Imperialism which seeks two prizes. ---1) the capture of the Yellow pustule which was, in an Oct. 7 style, rape, pillage, murder attack on Jerusalem dumped onto
the Temple Mount and 2) the capture of the black turd in
the sand of mecca. (it all started as an in-law problem in the
family of the rapist dog of mecca some 14 centuries ago)

Ancient nomads carried their gods around in a box on a litter... Often it was a meteorite or piece of one.
The Zionists changed the demographics of Christian Lebanon in 1948-1967.

They invaded Lebanon so often that Hezbollah was founded in 1986 to keep them out of Lebanon.
Hezbollah was formed ci
Ancient nomads carried their gods around in a box on a litter... Often it was a meteorite or piece of one.
SO? that the area in which the black turd in the sand is worshipped today harbored a religion based on stone worship is not news. How is that fact germane to the fact of
the present day shiite/sunni tug of war for that PARTICULAR
Hezbollah was formed ci

SO? that the area in which the black turd in the sand is worshipped today harbored a religion based on stone worship is not news. How is that fact germane to the fact of
the present day shiite/sunni tug of war for that PARTICULAR

An ark is just a box.
John Edgar Slow Horses

The hardliners wanted to annex Lebanon and Ariel Sharon wanted Lebanese rivers.

In May 1955, the issue was raised at a meeting between Prime Minister Moshe Sharret, his Defense Minister David Ben Gurion and Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan.

According to Sharret, Gurion and Dayan proposed the annexation of the territory south of the Litani River — which includes the city of Sour — and the establishment of a pro-Israeli regime in Beirut.

“They wanted us to find any Christian officer we could either bribe or convince to become the ‘savior of the Maronites’… The Israeli army would do the rest,” Sharret wrote in his diary, underlining his opposition to the plan which eventually never saw the light of day. “Israeli claims to southern Lebanon were abandoned over time and are no longer on the agenda,”

The security challenge

Israel’s strategic objectives in Lebanon are now primarily security-related.

“It has to be said that Israel no longer has any real territorial ambitions in Lebanon, particularly since it already controls the water resources it needs,” said Khashan. “The occupation of southern Lebanon is a good example of this.”
John Edgar Slow Horses

According to Avi Shlaim, the real driving force behind the Israeli invasion to Lebanon was the defense minister Ariel Sharon. One of his aims was the destruction of PLO military infrastructure in Lebanon and undermining it as a political organization, in order to facilitate the absorption of the West Bank by Israel.
SO? The aim of the PLO was the destruction of Israel as is
the aim of Hamas and Iran and the UMMAH---read your koran.
The AIM of Constantine was the destruction of Judaism and Judea. Read your "new testi" The AIM of the "canon law"
was the destruction of Judea as was the AIM of Martin Luther and al nabi adolf. I read your literature in the 1950s
in the Episco town of my childhood. Later as a young undergrad I learned that all hospitals keep a careful census---
admitted, discharged, on critical, off critical, died---it was my
first hospital paying job.
John Edgar Slow Horses

The hardliners wanted to annex Lebanon and Ariel Sharon wanted Lebanese rivers.

In May 1955, the issue was raised at a meeting between Prime Minister Moshe Sharret, his Defense Minister David Ben Gurion and Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan.

According to Sharret, Gurion and Dayan proposed the annexation of the territory south of the Litani River — which includes the city of Sour — and the establishment of a pro-Israeli regime in Beirut.

“They wanted us to find any Christian officer we could either bribe or convince to become the ‘savior of the Maronites’… The Israeli army would do the rest,” Sharret wrote in his diary, underlining his opposition to the plan which eventually never saw the light of day. “Israeli claims to southern Lebanon were abandoned over time and are no longer on the agenda,”

The security challenge

Israel’s strategic objectives in Lebanon are now primarily security-related.

“It has to be said that Israel no longer has any real territorial ambitions in Lebanon, particularly since it already controls the water resources it needs,” said Khashan. “The occupation of southern Lebanon is a good example of this.”
The area south of the LITANI RIVER does not constitute all or any significant part of Lebanon other than a convenient site for
attacking and murdering jews. It is actually wasteland with no
agricultural potential or any industry at all. It makes the
THERE entirely on Iranian supplied food and water. Way back--
it was a "no man's land"---so designated in order to avoid
that which the IslamoEpiscoNazis so desire---a convenient site
from which to accomplish the holy koranic ideal---OCT. 7
Not at all. They run very successful social programs and keep Israel out of Lebanon.
They are bombing Haifa right now----a delight to those who
enjoy dancing on the dead bodies of babies. Haifa is farm
land and light industry----thousands have been rendered
homeless and miles of cultivated land have been destroyed to
the delight of Dancers upon dead babies, rapists, kidnappers,
mutilators and murderers for the glory of the ummah
They are bombing Haifa right now----a delight to those who
enjoy dancing on the dead bodies of babies. Haifa is farm
land and light industry----thousands have been rendered
homeless and miles of cultivated land have been destroyed to
the delight of Dancers upon dead babies, rapists, kidnappers,
mutilators and murderers for the glory of the ummah

Right. The Zionists firebombed the refinery in Haifa in 1947.. Jewish Nationalism is a savage thing.

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