Don't look now but Democrats have a decent candidate for POTUS


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
He's smart and a natural leader. And crazy I know, he's intellectually honest. In other terms he doesn't stand a chance.

Automation is coming and has always been happening. Time to retrain people. Nothing new here. Our public schools do disservice to our kids. Oh well.
Automation is coming and has always been happening. Time to retrain people. Nothing new here. Our public schools do disservice to our kids. Oh well.

Agree, however, the reason for automation is to pay less in wages, thus the more automation the fewer people employed. Meanwhile progs. want the gates open for immigration.

Yeah, it will happen anyway, leading to more and more welfare and a a progressive drop in the standard of living. There's a reason pot is legal, there's a reason progs. tell tall tales 24/7 while the high majority of Americans are lazy and complacent. It's so the population is docile and confused.

And yeah our ed. system is criminal. They teach progressive indoctrination rather than useful education, which is one reason why so few are in the technical fields while Indians etc. are doing the work.
He will never get past the primary alive...especially if Hillary is running....
Well, that was interesting. I don't think automated trucks will be a thing anytime soon, too many variables.

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