Don't look now, but Trump leads Hillary by 5 points in battleground Ohio

HRC can win pretty easily without Ohio.

View attachment 89448
How are your messiah’s chances without it?
I'd say the election is a toss up despite your coloring book page.

Care to highlight witch states are not going to be in Hillary’s column or are you too much of a pussy to go on the record?
I am not smart enough to even consider guessing. I don't follow this shit as close as most of you but thanks for the attempted insult anways.

Thanks for the attempted input.
Attempted input? I gave you my honest assessment that I thought up myself. All most of you ever offer are parroted or plagiarized talking points.

Attempted input is probably how most of your dates end….
I gave you MY prediction. Asked you to tell me which states I had wrong That was all.
Where did tigerred go? He needs to adapt a more respectful tone. After all I pay for his food, housing, medical care, schooling, electricity, transportation, and his cell phone.

The little punk threatens me and then runs away like a bitch. The only thing that would happen if he, or the made up people in his head, came after the providers, is there would be a few less parasites in the world.

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