Don't shop at Dick's (Sports).. they are covering cost of travel for women who want to abort

Exactly. I never shopped at overpriced Dick's. I certainly won't now.
Exactly. If I want to be ripped off I can just walk down to the corner. Don't need these fucktards to siphon off my money for their bullshit social causes.
With every pregnancy there are two responsibilities, the mother has one and the father has one. If only people had the brains to be trusted with and use responsibilities responsibly, then this mess wouldn't happen. And the poor developing kid is thinking, "Please don't murder me because you're fucking useless".

Any people protest because they're no longer allowed to be fucking useless.
They do say that a fool and their money are soon parted ;)
You got that right.

Supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump got refunds after his campaign billed them repeatedly when they meant to make one-time donations.

First off, I don't shop at Dick's and don't know that I ever have. While I am pro-life, I don't particularly like calls for boycotts of particular brands or stores. Once you go down this road it becomes a paralytic. This is something I frequently bring up with my liberal friends about their lack foresight/unforeseen consequences when they are all about this or that new legislation that will change the world for the better. Dick's isn't just some store with that sign out front. Among other things they own Field & Stream and their stores as well as a number golf affiliates. They sponsor the U.S. Youth Soccer Association and have sponsored the Pittsburgh Marathon, arenas for the Penguins and Colorado Rapids, and all kinds of charitable organizations. I'm not ripping on anyone that wants to boycott Dick's, Carhartt, Disney, whatever...just be aware that they are more than just that store you don't go to. This is where it become the paralytic. When you you realize just how many pies an organization has their finger in, some or many of which do actual real good in the world. If you do something like like this, be all in, do the research on the subsidiaries and sponsorships and what not, otherwise you're just virtue signaling.

Sorry. A lot of people here probably won't like this.
Carlin had you "Save the baby', morons figured out 30 years ago.

“Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

December 7 2021
Republicans are going to war over one of the most popular proposals Democrats are seeking to enshrine into law: a new federal program that could help millions of families get affordable child care for the first time.

On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) devoted a large majority of his floor speech to attacking the proposed child care plan as exceedingly complicated, maintaining that Democrats’ “toddler takeover” would make Americans’ hellish child care situation even worse.

McConnell also said the Democratic plan would put child care providers affiliated with religion at a disadvantage, by requiring that providers in the program abide by nondiscrimination rules and prohibiting the use of government funds for facilities that are used for sectarian purposes.
“Washington Democrats want to unleash the woke mob on church day care,” McConnell said.
DICK’S has great stuff for fit people that have an education and money which you need to shop there so you fat fuckers with shitty jobs don’t go there anyway
Been Boycotting them forever. They are overpriced on everything.

Hard to believe they aren't out of business. Too many dummies throwing away their money.
DICK’S has great stuff for fit people that have an education and money which you need to shop there so you fat fuckers with shitty jobs don’t go there anyway
Education. You get the same products for less elsewhere. Educated ..............lmao

Their fishing gear is a little higher than other places.

But I will spend money with them.
These people may actually be getting what they want, a Balkanization of the country. Red states and blue states, where "Americans" divide themselves up geographically based on (what appears to be) their degree of religious zealotry.

I was thinking we'd end up like Europe, but we actually are moving closer to the Middle East.
Education. You get the same products for less elsewhere. Educated ..............lmao
Yep. I got a guy out in the desert, I never have to worry about ammo. :p

Some of these fuckers are charging a dollar a round for bullets now, and half of it is all that federal tagging bullshit.

Mine... y'know... no bar code... :)
These people may actually be getting what they want, a Balkanization of the country. Red states and blue states, where "Americans" divide themselves up geographically based on (what appears to be) their degree of religious zealotry.

I was thinking we'd end up like Europe, but we actually are moving closer to the Middle East.
So now your sorry ass compares us to rag

You are a fraud and a tool. All because we said we've had enough with Roe and think life begins before the 22 week mark. Your side can GFY.........It would be more like Europe ........but most of Europe is left leaning...........that will not be the same.
These people may actually be getting what they want, a Balkanization of the country. Red states and blue states, where "Americans" divide themselves up geographically based on (what appears to be) their degree of religious zealotry.

I was thinking we'd end up like Europe, but we actually are moving closer to the Middle East.


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