Don't monkey up the election!

So, the guy just learned who his opponent is but he was not talking about him. Nooooooooo. Couldn't be.

Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Using the term "monkey" in reference to black people is a racial slur.

Maybe if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your being, you would know this.

He didn't use it in reference to blacks.

Read the quote: “...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

He was talking to Floridians in reference to socialism. I believe he would use the same term if opponent is white socialist. Because people tend to monkey up the elections.

You're flopping around like a halibut on a boat deck. Just relax, there'll be peace at the fish-n-chips stand. ;-)

The flopping is in your head, since I've been firmly consistent on the subject.

What you have is a Troxler effect, where your twisted mind is creating an optical illusion by focusing too intently on a fixed point. Monsters, monsters everywhere.

Educate yourself
I said look out for them "spooks under the bed", and one of them jumped on that like a shark on chum... ROTFLMBO.

I said it just to see how desperate these leftist are. They are jumping at their own shadows much less at what they think is under their beds now. It's hilarious.
After monkeying up the elections in 2008 and 2012, republicans made sure not to monkey it up again in 2016.
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

He didn't go out of his was, it's common expression. That's just your hatred for the GOP and your irrational desire to destroy them that makes you say such stupid nonsense.

Oh it is huh.

When's the last time you ever heard it? Or read it?

Yeah exactly. Me too.

Multiple times, and even from your heroes 0bama, Pelosi, Schumer.

Calling bullshit. Right here, right now.

Prove me wrong with links. To any of the above. Hell, to anybody at all.
Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.
Obama’s grandparents were “typical white people” and Press was ok with that.

What's your point?

Have you got one?
Jesus you are one dumb fuck.

Example the word "pig". It is not offensive unless someone would all your wife a "pig". Then it is offensive.

A Barrel of monkeys is not racist. Refer a group of black men to a barrel of monkeys, then it is.

Look, you can't possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?
I AGREE with you!!!!!!
but he did not call anyone a monkey
you shot yourself in the foot

Electing a black man would "monkey up".......

Are you just stupid?
Now see, you are taking things out of context, and changing something into something racist when it was not.

Telling your base not to monkey/screw up the election by allowing the socialist to prevail was not racist at all. It was just a coincidence that the person in the race just happened to be black, and the left hearing monkey and black even though not placed in the same context = racist now to them.

Can Hypersensitive people become leaders of all the Americans in a position of power or do they need to go through some sort of sensitivity training in which assures them that everything isn't racist ??

A "coincidence". Uh huh.

WHO KNEW the man's opponent was black. The opponent he just got done describing how he watched him in the primary debates and he did well and was articulate. How the hell was he supposed to know he was black too? What is he supposed to be, some kind of mindreader?
Coincidence meaning that the two ended up in a race together, but you people trying to use race in order to beat down Desantis is as dumb as it gets, and especially when ones race in regards to his opponent has never been an issue in the campaign. Ideas Pogo, it's all about Ideas the American people like in which energizes ones base.

So anytime a black person runs for office now, his or her opponent must be on high alert for the set up where he or she will be branded a racist if at all possible ??

Is this all part of some sort of black American power strategy that we have all come to learn of in these elections now ??

I have no need to "beat down DeSantis". I don't live in Florida so this election is irrelevant for me.

NOR, for the 285th time, do I have any knowledge of what DeSantis intended with the application of the term "monkey". Only he knows that.

But I do observe that he used it, and appeared to have it pre-scripted in his pocket.

AGAIN, also for the 285th time, that's the easy thing about innuendo. You can always play innocent.
Do you ever get tired of being and ignorant mouth piece? This wasn’t racial. Ever heard of the phrase throwing a monkey wrench in it? Jesus you people are truly pathetic
The tards like to throw out the term, "dog whistle."

This is a dog whistle to THEIR BASE. They're losing the battle of ideas and they can only win if they can motivate their base to get out and vote.

The ONLY people playing the race card are the tards.
It is what they have used in past that has worked the best for them, and especially upon a more passive generation...... Identity politics is their strategy, and it will forever be their dog whistle used. They are out of ideas, so they have nothing but divide and conquer left in order to get their way.
My God. This was Trump's game plan. Not the Democrats.
How is Trump racist? Hard evidence...not just the voices in your head or what MSNBC tells you?
there is no hard evidence--none...especially no undeniable evidence
Political correctness relies 100% on emotion not on facts
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.
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A robo-call going out to Florida voters:

>> "Well hello there," the call begins as the sounds of drums and monkeys can be heard in the background, according to the New York Times. "I is Andrew Gillum. We Negroes ... done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone."

The speaker goes on to say he'll pass a law letting African-Americans evade arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

... "There is no room for any racial politics here in Florida - none," [Gov. Rick Scott's] tweet said. "Florida is a melting pot of people from all over the globe, and we are proud of it. No attempts to divide people by race or ethnicity will be tolerated, from anyone. THIS. STOPS. NOW."

And a spokesman for Rep. Ron DeSantis - the GOP gubernatorial candidate criticized for making racially tinged comments about Gillum - called the robo-calls "disgusting." << --- "We Negroes" Robocall an Attempt to Weaponize Race

Did Ron DeSantis' campaign make this up? No. The same article says it names an Idaho white supremacist group as the sponsor.

But did Ron DeSantis light the fuse that set them off....?

Well that's what race-baiting is all about, isn't it.
I said it just to see how desperate these leftist are. They are jumping at their own shadows much less at what they think is under their beds now. It's hilarious.
There's no way to know for sure if these folks actually believe it was racist, or if they're just playing the standard obtuse partisan game for political advantage.

Obviously the latter is more likely, but considering the power of ideology, it could also be some of both.
All the sensitivity concerning the linkage of African-Americans with the word 'monkey' is rather curious.

Tends to make one wonder if there might be some truth to it?

Does anyone know of any scientific evidence that shows Africans are more closely related to chimps than are caucasians?

I think most understand we are all related to the chimps and that in fact the dna of chimps is 97% the same as humans.

Thus since we are all related to chimps is there any basis for the claim made by some that using the term 'monkey' should be construed as racist or as playing the racist card? Not even to mention bush and that infamous picture of him pointing out how he looked like a monkey.

The whole thing kinda reminds me of that old tale of 'the emperor has no clothes' when it was obvious he did not but everyone went along with the charade because?.....everyone else was doing it. People do not like to go against the grain. Look at how Jim Brown and the black guy married to the Kardashian girl have been ostracized for going against the grain.
DNA: Comparing Humans and Chimps
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I said it just to see how desperate these leftist are. They are jumping at their own shadows much less at what they think is under their beds now. It's hilarious.
There's no way to know for sure if these folks actually believe it was racist, or if they're just playing the standard obtuse partisan game for political advantage.

Obviously the latter is more likely, but considering the power of ideology, it could also be some of both.

The only one benefiting from the controversey is the African guy....he received a million dollars in donations overnight after the controversy erupted.
All the sensitivity concerning the linkage of African-Americans with the word 'monkey' is rather curious.

Tends to make one wonder if there might be some truth to it?

Does anyone know of any scientific evidence that shows Africans are more closely related to chimps than are caucasians?

I think most understand we are all related to the chimps and that in fact the dna of chimps is 97% the same as humans.

Thus since we are all related to chimps is there any basis for the claim made by some that using the term 'monkey' should be construed as racist or as playing the racist card? Not even to mention bush and that infamous picture of him pointing out how he looked like a monkey.

There is no more relation to chimps for blacks than caucasians.

Apes and chimps have white skin, but the areas exposed to sunlight constantly are dark, just like whites who have to work outdoors.
All the sensitivity concerning the linkage of African-Americans with the word 'monkey' is rather curious.

Tends to make one wonder if there might be some truth to it?

Does anyone know of any scientific evidence that shows Africans are more closely related to chimps than are caucasians?

I think most understand we are all related to the chimps and that in fact the dna of chimps is 97% the same as humans.

Thus since we are all related to chimps is there any basis for the claim made by some that using the term 'monkey' should be construed as racist or as playing the racist card? Not even to mention bush and that infamous picture of him pointing out how he looked like a monkey.

There is no more relation to chimps for blacks than caucasians.

Apes and chimps have white skin, but the areas exposed to sunlight constantly are dark, just like whites who have to work outdoors.

Well, nice of you to give us your opinion but I am looking for something a tad more scientific, as in......any scientific studies out there regarding this?
And this same racism can be found among far too many in Florida; racism that will be Gillum’s greatest challenge.
No it won’t.

Those that do not know Florida think it is a Southern State with all that implies.

However, a series of developments that led to mass migration after World War II, including rising prosperity, the interstate highway system (and subsequent advances in air travel), and air conditioning. These led to the large-scale dispersal of Americans from the old population centers of the Northeast and Great Lakes to warmer climes in the South and West. While some moved to Los Angeles or Phoenix, many New Yorkers moved instead to Miami and many Midwesterners similarly moved to the Tampa Bay area. At the same time, large numbers of Cubans migrated to nearby Miami following the Fidel Castro-led Communist revolution of 1959. Latin Americans of other nationalities later followed, seeking economic advantage.

Today, only about 1 in 3 Floridians were born in the State, the second-lowest ratio in the US. Miami has the largest minority population of any American City.

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