Don't monkey up the election!

If you say so. Actually I think it means "looka me, I just invented a phrase, how you like me now?".
Then you don't think it's racist. Good for you, because it's not.

Everything monkey isn't racist.

Never said it was. Actually ---- you did.

Paint yourself into a lot of corners do ya?
You'll have to link that fauxfense.

Uhhmmm no. You'll have to go back and find it. This just in: I don't work for you.
HaHa we already knew you couldn't, bigot.

That's true, you can't afford me. :deal:
Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

How many more links you need asshole - there are Buttloads on the topic.

history of comparing blacks to monkeys

Hard to believe posters are on here deliberately playing Stupid about a history of a slur.

Hangarover-boi might want to essplain that avatar Steve McRacist carried during the O'bama years if he seriously wants to play stupid about the association. Along with his and other posters' frequent references to "simians" ....

He won't though. :gay:

I recall when McRacist put that avatar up and was taken to task for it some apologist (I know who it was but I won't say) sat here and tried to tell me it was a movie reference. Self-delusion seems to consume the intellectually disabled.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

It was no accident. He thought it was a subtle dog whistle to the Trump base. It was louder than a bullhorn and it will probably get worse - Trump has mainstreamed this crap to the point where everyone figures they can get away with the same BS. DeSantis is NOT off to a good start.
Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

How many more links you need asshole - there are Buttloads on the topic.

history of comparing blacks to monkeys

Hard to believe posters are on here deliberately playing Stupid about a history of a slur.

Hangarover-boi might want to essplain that avatar Steve McRacist carried during the O'bama years if he seriously wants to play stupid about the association. Along with his and other posters' frequent references to "simians" ....

He won't though. :gay:

I recall when McRacist put that avatar up and was taken to task for it some apologist (I know who it was but I won't say) sat here and tried to tell me it was a movie reference. Self-delusion seems to consume the intellectually disabled.

We've got a bumper crop of OBVIOUS racists here -
But even after they refer to someone as a watermelon eating, coon-ass purple-lipped, jungle bunny jigaboo ...
They go "whaaa? THAT ain't racist!"

Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

How many more links you need asshole - there are Buttloads on the topic.

history of comparing blacks to monkeys

Hard to believe posters are on here deliberately playing Stupid about a history of a slur.

Hangarover-boi might want to essplain that avatar Steve McRacist carried during the O'bama years if he seriously wants to play stupid about the association. Along with his and other posters' frequent references to "simians" ....

He won't though. :gay:

I recall when McRacist put that avatar up and was taken to task for it some apologist (I know who it was but I won't say) sat here and tried to tell me it was a movie reference. Self-delusion seems to consume the intellectually disabled.

We've got a bumper crop of OBVIOUS racists here -
But even after they refer to someone as a watermelon eating, coon-ass purple-lipped, jungle bunny jigaboo ...
They go "whaaa? THAT ain't racist!"

Back and forth you and the pogo keep going in trying to convince yourselves and/or to justify this monkey up buisness or comment as being somehow a racist comment, but you two are in the minority on your opinion of it being so is what I'm thinking.
Back and forth you and the pogo keep going in trying to convince yourselves and/or to justify this monkey up buisness or comment as being somehow a racist comment, but you two are in the minority on your opinion of it being so is what I'm thinking.

We'll no doubt be seeing a poll on whether people think the comment was racist.
Bet more than not think so. Care to make a wager? Week off the board.
CNN again--tod
You don't want to believe all the racist calls against your racists why believe all the false news reports the moron in the wh spouts?
the news is constantly anti-white
......always an anti-white story making sure RACE is in the story---when it has NOTHING to do with the story!!!! ie--WHITE cop shoots BLACK man! hahahahahahah
....hardly ever is there a story in MSM/headlined/headlined for weeks/etc when a black commits a hate crime/is racist/murders/etc a white

...whites are not crying RACISM 24/7
wtf are you talking about??

Consistently anti-white news? .. Interesting you fucking idiot
everyday---do you need links from now on?? because I've put them out before
I've put out threads on this already--

Pass on your StinkBart, DailySmeller, AmRen, Stormfront and such links Trumptard.
CNN again today--anti-white stories
top news section:
Racist robocall targets Andrew Gillum in Florida governor's race - CNNPolitics
Serena Williams: Athletes Should Be 'Grateful' to Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

It was no accident. He thought it was a subtle dog whistle to the Trump base. It was louder than a bullhorn and it will probably get worse - Trump has mainstreamed this crap to the point where everyone figures they can get away with the same BS. DeSantis is NOT off to a good start.
So the Trump Supporters are DOGS now...............LOL

You MANIAC.................LOL

I didn't hear no whistle.................LOL

This is what it takes to get your little emotions up and your panties in a wad.........good God man.......your side is Pathetic.
CNN again--tod
You don't want to believe all the racist calls against your racists why believe all the false news reports the moron in the wh spouts?
the news is constantly anti-white
......always an anti-white story making sure RACE is in the story---when it has NOTHING to do with the story!!!! ie--WHITE cop shoots BLACK man! hahahahahahah
....hardly ever is there a story in MSM/headlined/headlined for weeks/etc when a black commits a hate crime/is racist/murders/etc a white

...whites are not crying RACISM 24/7
wtf are you talking about??

Consistently anti-white news? .. Interesting you fucking idiot
everyday---do you need links from now on?? because I've put them out before
I've put out threads on this already--

Pass on your StinkBart, DailySmeller, AmRen, Stormfront and such links Trumptard.
CNN again today--anti-white stories
top news section:
Racist robocall targets Andrew Gillum in Florida governor's race - CNNPolitics
Serena Williams: Athletes Should Be 'Grateful' to Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid

How are these "anti-white" stories?

Weren't you the same kkklown who klaimed the same thing whining that Klan stories existed?
Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

How many more links you need asshole - there are Buttloads on the topic.

history of comparing blacks to monkeys

Hard to believe posters are on here deliberately playing Stupid about a history of a slur.

Hangarover-boi might want to essplain that avatar Steve McRacist carried during the O'bama years if he seriously wants to play stupid about the association. Along with his and other posters' frequent references to "simians" ....

He won't though. :gay:

I recall when McRacist put that avatar up and was taken to task for it some apologist (I know who it was but I won't say) sat here and tried to tell me it was a movie reference. Self-delusion seems to consume the intellectually disabled.

We've got a bumper crop of OBVIOUS racists here -
But even after they refer to someone as a watermelon eating, coon-ass purple-lipped, jungle bunny jigaboo ...
They go "whaaa? THAT ain't racist!"

Back and forth you and the pogo keep going in trying to convince yourselves and/or to justify this monkey up buisness or comment as being somehow a racist comment, but you two are in the minority on your opinion of it being so is what I'm thinking.

Uh huh. That must be why there's 772 posts in this thread.
I didn't hear no whistle.................LOL

Nah - no whistle at all! :)

Which is why I said are you calling us Dogs.............LOL

You got your Borking agenda ready..............coming up real quick..........

Or will you let it play out with minimal crying about it..........might screw with your election strategy if you go FULL BORK....................

Decisions .........decisions..........

Don't Monkey it up.............
don't be stupid
...Kap is talking about police committing brutality/kill BLACKS! RACE RACE RACE
...WHITE cop shoots BLACK man--making it about race when it had nothing to do with race--big time fake news/bullshit/myths/etc
that was in the news ALL the time
The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic video podcast hosted by Scott Rhodes of Idaho.
did you even read the links???!!!
So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.
Which race is the ‘socialist agenda’???
Which candidate is he running against that supports that ?
Why do blacks get offended by the F-word when they use it so much themselves ?

The word "monkey" is used in context to clearly replace the F-word with a more rated G version, but in this politically charged environment where monkey is the new word for blacks in representation of as according to the blacks, then I guess the word monkey in any form used must be deleted.

Now what can the nation replace the word monkey with ?? I know, just go on and use the F-word because everything else is being normalized, might as well throw cursing into the mix as well.

That made absolutely no sense. Learn a little history and get back to me.

For centuries the West has found it useful to compare black people to monkeys

In context of an actual racial slur you are right, but what Desantis said wasn't in the context of a racial slur nor was it used as a racial slur when he said it in the context in which he said it in.

Hyper sensitivity on the left, has really gotten to the point of seeing spooks under every bed now.

Nice Mr Racist Fuck. Why is it that those who are Trump sup[porters here also defend the use of racial slurs?
Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist
Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
I'll vote for all 3

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