Don't Stand In Front Of The Truck, Dumbass

The difference being the aggressor. I have no problem with this guy kicking idiots off his property. They do not have the right to be there. I have a problem with a driver aggressively driving into a crowd. That is threatening.

Those protesters should have been removed so the ICE worker could enter his place of work HOWEVER the driver does not have the power to remove them. They were not on HIS property. That was the job of the local police. If they refused to clear the way then they should have been arrested. After the fact they should have been arrested for mobbing the truck and jumping all over it.

That does not remove the responsibility of the ICE worker over his own actions that were clearly threatening and purposefully endangered people around him. That was not within his rights and by far the most egregious thing that occurred in this specific instance.

We are letting the criminals define the game and control the society.

The criminals were not on THEIR PROPERTY.

Why do they get to do whatever the fuck they want, and only when someone fights back, does the law get involved?


AND, the "protestors" cause the issue, they provoke the violence, then they pretend to be innocent victims, while they purposefully provoked it.

You've seen it. Massively provocative behavior, and then "hands up don't shot".

Why are we playing along with this bullshit?
Who said they get to do whatever they want?

All I said is that people do not have the right to run others over because they are acting like fools. You are posting a straw man.

They should have been removed. That is what the police are for. You, the driver and anyone not the police do not have the right to forcibly remove people from anywhere that is not your own property. Period.
In Florida where you have "stand your ground law", if you feel threatened by a group of people who dress like ISIS and they are approaching you, you can pull your weapon and discharge it into those thugs. I prefer to go to court and defend myself, than be a dead victim of liberalism.
Essentially, you just showed why it would have been perfectly valid for the protesters to shoot the driver.

Not the message that you were trying to get across I take it.
Essentially, you just showed why you would perfectly be a victim and your family would have to mourn you. ANTIFA and ISIS are the same.
Cant address the facts so off to deflection.
Lou Dobbs is old and will be dead before long. The world will be a better place.

We will always be here, in your face.
What, you're a Lou Dobbs clone?

From your pov, yes. And we will always be here. When one dies, another will take his place.

And we will always be in your face.

Your problem is your face is getting smaller, as new faces replacing you are becoming larger.

You're in the last 20 or so years of being able to show your face in public without it being removed from your head. If you look anything like Lou, it will be violent, and non welcoming world for your face when that time comes.

You better quit being unfriendly mister.

Thank you for your honesty.

It is so fucking annoying when liberals, who are obvious pushing illegal immigration AND legal Third World immigration,

are so obvious pushing demographic shift, so that they can take power,

and by take power, I mean exactly what you said, ie that people like me, will have to kowtow to your agenda, or face lethal violence, forever;

It is so annoying and insulting when they have the nerve to lie to US about their intentions, with shit about Diversity and Multiculturalism.

Thank you for admitting the Truth, that your plan has always been bloody oppression and tyranny forever.

Rightwinger admitted it to me too, though not quite as honestly as you. Now he is just a troll.

Do you laugh at your cowardly allies who are too afraid to be honest about what you plan to do?
We are letting the criminals define the game and control the society.

The criminals were not on THEIR PROPERTY.

Why do they get to do whatever the fuck they want, and only when someone fights back, does the law get involved?


AND, the "protestors" cause the issue, they provoke the violence, then they pretend to be innocent victims, while they purposefully provoked it.

You've seen it. Massively provocative behavior, and then "hands up don't shot".

Why are we playing along with this bullshit?
Who said they get to do whatever they want?

All I said is that people do not have the right to run others over because they are acting like fools. You are posting a straw man.

They should have been removed. That is what the police are for. You, the driver and anyone not the police do not have the right to forcibly remove people from anywhere that is not your own property. Period.
In Florida where you have "stand your ground law", if you feel threatened by a group of people who dress like ISIS and they are approaching you, you can pull your weapon and discharge it into those thugs. I prefer to go to court and defend myself, than be a dead victim of liberalism.
Essentially, you just showed why it would have been perfectly valid for the protesters to shoot the driver.

Not the message that you were trying to get across I take it.
Essentially, you just showed why you would perfectly be a victim and your family would have to mourn you. ANTIFA and ISIS are the same.
Cant address the facts so off to deflection.
You sound just like Joe the groper Biden. Your truth over FACTS. such a dumbass that you are. ANTIFA and ISIS are the same.

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