Don't know if I believe this...only 150 of those who have died...

The scary news out of S. Korea today is that there have been almost 100 cases of people who had caught the virus who recovered, who later became reinfected. Sorry, but I think the immunity thing everyone was clinging in hope to has been shattered.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.

It's not scary its biblical. Something is happening in the the universe, when people get the virus , recover and get it again.
If you are a lefty, you should trust what fauci had to say about that article. He said it was pretty unlikely, and we know lefties believe fauci...
The scary news out of S. Korea today is that there have been almost 100 cases of people who had caught the virus who recovered, who later became reinfected. Sorry, but I think the immunity thing everyone was clinging in hope to has been shattered.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.

It's not scary its biblical. Something is happening in the the universe, when people get the virus , recover and get it again.
Like the common cold?
But most of all, I'm grateful I don't live in the USA,

I am very grateful you don't live in the U.S.A., too.

I got a nice fat bonus tax refund yesterday, just like Justin Trudeau said we would two weeks ago. My normal April GST rebate was quadrupled and the payment hit my account yesterday. How's your stimulus check doing?'re Canadian. Big country, small population. That seems to be a good combination for this pandemic...natural social distancing. I've never been to your major metros like Quebec, Winnipeg and Vancouver so I'm not familiar with their similarities and differences from US metropolitans.

Most of our population lives close to the US border, which is both a blessing in terms of weather, and a curse - especially now. We have this thing pretty much squashed until Trudeau told the Snowbirds to come home before he closed the border completely. At one point 25% of our cases came home from the USA, and the cases started increasing from there.

Winnipeg isn't really that big (750,000), nor is Quebec (542,000). Vancouver is large (2.5 million), as are Montreal (4.2 million) and Toronto (6.2 million and 8 million total in the GTA).

The cities are quite different. The most expensive neighbourhoods are in the centre of the cities. There are no ghettos, and every neighbourhood is racially diverse but there are neighbourhoods. Greektown, Little Italy, Chinatown. Working people take transit. Even if you own a car, you don't drive it anywhere. Parking will run you $30 a day, and it will be blocks from where you want to go, if you can find a spot. I have freqently walked around downtown after midnight by myself, and never worried for my safety.

Transit is efficient and cheap, but it's overloaded, because nobody drives. And if you take transit to work every day, you will get sick a lot.
I don't think you realize how many people are walking around leading full productive lives with pre-existing conditions. It sounds like you don't care if they die. We aren't just talking about 80 year olds already bedridden in a nursing home.
And even if we WERE (which we aren't)



You do what you have to do.

Is minor heart problem a pre-exiting condition?

Former smoking

Former drug use?

Remission from cancer?

20 lbs over weight?

What these idiots are saying is that unless you are in perfect health...we're gonna let you die because.....THE ECONOMY???
And oh yea...this horror has killed perfectly healthy younger people

In fact the Chinese doctor who exposed the whole thing...a 32 year old healthy guy...died from it
Fox News is basicly reporting the same thing (without the 150 number)...and that there is no definitive answer on immunity...

"What is known definitively, is that the virus causes only mild or moderate symptoms that clear up in a few weeks. Older adults and people with other illnesses, however, are more vulnerable to the virus and more severe symptoms and are at higher risk of death."

I don't think you realize how many people are walking around leading full productive lives with pre-existing conditions. It sounds like you don't care if they die. We aren't just talking about 80 year olds already bedridden in a nursing home.
And even if we WERE (which we aren't)



You do what you have to do.

Is minor heart problem a pre-exiting condition?

Former smoking

Former drug use?

Remission from cancer?

20 lbs over weight?

What these idiots are saying is that unless you are in perfect health...we're gonna let you die because.....THE ECONOMY???
And oh yea...this horror has killed perfectly healthy younger people

In fact the Chinese doctor who exposed the whole thing...a 32 year old healthy guy...died from it

I know I read somewhere that obesity was one of the conditions that increased the risk.

the virus causes only mild or moderate symptoms that clear up in a few weeks.
38% of hospitalizations happen to people younger than 50
A lot of people under 50 have health problems. I'm 47 and as I said...everyone I know is taking some form of prescription medicine...including my wife.

It's fine that you a framing this from a political/economic perspective...I get that...but some of us have to work, and the purpose of this thread, at least for me, is to help assess my persona risk, not to advocate one way or the other for opening the economy...although in my personal opinion, it has to be done sooner rather than later.
We have a bitter pill to swallow.

Staying home is what we need to do. I want to go back to work as well. I have a business at risk.

This is a time for the government to step up to the plate so that we CAN do the right thing
Shit's a scam. Are you over 65 with pre-existing conditions affecting immunity or your cardiovascular system? Do you smoke? If yes...start treating yourself better cause there is worse shit than this silly ruse to worry about.

I'd love you to get it. Not because I want you dead and I wouldn't want you to die, but just to shut your dumb fucking mouth up. Once you've had it, you'd then see what it's about. God, it's like Trump put his brain into a machine and all these dumb fucks who got a dose of his brain started posting on here. Dumb as a sack of rocks. Then again, I'd probably get more sense out of a sack of rocks.

Does anyone see conservatives wishing this virus on individuals on this board? Because I see this from Leftists all the time.

Demonic. It's from the pit of Hell, and you should know it. I do.
The quote was in the box above what I typed, from Dr. Grump. Now go put your thumb back in your mouth, you're fussy

"I'd love you to get it. Not because I want you dead and I wouldn't want you to die, but just to shut your dumb fucking mouth up. Once you've had it, you'd then see what it's about. God, it's like Trump put his brain into a machine and all these dumb fucks who got a dose of his brain started posting on here. Dumb as a sack of rocks. Then again, I'd probably get more sense out of a sack of rocks. "

ONE post and in context...brought on by YOUR idiotic comments

Now go play victim some more you piece of shit
We have a bitter pill to swallow.

Staying home is what we need to do. I want to go back to work as well. I have a business at risk.

This is a time for the government to step up to the plate so that we CAN do the right thing
Then stay home. I could stay home too. I take four months off every year. But, if I and others like me don't work, the store shelves empty and panic ensues.

So...Is it ok for me to work?

If so, why isn't it ok for you to take the same precautions/risks as I am for the greater good...IE not falling into an economic depression and the suffering that will cause.
I have repeatedly shown my appreciation for truck drivers and grocery store workers. And I do again here.

Why you are demanding that things "open up" is beyond me since for you they HAVE.

Do you not feel safe in doing what you are doing?
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

It’s what I’ve been saying for days.
2,000 die
15% are Corona only=300
Of the Coronas only, 15% are<65 , so 45 total. This is the absurdity we are shutdown over .
Blame it on the experts

they screamed that millions would die

and they were after all - experts
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