Don't shop at Dick's (Sports).. they are covering cost of travel for women who want to abort

Good for them and don’t visit me either seeing I will drive a woman to abort her unwanted kid…

All these dogooder libs now driving women to get their babies offed. I wonder how many hours and how much time and $$ they have ever spent taking care of the nation's poor?

Oh wait, nevermind. That's Big Daddy Govco's job. And he does such a good job of it.
Then don't get weepy when your same secularist utopia decides, when you're sick and old, that you're a "useless eater" and they can do away with you too. *shrug*
I wouldn't. I expect my family to take care of me and I advocate society take care of people without loving and generous families like mine but if collectively they decide not to then that's how it goes.
You're the one who brought up original intent, you moron. 😆
Never brought up slavery moonbat.........How long we gonna do this back and forth bs troll........Not long I've got some work to do.

Who's goal post moving now? We were taking about rape. Alabama is going to force victims of rape into unwanted pregnancies.
Responding to your MOVE.........You pushed a link that shows the arguments against Alabama on late term abortion are a LIE.......For the life of the mother is allowed..........Don't let that stop the FRAUDS on these boards from LYING ABOUT IT.......

Same as the BS Con Artist Politicians on this also.
I wouldn't. I expect my family to take care of me and I advocate society take care of people without loving and generous families like mine but if collectively they decide not to then that's how it goes.

Useless undeveloped lifeforms, isn't that what you said? Huh. Well, as I said. That mindset can easily come back to bite you. You either die young or you get old.
Leftists, who used to hate Corporate Greed, are now all about greedy corporations subsidizing abortions so they don't have to pay for maternity leave AND dependents on health insurance for decades.

What a win, Leftists!
Eh…they will put Dick’s out of business …there is nothing lefties like more than free shit. These corporations should be careful what they ask for. :)
Eh…they will put Dick’s out of business …there is nothing lefties like more than free shit. These corporations should be careful what they ask for. :)

Yep, and moreover, getting umpteen abortions, having your employer pay for them and travel and transportation too, and bragging about it on social media will be the new Victimology Win. These stupid corps will regret this real fast.
All these dogooder libs now driving women to get their babies offed. I wonder how many hours and how much time and $$ they have ever spent taking care of the nation's poor?

Oh wait, nevermind. That's Big Daddy Govco's job. And he does such a good job of it.
First off you might want to ask how much of your income is based on the Government from your SS check to the subsidy that your company takes in yearly and ask why are you such a welfare Whore?

How much money do you donate daily to the poor and when was the last time you offered someone poor a job?

Funny how rejects like yourself want to change the subject from abortion to the poor but yet will your smug ass take care of all those unwanted children or will you just say “ not my damn problem “?

I support a woman right to terminate the pregnancy in the first fifteen weeks of the pregnancy but after that I am against abortion.

Now Thomas want to do away with birth control and next he will tell you that your only place is either in the Kitchen or servicing your husband in the bedroom…

So get off your cross you hypocrite and live in reality!
Never brought up slavery moonbat.........How long we gonna do this back and forth bs troll........Not long I've got some work to do.
Try to read you stupid fuck. I said you brought up original intent. How slow are you that you don't remember that? 😆
Responding to your MOVE.........You pushed a link that shows the arguments against Alabama on late term abortion are a LIE.......For the life of the mother is allowed..........Don't let that stop the FRAUDS on these boards from LYING ABOUT IT.......

Same as the BS Con Artist Politicians on this also.
Who was arguing about late term abortions or life of the mother you hilarious fraud? Why are you and your argument so pathetic and weak that you have to lie about it? We are talking about RAPE. Alabama is going to force VICTIMS of rape into unwanted pregnancies. You can't run far enough or fast enough to avoid how hard we're going to hit you politically for that deplorable policy. 😁
Useless undeveloped lifeforms, isn't that what you said? Huh. Well, as I said. That mindset can easily come back to bite you. You either die young or you get old.

If you want to take the political stance of euthanizing the old I'm not going to stand in your way.
First off you might want to ask how much of your income is based on the Government from your SS check to the subsidy that your company takes in yearly and ask why are you such a welfare Whore?

How much money do you donate daily to the poor and when was the last time you offered someone poor a job?

Funny how rejects like yourself want to change the subject from abortion to the poor but yet will your smug ass take care of all those unwanted children or will you just say “ not my damn problem “?

I support a woman right to terminate the pregnancy in the first fifteen weeks of the pregnancy but after that I am against abortion.

Now Thomas want to do away with birth control and next he will tell you that your only place is either in the Kitchen or servicing your husband in the bedroom…

So get off your cross you hypocrite and live in reality!

What is this incoherent mess?
Try to read you stupid fuck. I said you brought up original intent. How slow are you that you don't remember that? 😆
Screw you. You are using the normal tactic of a troll. GFY on that.....The topic is about ABORTION.......not slavery

Where was arguing about late term abortions or life if the mother you hilarious fraud? Why are you and your argument so pathetic and weak that you have to lie about it? We are talking about RAPE. Alabama is going to force VICTIMS of rape into unwanted pregnancies. You can't run far enough or fast enough to avoid how hard we're going to hit you politically for that deplorable policy. 😁
You are spinning for deflection then accusing others of doing the spinning. All over these boards.......they are using the OLD RAPE VICTIMS CAN'T GET ABORTIONS which is a LIE.


If you want to take the political stance of euthanizing the old I'm not going to stand in your way.

Why? You're in favor of euthanizing the young if they're "undeveloped". What's the scientific difference between a fetus who depends on his mother for sustenance and a very old, sick person who depends on multiple caretakers and a boatload of resources?

Look, this is your secularist hell I'm living in, where human life has no real value other than whatever we feel like assigning it. I do not subscribe to any of the above.
That's kind of disingenuous given justices Breyer and Kagan cited Hale previously in Kahler v Kansas. Even a bad apple can lend weight to current jurisprudence. The rulings of the Taney Court still have pull today even though it handed down the Dred Scott decision.
In 1995, the state of Kansas passed a law (Kan. Stat. Ann. § 22-3220) which revoked the traditional insanity defense.
Defendants could no longer argue that, because of their mental illness, they were incapable of deciding right from wrong.
Instead, defendants suffering from mental illness were only permitted to argue that their mental illness prevented them from forming the specific intent (or mens rea) needed to commit the crime.
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer described the distinction between the two systems in his dissent in Delling v. Idaho, a case covering the same topic that the Supreme Court declined to hear in 2012.

Well, I agree with that.

If a person doesn't know right from wrong, then if they stick their hand on a stove burner on high, when they're four years old.
Then, do it again when they're 54 months old, they might be mental.

Sticking a cat in the dryer multiple times is a good indicator.
So, I don't buy the defense.

Unless a recent trauma took place, like war.

My neighbor's son went to Afghanistan, good kid, good grades, went to college and everything.
A 2nd Lt., he must have seen some shit, because when he came back, he wasn't right in the head,

That's where he shot himself, in front of his wife, family, neighbors and cops, in the middle of the road.
Still don't know if he was insane in the purest sense.

However, I don't think he thought of his wife or mother as a witch.......................that I know of.
I wouldn't. I expect my family to take care of me and I advocate society take care of people without loving and generous families like mine but if collectively they decide not to then that's how it goes.

OOOHHH so the FAMILY should take care of the one who can't take care of himself.

Kinda like....maybe we can ask the MOTHER, the person who created the baby, to house him for nine months?
Screw you. You are using the normal tactic of a troll. GFY on that.....The topic is about ABORTION.......not slavery
Keep crying about bitch boy, I love your salty tears. 😆
You are spinning for deflection then accusing others of doing the spinning. All over these boards.......they are using the OLD RAPE VICTIMS CAN'T GET ABORTIONS which is a LIE.

Yes. Please use that gif when rape victims are talking about the inhumanity of you forcing them to carry the babies of the me who raped them. I'm sure that will go over well. 😂

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