Don't monkey up the election!

False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
you just made an idiot out of yourself
he did not ''call'' the other guy a monkey
your analogy is totally wrong
would [C] all your wife a "pig".
did NOT call someone a monkey--he used it as a verb
"monkeying up"
you screwed up big time and fast on this one
case closed
False accusations of racism, is the Race Card.

Your denial is dismissed.

Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot
Ignoring racial slurs is supporting racism.

False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
you messed up this time--big time
verb vs noun--noun as YOU stated
you can't try to deflect/etc
noun vs verb
you JUST stated it --AGAIN-
Electing a black man would "monkey up".......
....-he did NOT call him a monkey --you are changing your argument/changing the goal posts!!
you just proved my point--exactly
Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

How many more links you need asshole - there are Buttloads on the topic.

history of comparing blacks to monkeys

Hard to believe posters are on here deliberately playing Stupid about a history of a slur.

Hangarover-boi might want to essplain that avatar Steve McRacist carried during the O'bama years if he seriously wants to play stupid about the association. Along with his and other posters' frequent references to "simians" ....

He won't though. :gay:

I recall when McRacist put that avatar up and was taken to task for it some apologist (I know who it was but I won't say) sat here and tried to tell me it was a movie reference. Self-delusion seems to consume the intellectually disabled.

We've got a bumper crop of OBVIOUS racists here -
But even after they refer to someone as a watermelon eating, coon-ass purple-lipped, jungle bunny jigaboo ...
They go "whaaa? THAT ain't racist!"

Back and forth you and the pogo keep going in trying to convince yourselves and/or to justify this monkey up buisness or comment as being somehow a racist comment, but you two are in the minority on your opinion of it being so is what I'm thinking.

Uh huh. That must be why there's 772 posts in this thread.
No, here is why there is 772 + post in this thread... It's because what we are seeing here is an excersize in the leftist agenda. It's the same as what is going on against Trump created by the leftist queen and her handlers, where as there is nothing there, but the left keeps spinning and spinning and spinning (something they are experts at), until they convince the people that up is really down and down is really up.

It's really amazing that the bullcrap is constantly being entertained in this nation.

I mean how did crazy people get so powerful and wealthy to the point of seeing these complete idiotic non issues winning the day ??
Then you don't think it's racist. Good for you, because it's not.

Everything monkey isn't racist.

Never said it was. Actually ---- you did.

Paint yourself into a lot of corners do ya?
You'll have to link that fauxfense.

Uhhmmm no. You'll have to go back and find it. This just in: I don't work for you.
HaHa we already knew you couldn't, bigot.

That's true, you can't afford me. :deal:
It's you who's playing with fire, Tubbs.
False accusations are divisive and support racism.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??
When Barry says it, somehow has different meaning.
DeSantis was referring to socialists. Regardless of color, they're all the same, lowest of the lowest.

Any white guy who says a black guy will "monkey this up"?
Is either a racist or dog whistling at racists.
You decide

Only thing is, DeSantis did not say black guy will "monkey this up".

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Using the term "monkey" in reference to black people is a racial slur.

Maybe if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your being, you would know this.

He didn't use it in reference to blacks.

Read the quote: “...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

He was talking to Floridians in reference to socialism. I believe he would use the same term if opponent is white socialist. Because people tend to monkey up the elections.
The idea you think calling actions of a black man as "monkeying up" is not racist makes you either a racisat, a dumbass, or a fool.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
But like a monkey on your back you need it.
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??
Only a thin-skinned whiny little white supremacist trumpkin would think that is “over sensitivity”.
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??
Only a thin-skinned whiny little white supremacist trumpkin would think that is “over sensitivity”.
Are you white?
Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??
Only a thin-skinned whiny little white supremacist trumpkin would think that is “over sensitivity”.
Are you white?
sure it does, because you say so
prove it
barrel of monkeys
a monkey on your back
Genesis – Man On The Corner Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
I'll be a monkey's uncle
grease monkey
monkey wrench

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

EVERYTHING is racist

Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??
Only a thin-skinned whiny little white supremacist trumpkin would think that is “over sensitivity”.
Plenty of adjectives there.
Why do blacks get offended by the F-word when they use it so much themselves ?

The word "monkey" is used in context to clearly replace the F-word with a more rated G version, but in this politically charged environment where monkey is the new word for blacks in representation of as according to the blacks, then I guess the word monkey in any form used must be deleted.

Now what can the nation replace the word monkey with ?? I know, just go on and use the F-word because everything else is being normalized, might as well throw cursing into the mix as well.

That made absolutely no sense. Learn a little history and get back to me.

For centuries the West has found it useful to compare black people to monkeys

In context of an actual racial slur you are right, but what Desantis said wasn't in the context of a racial slur nor was it used as a racial slur when he said it in the context in which he said it in.

Hyper sensitivity on the left, has really gotten to the point of seeing spooks under every bed now.

I agree, except that left is hyper sensitive. It's all an act to mark the other side as racist, because they have nothing else. Democrats knows their socialist cannot win in Florida. They're even ashamed that socialist won their primaries. This "racism" is possibly their only chance of winning.

We have a situation of beautifully crafted confirmation bias. A Democrat says "monkey" colloquially, and because nobody expect a Democrat to be racist towards blacks (although history says otherwise), people take it as a simple colloquialism.

On the other side, Republicans HAVE been constantly tarred with the "racist" label by Democrats. Juan Q Public expects Republicans to be racist so when a Republican uses "monkey" colloquially he hears racism because he expects racism.

Left has been trained to use every chance they got to label Republicans as racist that they see racism in everything that is, or might be, or is not but could be if presented in specific way, a racism.

This is what DeSantis said: “...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

This is what The HIll reported that DeSantis said:


Have they reported the truth? Of course not, even remotely, but for Democrats hopefully enough to label DeSantis as racist. So instead of campaigning and talking about issues, DeSantis will spend next two months proving he's not a racist.

Remember when Trump called Jeb "low energy", every time you saw Jeb sigh, try to struggle on a weird hoodie, or dejectedly say "please clap" you thought "that's some low-energy shit, low energy Jeb" instead of just blowing it off like you might if Ted Cruz was looking a bit more tired than usual one day.
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??
Only a thin-skinned whiny little white supremacist trumpkin would think that is “over sensitivity”.
Are you white?
I asked you first. :)
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

He didn't go out of his was, it's common expression. That's just your hatred for the GOP and your irrational desire to destroy them that makes you say such stupid nonsense.
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

It was no accident. He thought it was a subtle dog whistle to the Trump base. It was louder than a bullhorn and it will probably get worse - Trump has mainstreamed this crap to the point where everyone figures they can get away with the same BS. DeSantis is NOT off to a good start.

Fortunately most of Florida isn't as racist and stupid as you are.
Doesn't matter. If it's racist, it's racist.

Huffpo as a source? Huffington puffington Post? LOL

How many more links you need asshole - there are Buttloads on the topic.

history of comparing blacks to monkeys

Hard to believe posters are on here deliberately playing Stupid about a history of a slur.

Hangarover-boi might want to essplain that avatar Steve McRacist carried during the O'bama years if he seriously wants to play stupid about the association. Along with his and other posters' frequent references to "simians" ....

He won't though. :gay:

I recall when McRacist put that avatar up and was taken to task for it some apologist (I know who it was but I won't say) sat here and tried to tell me it was a movie reference. Self-delusion seems to consume the intellectually disabled.

We've got a bumper crop of OBVIOUS racists here -
But even after they refer to someone as a watermelon eating, coon-ass purple-lipped, jungle bunny jigaboo ...
They go "whaaa? THAT ain't racist!"

Do you ever get tired of being and ignorant mouth piece? This wasn’t racial. Ever heard of the phrase throwing a monkey wrench in it? Jesus you people are truly pathetic.
Never said it was. Actually ---- you did.

Paint yourself into a lot of corners do ya?
You'll have to link that fauxfense.

Uhhmmm no. You'll have to go back and find it. This just in: I don't work for you.
HaHa we already knew you couldn't, bigot.

That's true, you can't afford me. :deal:
It's you who's playing with fire, Tubbs.
Oh's internet threatening time.
You'll have to link that fauxfense.

Uhhmmm no. You'll have to go back and find it. This just in: I don't work for you.
HaHa we already knew you couldn't, bigot.

That's true, you can't afford me. :deal:
It's you who's playing with fire, Tubbs.
Oh's internet threatening time.
Outing herself in fear. With reason, eh? :D


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