Don't shop at Dick's (Sports).. they are covering cost of travel for women who want to abort

Trying to find a silver lining as we slide towards the Middle East: Maybe this will wake Americans up to two things:

1. Ya gotta vote. Elections have consequences. A protest sign is just paint on cardboard.

2. The Jihadis have leveraged our system to victory. We have to fix a political system that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants. And yeah, that includes strict term limits for "representatives" and SC judges.
The whining here is awesome. Go to Dicks and get some butt hurt cream. Enjoy.

Their WOKENESS doesn't matter at all...........They will get some woke sales there and that's about it.
THEY deserve it.
The rest of us don't.
Supreme court justices never should have been given tenure for life.

May 6 2022
When U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in a draft opinion obtained and published this week by Politico, detailed his justifications for overturning Roe v. Wade, he invoked a surprising name given the case’s subject.
In writing about abortion, a matter inextricably tied to a woman’s control over her body, Alito chose to quote from Sir Matthew Hale, a 17th-century English jurist whose writings and reasonings have caused enduring damage to women for hundreds of years.

Justice Alito’s leaked opinion cites Sir Matthew Hale, a 17th-century jurist who conceived the notion that husbands can’t be prosecuted for raping their wives, who sentenced women to death as “witches,” and whose misogyny stood out even in his time.​

It all makes sense now.
That's kind of disingenuous given justices Breyer and Kagan cited Hale previously in Kahler v Kansas. Even a bad apple can lend weight to current jurisprudence. The rulings of the Taney Court still have pull today even though it handed down the Dred Scott decision.
Except those dumb fucks had no path to victory. You didn't even eliminate abortion completely, all you could do was throw it back to the States. That's as far as your reach extends.
That was the original intent of the Constitution. We decide what is best in Alabama and California decides what is best there. We don't impose on you and you don't impose on us.

For TOO LONG you have pushed your agenda here and across the country. We ARE PUSHING BACK. We simply don't care if you don't like it.

All the we are going to do this and that like nothing more than grandstanding..........Changes NOTHING THERE........but the masses are yelling and screaming in outrage........and the uninformed will go LOOK WHAT THEY DID.

It's A LIE........and yelled loud enough people go with it..........The Nazi's were very good at this.
I assume there won't be any Dick's Sporting Goods in Americastan.
I don't care where they put their stores.......I don't shop their already because their prices are high as fuck.

Others..........go woke go broke.......In Cali they probably are flocking in to buy overpriced stuff.....It's all ADVERTISING and nothing more.
DICK’S has great stuff for fit people that have an education and money which you need to shop there so you fat fuckers with shitty jobs don’t go there anyway
Dick's crap is over priced and mostly made in China. You know who China is don't you? That is the country that made the Biden family filthy rich and released a bio weapon on the world.

I stopped buying things from Dick's when they went full anti American Commie by banning fire arm sales in their stores.

Only stupid uneducated woke Moon Bats shop there now.
Not only are we going to bend corporations over into helping pay for travel so women can get abortions we're also going to put pressure on every company to stop donating to Republicans who support abortion bans and we're going to strong arm them into funding challenges against you.
You still don't get it, fool.

You hit a brick wall.

You're finished. Vertig. Kaput.

Hey, look over there - (where?) - THERE! Disney just lost 50% of value because of your bullshit, do you think they're going to help you any more?

They're in BUSINESS, idiot. They don't give two shits about blacks or gays or anyone else. They'll tell you very politely to take a hike this time
I assume there won't be any Dick's Sporting Goods in Americastan.

You forget what right you're propping up here.

The right to kill your own child.
I'm not religious so I don't get weapy over undeveloped lifeforms getting scraped away. Viability seems a reasonable compromise between the right of women to have bodily autonomy and the rights of the unborn.
Oh, it isn't too sure that some "people" in blogs such as these are not "compensated".
You 2 should get a room if you are going to do each other in public.

Oh.........BTW ..........we here in Alabama don't give a damn about your VIRTUE SIGNALLING.

Except those dumb fucks had no path to victory. You didn't even eliminate abortion completely, all you could do was throw it back to the States. That's as far as your reach extends.
What "we" did was eliminate the national bat shit crazy murderous policy of "abortion on demand for the sake of convenience" and replace it the non commie states with common sense abortion laws. That is a good victory for the children.

The Libtards weren't strong enough to stop it. We gained that victory when Trump schlonged that piece of shit Crooked Hillary.
I presume you'll be more honest about what you are one day. There are good and decent religious people in this world, and then there are people like you.

Honesty. Is that what we are seeing by the likes of Warren. Yelling at the top of her lungs about how they will fight to allow abortions........When Reality is that nothing changed in her state............The ART OF A LIE ............FROM A LIAR.

The Gulf States..........say FUCK YOU TO ROE V WADE..............That believe a life is being taken.

Which part of that DO YOU MISUNDERSTAND? We don't care about your Virtue........IT IS AS FAKE AS YOU SAYING YOU ARE MODERATE.
That was the original intent of the Constitution. We decide what is best in Alabama and California decides what is best there. We don't impose on you and you don't impose on us.
I don't give a shit about the original intent of a document that allowed slavery.
For TOO LONG you have pushed your agenda here and across the country. We ARE PUSHING BACK. We simply don't care if you don't like it.
I understand you pushing back, I'm not one of those liberals who's going to cry when you manage a victory. Its a war after all. I'm going explain to you how we're going to turn your victory against you.
I don't give a shit about the original intent of a document that allowed slavery.
Goal post moving when you don't like where the argument is going............typical.

I understand you pushing back, I'm not one of those liberals who's going to cry when you manage a victory. Its a war after all. I'm going explain to you how we're going to turn your victory against you.

Which is a complete LIE............We are used to YOU LYING.........and too many are sheep believe your LYING ASS.........fitting symbol of the DNC. because you control most of the mainstream media............

Again............from 1984 ..........this is what you are doing'

Except those dumb fucks had no path to victory. You didn't even eliminate abortion completely, all you could do was throw it back to the States. That's as far as your reach extends.
Who you calling a dumb fuck, shit for brains partisan maggot?

We're not playing your idiotic fucking game, you're playing ours.

You fucking Alinsky agitators think you're so damn smart, there are people a hundred times smarter. I told you, the pros are in the game. You didn't believe me, but you will.

We're not in this to "win", asshole. Don't you get it? No ... strike that. You don't and probably never will.

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