Don't monkey up the election!

And this same racism can be found among far too many in Florida; racism that will be Gillum’s greatest challenge.
No it won’t.

Those that do not know Florida think it is a Southern State with all that implies.

However, a series of developments that led to mass migration after World War II, including rising prosperity, the interstate highway system (and subsequent advances in air travel), and air conditioning. These led to the large-scale dispersal of Americans from the old population centers of the Northeast and Great Lakes to warmer climes in the South and West. While some moved to Los Angeles or Phoenix, many New Yorkers moved instead to Miami and many Midwesterners similarly moved to the Tampa Bay area. At the same time, large numbers of Cubans migrated to nearby Miami following the Fidel Castro-led Communist revolution of 1959. Latin Americans of other nationalities later followed, seeking economic advantage.

Today, only about 1 in 3 Floridians were born in the State, the second-lowest ratio in the US. Miami has the largest minority population of any American City.

This is good accurate demographic history; the Florida of 2018 as a whole bears little resemblance to the Florida of the Confederacy. But this is a description of South and central-coastal Florida. It's not so much the case in North Florida.
A robo-call going out to Florida voters:

>> "Well hello there," the call begins as the sounds of drums and monkeys can be heard in the background, according to the New York Times. "I is Andrew Gillum. We Negroes ... done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone."

The speaker goes on to say he'll pass a law letting African-Americans evade arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

... "There is no room for any racial politics here in Florida - none," [Gov. Rick Scott's] tweet said. "Florida is a melting pot of people from all over the globe, and we are proud of it. No attempts to divide people by race or ethnicity will be tolerated, from anyone. THIS. STOPS. NOW."

And a spokesman for Rep. Ron DeSantis - the GOP gubernatorial candidate criticized for making racially tinged comments about Gillum - called the robo-calls "disgusting." << --- "We Negroes" Robocall an Attempt to Weaponize Race

Did Ron DeSantis' campaign make this up? No. The same article says it names an Idaho white supremacist group as the sponsor.

But did Ron DeSantis light the fuse that set them off....?

Well that's what race-baiting is all about, isn't it.
Just because you have idiots doing bad things in America, then all we can expect is for people to publicly condemn the bad behavior. To try and suggest that Desantis is the cause of this is a desperate thing once again. The leftist idiotic reaction to something it misunderstood or intentionally misunderstood could easily be the cause of the bullcrap just as well.
I think all Floridians should vote for the African-American to prove they are not racist.
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

He didn't go out of his was, it's common expression. That's just your hatred for the GOP and your irrational desire to destroy them that makes you say such stupid nonsense.

Oh it is huh.

When's the last time you ever heard it? Or read it?

Yeah exactly. Me too.

Multiple times, and even from your heroes 0bama, Pelosi, Schumer.

Calling bullshit. Right here, right now.

Prove me wrong with links. To any of the above. Hell, to anybody at all.

Tell me why I should waste my time? Proving what I say has never stopped you from continuing to lie. I don’t give a fuck what you say so why should I even put forth the effort?
Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
You really don't think that saying "monkey" when discussing a black person isn't going to cause a firestorm? Really?

There is no one in this country who doesn't know what to expect there.

I'm not talking about what SHOULD BE. I'm talking about what IS. Of COURSE it's bullshit, but he still walked right into it.

Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.
Obama was not talking about black people.

This is all about you racist fucks wanting to be able to use your slurs without retribution.

That is it.

"Pigs are farm animals" probably does not offend you. If I call your wife a "Pig" my thinking is it might offend you.

You assholes keep posting this same shit. Grow the fuck up. Get educated. Quit acting like assholes.
Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.
Nope. Not unless you are the racist you call everyone else.

Only a racist would equate a monkey with a black man.

Only a fool would believe the bullshit the lefty loons are tossing.

Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.
Obama was not talking about black people.

This is all about you racist fucks wanting to be able to use your slurs without retribution.

That is it.

"Pigs are farm animals" probably does not offend you. If I call your wife a "Pig" my thinking is it might offend you.

You assholes keep posting this same shit. Grow the fuck up. Get educated. Quit acting like assholes.

neither was DeSantis. its a common expression, nothing racist about it. Would you have liked it better if he said "fuck it up"? or "screw it up"? or even "muck it up"? all mean the same thing. the racist bullshit is in your mind.

He did not say "my opponent is a monkey" to refute your pig analogy.
only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?
only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.
He wasn’t referring to a person you moron.
How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

He didn't go out of his was, it's common expression. That's just your hatred for the GOP and your irrational desire to destroy them that makes you say such stupid nonsense.

Oh it is huh.

When's the last time you ever heard it? Or read it?

Yeah exactly. Me too.

Multiple times, and even from your heroes 0bama, Pelosi, Schumer.

Calling bullshit. Right here, right now.

Prove me wrong with links. To any of the above. Hell, to anybody at all.

Tell me why I should waste my time? Proving what I say has never stopped you from continuing to lie. I don’t give a fuck what you say so why should I even put forth the effort?

Whelp, It's your ass-sertion, ergo your burden of proof. You just cited specific instances giving specific names, therefore your evidence should be at the ready. There shouldn't even BE any "effort" You must have had specific quotes in mind in order to render those names so ---- why would there be "effort"? You claimed to have already had the evidence in your pocket, which was apparently a lie.

So now you have to go look for what was never there.

As I said, you pulled it out of your ass, bullshit busted, QED, you lose, step aside, next in line please.
Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.
Obama was not talking about black people.

This is all about you racist fucks wanting to be able to use your slurs without retribution.

That is it.

"Pigs are farm animals" probably does not offend you. If I call your wife a "Pig" my thinking is it might offend you.

You assholes keep posting this same shit. Grow the fuck up. Get educated. Quit acting like assholes.

neither was DeSantis. its a common expression, nothing racist about it. Would you have liked it better if he said "fuck it up"? or "screw it up"? or even "muck it up"? all mean the same thing. the racist bullshit is in your mind.

He did not say "my opponent is a monkey" to refute your pig analogy.

A "common expression" huh. :rofl:

Feel free to cite any instance of anybody ever using it anywhere anytime before this. You know, like --Leave-my-guns-all-over-the-house-Boi just did. Oh wait, he shot himself in the foot didn't he.

Exactly. If he'd actually used a common expression like "we can't mess this up" nobody would have noticed and nobody would know his name outside Florida. But that wouldn't get him attention, would it.
Again --- you don't need to "equate a monkey to a black man". All you need is to appeal to those who do.

only liberals equate monkeys and blacks.

You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.

How would you know what I said or didn't say when Bush was in office?

And why would I go into analysis of a term that wouldn't even be born for another ten years?
You're saying this candidate is trying to appeal to Liberals?

You're also saying your fellow Sleazianan Steve McRacist who ran that ape avatar through O'bama's years talking about "simians" --- is a Liberal?

Sure you wanna plant your flag on that?

This is the wages of trying to play stupid. Wanna cash this check?

as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.
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as usual you totally missed the point. No one on the left complained when Obama said "monkey around" . It was cool and funny then, but as soon as a conservative or republican uses the exact same words in the exact same context it becomes racist. You lefties only do that because you think that having a racial divide in the country helps your political party.

Party and power are all that matter to the left, screw the people, just keep us in power so we can make ourselves rich-------------that is what today's democrat party is all about, and you fricken well know it.

And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?
And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?

Reading the second half of the sentence, is hardly jumping though hoops.

ANd it's the agenda of his lefty opponent of course.
why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?

Reading the second half of the sentence, is hardly jumping though hoops.

ANd it's the agenda of his lefty opponent of course.

Thank you.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?

Reading the second half of the sentence, is hardly jumping though hoops.

ANd it's the agenda of his lefty opponent of course.

Thank you.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?

Reading the second half of the sentence, is hardly jumping though hoops.

ANd it's the agenda of his lefty opponent of course.

Thank you.


Five? Golf much?

For posting the logical conclusion I was leading Bobby Darin to. I guess he ran away again. I'll take your answer as a proxy for his.
The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?

Reading the second half of the sentence, is hardly jumping though hoops.

ANd it's the agenda of his lefty opponent of course.

Thank you.


Five? Golf much?

For posting the logical conclusion I was leading Bobby Darin to. I guess he ran away again. I'll take your answer as a proxy for his.

You hear a man talk about another person's socialist agenda, and take that to be a racial attack?

That is not sane.

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