Don't shop at Dick's (Sports).. they are covering cost of travel for women who want to abort

You still don't get it, fool.

You hit a brick wall.

You're finished. Vertig. Kaput.

Hey, look over there - (where?) - THERE! Disney just lost 50% of value because of your bullshit, do you think they're going to help you any more?

They're in BUSINESS, idiot. They don't give two shits about blacks or gays or anyone else. They'll tell you very politely to take a hike this time
You're an idiot. They didn't lose 50% of their value because they went woke, they didn't even really lose 50% of their value, but you morons keep expressing that opinion. 😆 I'm sure it kills in your cosplay, fanfiction circles where you clowns pretend and play make believe like you know something. 😆
You're an idiot. They didn't lose 50% of their value because they went woke, they didn't even really lose 50% of their value, but you morons keep expressing that opinion. 😆 I'm sure it kills in your cosplay, fanfiction circles where you clowns pretend and play make believe like you know something. 😆

Goal post moving when you don't like where the argument is going............typical.
It's not goal post moving you idiot, I never used original intent as a goal post to begin with. I was simply telling you that I don't give a shit a out original intent. 😄

Which is a complete LIE............We are used to YOU LYING.........and too many are sheep believe your LYING ASS.........fitting symbol of the DNC. because you control most of the mainstream media............
You do want to force women who are raped to have the babies of the men raped them. That isn't a lie.
It's not goal post moving you idiot, I never used original intent as a goal post to begin with. I was simply telling you that I don't give a shit a out original intent. 😄
You played the SLAVE CARD over Roe V Wade........which moved the Goal post of football to the basketball court.

You do want to force women who are raped to have the babies of the men raped them. That isn't a lie.
Which is a complete LIE.........Just more LIES from your side. About the only thing you are good at..........except fucking up shit.......You are very good at it.

You used Covid to DETROIT the entire nation.
Who you calling a dumb fuck, shit for brains partisan maggot?

We're not playing your idiotic fucking game, you're playing ours.

What does that even mean your clown? We're all playing the same game.
You fucking Alinsky agitators think you're so damn smart, there are people a hundred times smarter. I told you, the pros are in the game. You didn't believe me, but you will.
I guess we'll see won't we. You see a giant victory, and I see the death throes of a dying culture, expending what little energy it has left.
We're not in this to "win", asshole. Don't you get it? No ... strike that. You don't and probably never will.
I know. You're about puffing out your chest, that's why you never have lasting victory.
I don't give a shit about the original intent of a document that allowed slavery.

Yeah, you wouldn't.

Because you're just that stupid.

What a fucking retarded asshole.

I understand you pushing back, I'm not one of those liberals who's going to cry when you manage a victory. Its a war after all. I'm going explain to you how we're going to turn your victory against you.

It's a war?

Is that what you think this is?

No one ever said lefties were rocket scientists
You played the SLAVE CARD over Roe V Wade........which moved the Goal post of football to the basketball court.
What does play the slave card mean? Is the slave card a representation of your hurt feelings because you know it shits on the whatever the original intent of piece of shit slavers was?
Which is a complete LIE.........Just more LIES from your side. About the only thing you are good at..........except fucking up shit.......You are very good at it.

You used Covid to DETROIT the entire nation.
So you think abortion in the case of rape is okay?

What does that even mean your clown? We're all playing the same game.

I guess we'll see won't we. You see a giant victory, and I see the death throes of a dying culture, expending what little energy it has left.

I know. You're about puffing out your chest, that's why you never have lasting victory.
I see ...............BLM

Baby Lives Matter.

While it will not stop abortion it will just mean you can't do this BS here. Don't like it pack your fucking bags and leave.......Go to California....or another leftist state who believe in this BS.

This is a WEDGE ISSUE...........and Frauds like WARREN will use it to create outrage........Truth be damned..........just keep us from getting slaughtered in November.
What does play the slave card mean? Is the slave card a representation of your hurt feelings because you know it shits on the whatever the original intent of piece of shit slavers was?
You deflect from Abortion to slavery.........Normal tactic from your side..........Class warfare politics.........You know it......and so do most here.........On MSDNC they eat this crap up.......Even though it's BS.

So you think abortion in the case of rape is okay?
LOL The other tactic.........Trying to imply something that was never said.

I said it's already allowed in most places including Evil Alabama...........You ARE A LIAR...........That is what I'm saying.
I see ...............BLM

Baby Lives Matter.

While it will not stop abortion it will just mean you can't do this BS here. Don't like it pack your fucking bags and leave.......Go to California....or another leftist state who believe in this BS.

This is a WEDGE ISSUE...........and Frauds like WARREN will use it to create outrage........Truth be damned..........just keep us from getting slaughtered in November.
Of course we're going to use it to create outrage against you. 😆
You deflect from Abortion to slavery.........Normal tactic from your side..........Class warfare politics.........You know it......and so do most here.........On MSDNC they eat this crap up.......Even though it's BS.
I'm not deflecting from abortion you idiot, I'm more than happy to talk about it. My comments about slavery were in regards to original intent, not abortion, you dipshit. Learn to read. 😄
LOL The other tactic.........Trying to imply something that was never said.

I said it's already allowed in most places including Evil Alabama...........You ARE A LIAR...........That is what I'm saying.
Alabama voters in 2018 approved a constitutional amendment declaring that there was no right to an abortion in the state constitution. The following year, the Legislature approved a law banning abortion in all cases except medical emergencies; ectopic pregnancies; a fetus having a condition that would make it stillborn or cause it to die after birth, or where a psychiatrist certifies that a woman with a “serious mental illness” would kill herself or the child if she gave birth.

The law does not provide exceptions for victims of rape or incest.
I'm not deflecting from abortion you idiot, I'm more than happy to talk about it. My comments about slavery were in regards to original intent, not abortion, you dipshit. Learn to read. 😄
Learn to stay on topic. The topic is abortion. And it is an attempt to move the goal posts.

Alabama voters in 2018 approved a constitutional amendment declaring that there was no right to an abortion in the state constitution. The following year, the Legislature approved a law banning abortion in all cases except medical emergencies; ectopic pregnancies; a fetus having a condition that would make it stillborn or cause it to die after birth, or where a psychiatrist certifies that a woman with a “serious mental illness” would kill herself or the child if she gave birth.
So. Late term BAN ON ABORTION was allowed in Roe V Wade. And you just proved that medical emergencies allowed it here.

Many on this board are saying that the life of the mother is not considered in our States............Which is ANOTHER LIE..........Doctors can abort a baby here to save the mother.

Just more garbage spouted to cause CHAOS.
Tesla also lost close to 50% of it's value from its highs from last year. Like I said, keep cosplaying, I'm sure it impresses everyone in your trailer park. 😄
I never said 50%. You are NIT PICKING........In their Stocks.............they are getting their ASS ............fitting symbol of the DNC...........HANDED TO THEM.
And yet earlier, you said this, perfectly confirming my opinion:

I presume you'll be more honest about what you are one day. There are good and decent religious people in this world, and then there are people like you.

And if I absolutely worshipped this nation you would accuse me of being a Christian Nationalist. Ho hum, nothing new here
I'm not religious so I don't get weapy over undeveloped lifeforms getting scraped away. Viability seems a reasonable compromise between the right of women to have bodily autonomy and the rights of the unborn.

Then don't get weepy when your same secularist utopia decides, when you're sick and old, that you're a "useless eater" and they can do away with you too. *shrug*
Dicks is sporting goods for people who aren't sportsmen. It's for posers. Not to mention their prices are ridiculous to say the least.

I haven't been in a dicks sporting goods in probably 8 years.

Now I definitely will not go back there.
Learn to stay on topic. The topic is abortion. And it is an attempt to move the goal posts.
You're the one who brought up original intent, you moron. 😆
So. Late term BAN ON ABORTION was allowed in Roe V Wade. And you just proved that medical emergencies allowed it here.

Many on this board are saying that the life of the mother is not considered in our States............Which is ANOTHER LIE..........Doctors can abort a baby here to save the mother.

Just more garbage spouted to cause CHAOS.
Who's goal post moving now? We were taking about rape. Alabama is going to force victims of rape into unwanted pregnancies.
the constitution did not reconize women as voters or having rights.....and yet one looks to it to decide womens rights today?

Well, too bad women vote like complete dunderheaded idiots. I say this as a woman.

And of course, the "rights" women bleat about loudest is the so-called "right" to kill your OWN BABY in the womb.

I don't know. Not too bright maybe

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