Don't look now, but Trump leads Hillary by 5 points in battleground Ohio

HRC can win pretty easily without Ohio.

View attachment 89448
How are your messiah’s chances without it?
I'd say the election is a toss up despite your coloring book page.

Care to highlight witch states are not going to be in Hillary’s column or are you too much of a pussy to go on the record?
I am not smart enough to even consider guessing. I don't follow this shit as close as most of you but thanks for the attempted insult anways.

Thanks for the attempted input.
Attempted input? I gave you my honest assessment that I thought up myself. All most of you ever offer are parroted or plagiarized talking points.
I don't know about polls but Clinton is finding herself in Romneys seat (2012). She's hopelessly chasing the news cycle while Trump keeps creating it. It's over, he's running unopposed at this point.
I don't know about polls but Clinton is finding herself in Romneys seat (2012). She's hopelessly chasing the news cycle while Trump keeps creating it. It's over, he's running unopposed at this point.

And lately when she's at the top of the headlines, it's for something bad.
October 29, 2012, 06:27 pm
Gallup: Romney extends lead over Obama to 5 points......and we all know how that turned out!!!:banana::banana::banana:
So dumb. Doesn't even realize this isn't a Gallup poll. Gallup isn't even in the presidential polling business. Does a stupid banana dance anyway. Silly libs.
Care to highlight witch states are not going to be in Hillary’s column or are you too much of a pussy to go on the record?

She has the witch vote for sure.

October 29, 2012, 06:27 pm
Gallup: Romney extends lead over Obama to 5 points......and we all know how that turned out!!!:banana::banana::banana:
So dumb. Doesn't even realize this isn't a Gallup poll. Gallup isn't even in the presidential polling business. Does a stupid banana dance anyway. Silly libs.
Your the dumb one bitch....point being, Oct 2012 all polls either showed a tie or Romney still found us going in the wrong direction, GOP still trying to rig voting polls and you white hatin mf's still got lost in the dust, just as you will this Nov. so name call all you want bitch...I'm not voting Trump you are, so who's the dumb ass?
October 29, 2012, 06:27 pm
Gallup: Romney extends lead over Obama to 5 points......and we all know how that turned out!!!:banana::banana::banana:
So dumb. Doesn't even realize this isn't a Gallup poll. Gallup isn't even in the presidential polling business. Does a stupid banana dance anyway. Silly libs.
Your the dumb one bitch....point being, Oct 2012 all polls either showed a tie or Romney still found us going in the wrong direction, GOP still trying to rig voting polls and you white hatin mf's still got lost in the dust, just as you will this Nov. so name call all you want bitch...I'm not voting Trump you are, so who's the dumb ass?
All polls? Sure thing kido. You are a horrible liar. Why lie about something so easy to check? Stupid libs.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics
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October 29, 2012, 06:27 pm
Gallup: Romney extends lead over Obama to 5 points......and we all know how that turned out!!!:banana::banana::banana:
So dumb. Doesn't even realize this isn't a Gallup poll. Gallup isn't even in the presidential polling business. Does a stupid banana dance anyway. Silly libs.
Your the dumb one bitch....point being, Oct 2012 all polls either showed a tie or Romney still found us going in the wrong direction, GOP still trying to rig voting polls and you white hatin mf's still got lost in the dust, just as you will this Nov. so name call all you want bitch...I'm not voting Trump you are, so who's the dumb ass?
All polls? Sure thing kido. You are a horrible liar. Why lie about something so easy to check? Stupid libs.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics

Listen, white fuck, I could give a fuck about this conversation. I could give a fuck if Trump wins or lose....its you white bitches that should stress this election, cause Hitler is a winner and the fate of you fucks if history is repeated.....something I live to see!! The only difference is jews won't get roasted, you white nuts will.
Listen, white fuck, I could give a fuck about this conversation. I could give a fuck if Trump wins or lose....its you white bitches that should stress this election, cause Hitler is a winner and the fate of you fucks if history is repeated.....something I live to see!! The only difference is jews won't get roasted, you white nuts will.

So you are a liar and a racist. Fantastic. It's not my fault you are a pathetic little man that can't live up to his own words. It must suck having zero integrity. A typical loser liberal.
Hillary doesn't need Ohio, but she will win it.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."

I don't know about polls but Clinton is finding herself in Romneys seat (2012). She's hopelessly chasing the news cycle while Trump keeps creating it. It's over, he's running unopposed at this point.

Unopposed and still losing, AMAZING!

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