Don't monkey up the election!

Obama was referring to POLITICIANS - Not one or more BLACK politicians.
Glad I could assist

When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya
When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.
Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

You clowns are funny. You see a racist around every corner. Be careful there may be something hiding under your bed.
While DeSantis’ use of the phrase was likely innocent of any malice, he should have been more careful with his words so as not to give the libs any ammunition to make a claim of racism.
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.
Obama was referring to POLITICIANS - Not one or more BLACK politicians.
Glad I could assist

When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Using the term "monkey" in reference to black people is a racial slur.

Maybe if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your being, you would know this.
Sorry, Mac, I made a real point there, and you did not address it.
Actually, I did.

Your post - "If real racism was a real issue, we would not be seeing so much crap like this example ie monkey, because liberals, would have real examples to work with" - says two things: First, that racism is not a real issue, and that you can't come up with any real examples of it.

I have to assume that you believe what you wrote. And I know it to be so tragically, blatantly untrue that I just don't know how to respond. So, I just pointed at it and said, "and there ya go", out of pure exasperation. My thoughts were, "well, this is what we're dealing with. This is how far we have to go."

If you really believe that, there's absolutely nothing I can say. It's beyond my capacity to understand or address this level of denial. If you are truly capable of intellectually isolating yourself from something this obvious, there are no words that are going to engage you.

I'm being dead serious here. I don't know what else to say. I do find it fascinating, but that's as far as it goes.

Why do libs spend so much time addressing bs like this "monkey" issue, if there are real problems with white racism?

Would it not be more productive, not to mention convincing, if they addressed the "Real" racism?

Or do they have a policy of ignoring the "real racism" while addressing bs so as to continue to let people suffer, just for the evul fun, while pissing off white people by calling them names for no reason?

Cause is there is a real problem with real racism, that is what happens when they ignore that, to focus on bs.
like their main-ROOT of the problem is low graduation rates
....also they MURDER at four times the rate of whites--and the majority of victims are-----BLACK
Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

HuffPuff didn't write it Donkey Brains. But if you prefer a more scholarly site:
Comparing black people to monkeys has a long, dark simian history

Bias? Nope
The Conversation - Media Bias/Fact Check

You think you're smarter than these guys? :lol:

Wulf D. Hund
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Department of Socioeconomics, University of Hamburg

Charles W Mills
Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Northwestern University
Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya
Why do blacks get offended by the F-word when they use it so much themselves ?

The word "monkey" is used in context to clearly replace the F-word with a more G rated version, but in this politically charged environment where monkey is the new word for blacks in representation of as according to the blacks, then I guess the word monkey in any form used must be deleted.

Now what can the nation replace the word monkey with ?? I know, just go on and use the F-word because everything else is being normalized, might as well throw cursing into the mix as well.
Last edited:
When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Using the term "monkey" in reference to black people is a racial slur.

Maybe if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your being, you would know this.
So if a black person gets within say 50 ft. of the monkey word being used, it will somehow just jump on them, label them, and engulf them without the word actually being used in the context of a racial slur or it having anything to do with it being used against the black person's character, color of skin or intelligence ???? Beware, that monkey word is hiding under your bed.
Why do blacks get offended by the F-word when they use it so much themselves ?

The word "monkey" is used in context to clearly replace the F-word with a more rated G version, but in this politically charged environment where monkey is the new word for blacks in representation of as according to the blacks, then I guess the word monkey in any form used must be deleted.

Now what can the nation replace the word monkey with ?? I know, just go on and use the F-word because everything else is being normalized, might as well throw cursing into the mix as well.

That made absolutely no sense. Learn a little history and get back to me.

For centuries the West has found it useful to compare black people to monkeys

Why do blacks get offended by the F-word when they use it so much themselves ?

The word "monkey" is used in context to clearly replace the F-word with a more rated G version, but in this politically charged environment where monkey is the new word for blacks in representation of as according to the blacks, then I guess the word monkey in any form used must be deleted.

Now what can the nation replace the word monkey with ?? I know, just go on and use the F-word because everything else is being normalized, might as well throw cursing into the mix as well.

That made absolutely no sense. Learn a little history and get back to me.

For centuries the West has found it useful to compare black people to monkeys

In context of an actual racial slur you are right, but what Desantis said wasn't in the context of a racial slur nor was it used as a racial slur when he said it in the context in which he said it in.

Hyper sensitivity on the left, has really gotten to the point of seeing spooks under every bed now.
Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Pointing out racism does constitutes neither racism nor a "race card".
Next time a black contractor shows up at your house, leave him with this:
"Now don't monkey this up" -- see how that goes for ya

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.
Which race is the ‘socialist agenda’???
Bingo. He walked right into it.

No. He didn't. Liberals are looking for any even remote turn of a phrase or misheard word to rant about racism, despite the fact that it exposes them as having racist tendencies.

I once was accused of calling a student "retarded", which I did not and never would. After investigating it further, I found out I was accused by the parent of a completely different student of (another race BTW) who misunderstood what I said because English is not their first language. I had told a student that she was being slow getting to work and to hurry up and log on to her computer. When that student related the story to her parents, that became me calling the student "slow" which was then translated into "retarded". I was "called on the carpet" over this incident and forced to apologize for something I didn't even do! You can't make this shit up!
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.
Yep. They’ve made that very clear.
Fuck it up doesn't mean sex, but monkey it up means negroes.

If you say so. Actually I think it means "looka me, I just invented a phrase, how you like me now?".
Then you don't think it's racist. Good for you, because it's not.

Everything monkey isn't racist.

Never said it was. Actually ---- you did.

Paint yourself into a lot of corners do ya?
You'll have to link that fauxfense.

Uhhmmm no. You'll have to go back and find it. This just in: I don't work for you.
HaHa we already knew you couldn't, bigot.
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

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