Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

By Alexei Anishchuk

LAKE SELIGER Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia's armed forces, backed by its nuclear arsenal, were ready to meet any aggression, declaring at a pro-Kremlin youth camp that foreign states should understand: "It's best not to mess with us."

Putin told the assembly, on the banks of a lake near Moscow, the Russian takeover of Crimea in March was essential to save a largely Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian government violence. He said continued fighting in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists launched an uprising in April, was the result of a refusal by Kiev to negotiate.

Ukraine, and Western governments, accuse Russia of sending troops and armor to back the separatists in a conflict that has already killed over 2,000 people. Russia denies the charge.

"Russia is far from being involved in any large-scale conflicts," he said at the camp on the banks of Lake Seliger. "We don't want that and don't plan on it. But naturally, we should always be ready to repel any aggression towards Russia.

"Russia's partners... should understand it's best not to mess with us," said Putin, dressed casually in a grey sweater and light blue jeans.

"Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers."

Putin spoke easily with the students, many of whom looked to be asking scripted questions about demography and history. Other times he accepted gifts or, smilingly, played down their praise.

Source: Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

What do we have on our side? A nuclear cutting idiot that hasn't a clue.
The Russian Federation has no aspirations beyond Ukraine. The U.S., Poland, and other Baltic States are acting as if it's 1959. If Obama chooses to act as if it's 1959, which I half suspect he might, it will be Americas Waterloo.
You are letting your bigotry completely cloud your judgement. Putin is playing the empire building game. A hundred years late. This kind of insanity is being met by the sanity of the rest of the world. Part of that sanity is assessing how many nukes do we need? How many times over do we need to be able to destroy the world?

Putin is playing a dead end game. Nobody can win in a nuclear war. And he cannot win once he starts aggressing other nations. Russia is still a weak economy, and the Russian people have had a taste of the West. We can, and probably will, economically shut down Russia if they continue on the same path.
You are letting your bigotry completely cloud your judgement. Putin is playing the empire building game. A hundred years late. This kind of insanity is being met by the sanity of the rest of the world. Part of that sanity is assessing how many nukes do we need? How many times over do we need to be able to destroy the world?

Putin is playing a dead end game. Nobody can win in a nuclear war. And he cannot win once he starts aggressing other nations. Russia is still a weak economy, and the Russian people have had a taste of the West. We can, and probably will, economically shut down Russia if they continue on the same path.

Step out of 1959.........
He is throwing out a line of crap to a bunch of kids at summer camp. Russians are already asking why their sons are being sent to the war in the west. Boxes with dead Russians are trickling back to Russia from Ukraine. All is not well for Vlad. Some in Russia are starting to say if Russians living in Ukraine no longer want to be Ukraine and desire to be Russian, let them come home to Russia.
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If I hear Russian ICBM's have been launched, I figure I got about 20 minutes to find me a neocon and beat the holy shit out of him!
Will the US succeed in breaking Russia to maintain dollar hegemony?
In Why they are making an enemy of Russia? we looked at two of the key reasons why the US is making an enemy of Russia, namely the promotion of conflict by the powerful Defense industry lobby in order to keep its order books full, and the value of conjuring up an external enemy as a hate figure for the masses, in order to take the heat off the government. In this article we are going to look at what is arguably an even bigger reason, that was largely omitted in the earlier article, which is that Russia, in alliance with China, is threatening to bring an end to the dollar as the global reserve currency, which would mean the end of the American empire.
We are witness to the greatest struggle of our age – the battle to maintain global dollar hegemony, and with it US economic, military and political dominance of the entire planet – and this struggle is now coming to a head.

Notwithstanding its undeniably great accomplishments of the past hundred years, the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world is parasitic. This is because it creates money and debt instruments out of nothing, requiring virtually no effort, which it then swaps for goods and services with other countries. Because the US dollar is the global reserve currency, it is able to rack up astronomic deficits that would be untenable for any other country. US debts are now at such levels that if the US dollar loses its reserve currency status, the United States economy will implode and it will quickly be reduced to the status of a banana republic – hence the sense of urgency in the face of growing threats.
Clive Maund
Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

By Alexei Anishchuk

LAKE SELIGER Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia's armed forces, backed by its nuclear arsenal, were ready to meet any aggression, declaring at a pro-Kremlin youth camp that foreign states should understand: "It's best not to mess with us."

Putin told the assembly, on the banks of a lake near Moscow, the Russian takeover of Crimea in March was essential to save a largely Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian government violence. He said continued fighting in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists launched an uprising in April, was the result of a refusal by Kiev to negotiate.

Ukraine, and Western governments, accuse Russia of sending troops and armor to back the separatists in a conflict that has already killed over 2,000 people. Russia denies the charge.

"Russia is far from being involved in any large-scale conflicts," he said at the camp on the banks of Lake Seliger. "We don't want that and don't plan on it. But naturally, we should always be ready to repel any aggression towards Russia.

"Russia's partners... should understand it's best not to mess with us," said Putin, dressed casually in a grey sweater and light blue jeans.

"Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers."

Putin spoke easily with the students, many of whom looked to be asking scripted questions about demography and history. Other times he accepted gifts or, smilingly, played down their praise.
Source: Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

What do we have on our side? A nuclear cutting idiot that hasn't a clue.
While Obama is president, putin has no worries.
Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

By Alexei Anishchuk

LAKE SELIGER Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia's armed forces, backed by its nuclear arsenal, were ready to meet any aggression, declaring at a pro-Kremlin youth camp that foreign states should understand: "It's best not to mess with us."

Putin told the assembly, on the banks of a lake near Moscow, the Russian takeover of Crimea in March was essential to save a largely Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian government violence. He said continued fighting in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists launched an uprising in April, was the result of a refusal by Kiev to negotiate.

Ukraine, and Western governments, accuse Russia of sending troops and armor to back the separatists in a conflict that has already killed over 2,000 people. Russia denies the charge.

"Russia is far from being involved in any large-scale conflicts," he said at the camp on the banks of Lake Seliger. "We don't want that and don't plan on it. But naturally, we should always be ready to repel any aggression towards Russia.

"Russia's partners... should understand it's best not to mess with us," said Putin, dressed casually in a grey sweater and light blue jeans.

"Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers."

Putin spoke easily with the students, many of whom looked to be asking scripted questions about demography and history. Other times he accepted gifts or, smilingly, played down their praise.
Source: Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

What do we have on our side? A nuclear cutting idiot that hasn't a clue.
While Obama is president, putin has no worries.

If you like the Ukraine, Vlad, you can keep it
Will the US succeed in breaking Russia to maintain dollar hegemony?
In Why they are making an enemy of Russia? we looked at two of the key reasons why the US is making an enemy of Russia, namely the promotion of conflict by the powerful Defense industry lobby in order to keep its order books full, and the value of conjuring up an external enemy as a hate figure for the masses, in order to take the heat off the government. In this article we are going to look at what is arguably an even bigger reason, that was largely omitted in the earlier article, which is that Russia, in alliance with China, is threatening to bring an end to the dollar as the global reserve currency, which would mean the end of the American empire.
We are witness to the greatest struggle of our age – the battle to maintain global dollar hegemony, and with it US economic, military and political dominance of the entire planet – and this struggle is now coming to a head.

Notwithstanding its undeniably great accomplishments of the past hundred years, the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world is parasitic. This is because it creates money and debt instruments out of nothing, requiring virtually no effort, which it then swaps for goods and services with other countries. Because the US dollar is the global reserve currency, it is able to rack up astronomic deficits that would be untenable for any other country. US debts are now at such levels that if the US dollar loses its reserve currency status, the United States economy will implode and it will quickly be reduced to the status of a banana republic – hence the sense of urgency in the face of growing threats.
Clive Maund

That's the gist of it..............:clap:.
You are letting your bigotry completely cloud your judgement. Putin is playing the empire building game. A hundred years late. This kind of insanity is being met by the sanity of the rest of the world. Part of that sanity is assessing how many nukes do we need? How many times over do we need to be able to destroy the world?

Putin is playing a dead end game. Nobody can win in a nuclear war. And he cannot win once he starts aggressing other nations. Russia is still a weak economy, and the Russian people have had a taste of the West. We can, and probably will, economically shut down Russia if they continue on the same path.

All of America's allies are a fragile group of friends, to say the least.

China and Russia are again openly-stated friends.

I don't know where you took Political Science 101, but if America and the New World Order were to try to "economically shut down Russia", it would likely lead straight to WWIII.

And that's exactly what Putin—who has ties to all sorts of organized crime outfits across the planet, in addition to rogue states and stated enemies of the US themselves—is counting on.
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The Russian Federation has no aspirations beyond Ukraine. The U.S., Poland, and other Baltic States are acting as if it's 1959. If Obama chooses to act as if it's 1959, which I half suspect he might, it will be Americas Waterloo.
Give Me a break....The only act Obabble performs is on his knees.
Keep the order books full in the Defense Industry........all members of Congress will be on their knees giving blowjobs to their owners........balls hitting 500+ chins all at one time!

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