Don't Stand In Front Of The Truck, Dumbass

So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

If they refuse to let you leave, and especially if they start threatening you and banging your vehicle in an attempt to intimidate you?

then yes, they are not protesting anymore. They are preventing you from leaving. That is very close to kidnapping.
That is not what happened. They were sitting in the way (of him entering not leaving) and he came barreling up to them.

They did surround his truck after he damn near ran them over. That was clearly disgusting for him to do.

Lou Dobbs: Guard Who Plowed Truck Into Anti-ICE Activists Was 'Within His Rights' | HuffPost
This shows a much longer clip. One that shows the driver is CLEARLY the aggressor here. That is not within his rights whatsoever and he should be jailed for endangerment.

Swarming a vehicle and threatening the driver is an insanely dangerous thing to do. People who do it, should be arrested.

THat the driver drove towards the entrance of his work place parking lot at a high rate of speed is not surprising. I do that almost everyday.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?
The protesters should have been armed. If a vehicle comes driving at you with intent to kill, you open fire and take care of the attacker.

So, you want these "peaceful protesters" to block the roads with armed resistance?

YOu ready for when people shoot back?
It sounds to me that you are the one worried about people shooting back. My advice to you is don't attempt to murder people with your vehicle.

Don't mob me when I am trying to go somewhere, and we won't have a problem.
Internet tough guys are pussies in real life. So I doubt you'd ever give anybody a problem.

You must be the biggest pussy of them all.
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

If they refuse to let you leave, and especially if they start threatening you and banging your vehicle in an attempt to intimidate you?

then yes, they are not protesting anymore. They are preventing you from leaving. That is very close to kidnapping.
That is not what happened. They were sitting in the way (of him entering not leaving) and he came barreling up to them.

They did surround his truck after he damn near ran them over. That was clearly disgusting for him to do.

Lou Dobbs: Guard Who Plowed Truck Into Anti-ICE Activists Was 'Within His Rights' | HuffPost
This shows a much longer clip. One that shows the driver is CLEARLY the aggressor here. That is not within his rights whatsoever and he should be jailed for endangerment.

Swarming a vehicle and threatening the driver is an insanely dangerous thing to do. People who do it, should be arrested.

THat the driver drove towards the entrance of his work place parking lot at a high rate of speed is not surprising. I do that almost everyday.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?

Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
I was about to defend the protesters...THEN I WATCHED THE VIDEO. This was a violent MOB who swarmed the guy's truck jumping on it, banging on it, fuck that they got what they deserved.
And they can be held accountable for their actions.

What is interesting is this idea that the driver should somehow not be held accountable for his actions as well.

That is asinine.
I was about to defend the protesters...THEN I WATCHED THE VIDEO. This was a violent MOB who swarmed the guy's truck jumping on it, banging on it, fuck that they got what they deserved.
And they can be held accountable for their actions.

What is interesting is this idea that the driver should somehow not be held accountable for his actions as well.

That is asinine.

An angry mob attacked him hello.
The one at fault the most is the law enforcement that let them block it.
They should have been made to leave, and if not - arrested. The issue would never have occurred had they done their job.
Secondly, the media and elitist politicians spreading misinformation and working people up into a frenzy is what caused these ill informed to be here in the first place.
And finally the driver. Yes he did wrong. He absolutely has a right to go to work and not have his path blocked. His aggression is perhaps what drove the crowd to start hitting his truck (which btw IS assault). At the same time, was he sitting there waiting for awhile and was frustrated no one was doing anything about these idiots blocking the facility? I don't know.
The protesters should have been armed. If a vehicle comes driving at you with intent to kill, you open fire and take care of the attacker.

So, you want these "peaceful protesters" to block the roads with armed resistance?

YOu ready for when people shoot back?
It sounds to me that you are the one worried about people shooting back. My advice to you is don't attempt to murder people with your vehicle.

Get out of the street.
Lou Dobbs is old and will be dead before long. The world will be a better place.
I always notice that the pansy ass liberal thuggery like ANTIFA never show their masked faces in open/concealed carry states. I am a veteran and would in a NY minute not hesitate to put one of these guys down, permanently. I do carry 30 rounds or more, so the more the merrier I always say. You want to act like a terrorist, I eliminate terrorists, it is that easy.
The protesters should have been armed. If a vehicle comes driving at you with intent to kill, you open fire and take care of the attacker.
Is that all it takes to shoot up a few liberal Demonrats who go around with Obama/Groper and Im with Stupid Hillary bumper stickers? Just walk into the road and when they drive at you, because you want to be in the way, you can draw your weapon and shoot the idiot Demon dead?
Reminds me of this guy, who was great, imo. Get off my fucking truck.

The difference being the aggressor. I have no problem with this guy kicking idiots off his property. They do not have the right to be there. I have a problem with a driver aggressively driving into a crowd. That is threatening.

Those protesters should have been removed so the ICE worker could enter his place of work HOWEVER the driver does not have the power to remove them. They were not on HIS property. That was the job of the local police. If they refused to clear the way then they should have been arrested. After the fact they should have been arrested for mobbing the truck and jumping all over it.

That does not remove the responsibility of the ICE worker over his own actions that were clearly threatening and purposefully endangered people around him. That was not within his rights and by far the most egregious thing that occurred in this specific instance.
What, you're a Lou Dobbs clone?

From your pov, yes. And we will always be here. When one dies, another will take his place.

And we will always be in your face.

Not really. You are already being replaced. Does that give you a sad?

NOt majority, doesn't mean gone. We will always be here, in your face, for the rest of your life, and the lives of your children.

Does that give you a sad?

Yes, there will always be crazies. I just don't think you will be able to hijack our government as much as the current batch of crazies have, As soon as we get rid of the current orange fool, there will be several law changed to prevent the current travesty from happening again.

oHH, LAW CHANGES to prevent republicans from ever winning again? Tell me more.

I didn't say to keep republicans from winning. I said to keep crazy orange republicans from winning.
The one at fault the most is the law enforcement that let them block it.
They should have been made to leave, and if not - arrested. The issue would never have occurred had they done their job.
Secondly, the media and elitist politicians spreading misinformation and working people up into a frenzy is what caused these ill informed to be here in the first place.
And finally the driver. Yes he did wrong. He absolutely has a right to go to work and not have his path blocked. His aggression is perhaps what drove the crowd to start hitting his truck (which btw IS assault). At the same time, was he sitting there waiting for awhile and was frustrated no one was doing anything about these idiots blocking the facility? I don't know.
I remember the idiots on the Washington Bridge in NYC who decided to chain each other together to block the cars coming into the city. Shame one burly truck driver didnt pick up the first guy and toss his ass over the bridge because then it would be a barrel of monkeys going over into the water, 100s of feet down. That would win 10,000 dollars on the AFV for sure.
I was about to defend the protesters...THEN I WATCHED THE VIDEO. This was a violent MOB who swarmed the guy's truck jumping on it, banging on it, fuck that they got what they deserved.
And they can be held accountable for their actions.

What is interesting is this idea that the driver should somehow not be held accountable for his actions as well.

That is asinine.

An angry mob attacked him hello.
Then you clearly did not bother to watch the entire video where he was the aggressor.
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

If they refuse to let you leave, and especially if they start threatening you and banging your vehicle in an attempt to intimidate you?

then yes, they are not protesting anymore. They are preventing you from leaving. That is very close to kidnapping.
That is not what happened. They were sitting in the way (of him entering not leaving) and he came barreling up to them.

They did surround his truck after he damn near ran them over. That was clearly disgusting for him to do.

Lou Dobbs: Guard Who Plowed Truck Into Anti-ICE Activists Was 'Within His Rights' | HuffPost
This shows a much longer clip. One that shows the driver is CLEARLY the aggressor here. That is not within his rights whatsoever and he should be jailed for endangerment.

Swarming a vehicle and threatening the driver is an insanely dangerous thing to do. People who do it, should be arrested.

THat the driver drove towards the entrance of his work place parking lot at a high rate of speed is not surprising. I do that almost everyday.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?

Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
Respect has nothing to do with it.

I do not condone actions of violence simply because the targets of that violence are thugs. That leads to a very dark road.
Reminds me of this guy, who was great, imo. Get off my fucking truck.

The difference being the aggressor. I have no problem with this guy kicking idiots off his property. They do not have the right to be there. I have a problem with a driver aggressively driving into a crowd. That is threatening.

Those protesters should have been removed so the ICE worker could enter his place of work HOWEVER the driver does not have the power to remove them. They were not on HIS property. That was the job of the local police. If they refused to clear the way then they should have been arrested. After the fact they should have been arrested for mobbing the truck and jumping all over it.

That does not remove the responsibility of the ICE worker over his own actions that were clearly threatening and purposefully endangered people around him. That was not within his rights and by far the most egregious thing that occurred in this specific instance.

We are letting the criminals define the game and control the society.

The criminals were not on THEIR PROPERTY.

Why do they get to do whatever the fuck they want, and only when someone fights back, does the law get involved?


AND, the "protestors" cause the issue, they provoke the violence, then they pretend to be innocent victims, while they purposefully provoked it.

You've seen it. Massively provocative behavior, and then "hands up don't shot".

Why are we playing along with this bullshit?
From your pov, yes. And we will always be here. When one dies, another will take his place.

And we will always be in your face.

Not really. You are already being replaced. Does that give you a sad?

NOt majority, doesn't mean gone. We will always be here, in your face, for the rest of your life, and the lives of your children.

Does that give you a sad?

Yes, there will always be crazies. I just don't think you will be able to hijack our government as much as the current batch of crazies have, As soon as we get rid of the current orange fool, there will be several law changed to prevent the current travesty from happening again.

oHH, LAW CHANGES to prevent republicans from ever winning again? Tell me more.

I didn't say to keep republicans from winning. I said to keep crazy orange republicans from winning.

Not a lot of orange people in this country.

Don't pussy out now.

What laws you thinking of passing to make sure you never lose an election again, commie?
If they refuse to let you leave, and especially if they start threatening you and banging your vehicle in an attempt to intimidate you?

then yes, they are not protesting anymore. They are preventing you from leaving. That is very close to kidnapping.
That is not what happened. They were sitting in the way (of him entering not leaving) and he came barreling up to them.

They did surround his truck after he damn near ran them over. That was clearly disgusting for him to do.

Lou Dobbs: Guard Who Plowed Truck Into Anti-ICE Activists Was 'Within His Rights' | HuffPost
This shows a much longer clip. One that shows the driver is CLEARLY the aggressor here. That is not within his rights whatsoever and he should be jailed for endangerment.

Swarming a vehicle and threatening the driver is an insanely dangerous thing to do. People who do it, should be arrested.

THat the driver drove towards the entrance of his work place parking lot at a high rate of speed is not surprising. I do that almost everyday.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?

Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
Respect has nothing to do with it.

I do not condone actions of violence simply because the targets of that violence are thugs. That leads to a very dark road.

The protesters are not just demonstrating to get their message out. They are being massively and purposefully provocative over and over again, so that they can use the power of the state to destroy their enemies.

Why as a society are we playing along with this bullshit?
Reminds me of this guy, who was great, imo. Get off my fucking truck.

The difference being the aggressor. I have no problem with this guy kicking idiots off his property. They do not have the right to be there. I have a problem with a driver aggressively driving into a crowd. That is threatening.

Those protesters should have been removed so the ICE worker could enter his place of work HOWEVER the driver does not have the power to remove them. They were not on HIS property. That was the job of the local police. If they refused to clear the way then they should have been arrested. After the fact they should have been arrested for mobbing the truck and jumping all over it.

That does not remove the responsibility of the ICE worker over his own actions that were clearly threatening and purposefully endangered people around him. That was not within his rights and by far the most egregious thing that occurred in this specific instance.

We are letting the criminals define the game and control the society.

The criminals were not on THEIR PROPERTY.

Why do they get to do whatever the fuck they want, and only when someone fights back, does the law get involved?


AND, the "protestors" cause the issue, they provoke the violence, then they pretend to be innocent victims, while they purposefully provoked it.

You've seen it. Massively provocative behavior, and then "hands up don't shot".

Why are we playing along with this bullshit?

Who said they get to do whatever they want?

All I said is that people do not have the right to run others over because they are acting like fools. You are posting a straw man.

They should have been removed. That is what the police are for. You, the driver and anyone not the police do not have the right to forcibly remove people from anywhere that is not your own property. Period.

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