Don't Stand In Front Of The Truck, Dumbass

So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

When do conservatives block roads, Bulldog? We're usually too busy going to a job to block busy highways or the entrances to other people's places of employment. Blocking roads? That's been a liberal thing for years now. Whenever you don't get your try to shut down the system by having a bunch of unemployed dirt bags get in everyone's path on the way to work. Keep it up by the way...nothing pisses the average working person off more than getting stuck in a traffic jam created by you poor losers!
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

When do conservatives block roads, Bulldog? We're usually too busy going to a job to block busy highways or the entrances to other people's places of employment. Blocking roads? That's been a liberal thing for years now. Whenever you don't get your try to shut down the system by having a bunch of unemployed dirt bags get in everyone's path on the way to work. Keep it up by the way...nothing pisses the average working person off more than getting stuck in a traffic jam created by you poor losers!
Yeah? I used to get stuck in traffic jams twice a day going back and forth to work and you know what I did? I got good at identifying the wildflowers and weeds on the side of the road. I put on my eye makeup, too, which I realize probably isn't your style, but you could think of something. No sense getting so riled up about it that I would drive over people. Sure, I wished for a landcruiser, I swore at the guys who would drive past us in the breakdown lane and making the jam worse by cutting in further up the line, but I didn't want to run anyone over. Fact.
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

If they refuse to let you leave, and especially if they start threatening you and banging your vehicle in an attempt to intimidate you?

then yes, they are not protesting anymore. They are preventing you from leaving. That is very close to kidnapping.

Actually. It was enter. Not leave. Is that still kidnapping?

It was never kidnapping.

But it is incredibly provocative. would you or these jackasses like it if we blocked YOUR car?your family? your MOM'S car??? huh ????
..especially if you had some important meeting/etc?
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

When do conservatives block roads, Bulldog? We're usually too busy going to a job to block busy highways or the entrances to other people's places of employment. Blocking roads? That's been a liberal thing for years now. Whenever you don't get your try to shut down the system by having a bunch of unemployed dirt bags get in everyone's path on the way to work. Keep it up by the way...nothing pisses the average working person off more than getting stuck in a traffic jam created by you poor losers!
Yeah? I used to get stuck in traffic jams twice a day going back and forth to work and you know what I did? I got good at identifying the wildflowers and weeds on the side of the road. I put on my eye makeup, too, which I realize probably isn't your style, but you could think of something. No sense getting so riled up about it that I would drive over people. Sure, I wished for a landcruiser, I swore at the guys who would drive past us in the breakdown lane and making the jam worse by cutting in further up the line, but I didn't want to run anyone over. Fact.
But when you are slowly pushed into a war things can happen. This protest stuff needs to get a hold of itself.
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

When do conservatives block roads, Bulldog? We're usually too busy going to a job to block busy highways or the entrances to other people's places of employment. Blocking roads? That's been a liberal thing for years now. Whenever you don't get your try to shut down the system by having a bunch of unemployed dirt bags get in everyone's path on the way to work. Keep it up by the way...nothing pisses the average working person off more than getting stuck in a traffic jam created by you poor losers!
Yeah? I used to get stuck in traffic jams twice a day going back and forth to work and you know what I did? I got good at identifying the wildflowers and weeds on the side of the road. I put on my eye makeup, too, which I realize probably isn't your style, but you could think of something. No sense getting so riled up about it that I would drive over people. Sure, I wished for a landcruiser, I swore at the guys who would drive past us in the breakdown lane and making the jam worse by cutting in further up the line, but I didn't want to run anyone over. Fact.

When you got to work...did you have a line of conservative activists refusing to let you go past? Preventing you from going to your job after making your commute? How would you have felt about that? How about if it became a daily thing? Still no problem?
The guy should not have run into the protesters. The protesters were petulant children and make no mistake about that. But the truck driver should have kept his head about him and now is probably very sorry that he did not.
Petulant children? Is that what all protesters are to you? What about the folks in Hong Kong? Are they petulant children, too?
These folks are screwballs, if you ask me, comparing ICE facilities to Nazi concentration camps. But they can protest, same as the Proud Boys can have a rally to protest ANTIFA today. I predict that there will be a MUCH different reaction to that, especially if any of them are run over today by a liberal in a truck.

These protestors are Jewish Holocaust survivors and their children who are saying that ICE camps are exactly like NAZI Germany started in their treatment of migrants.
I think they're overreacting about a thousand times more than is warranted. These people in detention facilities SNUCK IN to the country, didn't they? They broke the law and got caught. At least that is my understanding.

As a history student who focussed on NAZI Germany because I couldn’t understand how decent people let this happen this is exactly how it happened. Holy let started by blaming Jews for the economic problems in Germany, just like Trump is doing to migrants.

He used dehumanizing language to talk about Jews, like “infestation”. Crimes committed by Jews were magnified, and exploited by the media as examples of criminal Jews and their disregard for real Germans.

And then came the arrests. We’re there now. People being arrested for the crime of living in America.
There are alternate histories then what you spouted.
The guy should not have run into the protesters. The protesters were petulant children and make no mistake about that. But the truck driver should have kept his head about him and now is probably very sorry that he did not.
Petulant children? Is that what all protesters are to you? What about the folks in Hong Kong? Are they petulant children, too?
These folks are screwballs, if you ask me, comparing ICE facilities to Nazi concentration camps. But they can protest, same as the Proud Boys can have a rally to protest ANTIFA today. I predict that there will be a MUCH different reaction to that, especially if any of them are run over today by a liberal in a truck.

These protestors are Jewish Holocaust survivors and their children who are saying that ICE camps are exactly like NAZI Germany started in their treatment of migrants.
I think they're overreacting about a thousand times more than is warranted. These people in detention facilities SNUCK IN to the country, didn't they? They broke the law and got caught. At least that is my understanding.

As a history student who focussed on NAZI Germany because I couldn’t understand how decent people let this happen this is exactly how it happened. Holy let started by blaming Jews for the economic problems in Germany, just like Trump is doing to migrants.

He used dehumanizing language to talk about Jews, like “infestation”. Crimes committed by Jews were magnified, and exploited by the media as examples of criminal Jews and their disregard for real Germans.

And then came the arrests. We’re there now. People being arrested for the crime of living in America.
There are alternate histories then what you spouted.

"Alternate histories", you mean "Putin's propaganda" don't you?

"Never again" will we lock innocent people up simply because we fear them. "Never again" will we turn away people fleeing for their lives. "Never again" will we send people back to the deaths.

What part of the "never again" movement doesn't fit Trump's locking up refugees, after refusing them entrance to the country?

But the horrific abuse and deprivations are all on Trump and the American people for letting it happen.
Petulant children? Is that what all protesters are to you? What about the folks in Hong Kong? Are they petulant children, too?
These folks are screwballs, if you ask me, comparing ICE facilities to Nazi concentration camps. But they can protest, same as the Proud Boys can have a rally to protest ANTIFA today. I predict that there will be a MUCH different reaction to that, especially if any of them are run over today by a liberal in a truck.

These protestors are Jewish Holocaust survivors and their children who are saying that ICE camps are exactly like NAZI Germany started in their treatment of migrants.
I think they're overreacting about a thousand times more than is warranted. These people in detention facilities SNUCK IN to the country, didn't they? They broke the law and got caught. At least that is my understanding.

As a history student who focussed on NAZI Germany because I couldn’t understand how decent people let this happen this is exactly how it happened. Holy let started by blaming Jews for the economic problems in Germany, just like Trump is doing to migrants.

He used dehumanizing language to talk about Jews, like “infestation”. Crimes committed by Jews were magnified, and exploited by the media as examples of criminal Jews and their disregard for real Germans.

And then came the arrests. We’re there now. People being arrested for the crime of living in America.
There are alternate histories then what you spouted.

"Alternate histories", you mean "Putin's propaganda" don't you?

"Never again" will we lock innocent people up simply because we fear them. "Never again" will we turn away people fleeing for their lives. "Never again" will we send people back to the deaths.

What part of the "never again" movement doesn't fit Trump's locking up refugees, after refusing them entrance to the country?

But the horrific abuse and deprivations are all on Trump and the American people for letting it happen.
With all due respect, you get the feeling that people are using the "Never again" mantra to gain entry into the US? That they've been told that they'll be let in as long as they claim that they fear for their lives if they remain in the country from which they left? Is it simply a coincidence that claims for "asylum" have absolutely sky rocketed over a relatively short period of time? Do you really believe that?
The protesters should have been armed. If a vehicle comes driving at you with intent to kill, you open fire and take care of the attacker.

Amen! "Stand your ground".

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The guy should not have run into the protesters. The protesters were petulant children and make no mistake about that. But the truck driver should have kept his head about him and now is probably very sorry that he did not.
I do not understand why this is so damn hard to understand.

20 pages and almost no one is able to admit everyone was an idiot here and the childish antics of protesters does not somehow convey the 'right' to kill them.
That is not what happened. They were sitting in the way (of him entering not leaving) and he came barreling up to them.

They did surround his truck after he damn near ran them over. That was clearly disgusting for him to do.

Lou Dobbs: Guard Who Plowed Truck Into Anti-ICE Activists Was 'Within His Rights' | HuffPost
This shows a much longer clip. One that shows the driver is CLEARLY the aggressor here. That is not within his rights whatsoever and he should be jailed for endangerment.

Swarming a vehicle and threatening the driver is an insanely dangerous thing to do. People who do it, should be arrested.

THat the driver drove towards the entrance of his work place parking lot at a high rate of speed is not surprising. I do that almost everyday.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?

Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
Respect has nothing to do with it.

I do not condone actions of violence simply because the targets of that violence are thugs. That leads to a very dark road.
targets of that violence are thugs.
So hypothetically if you saw a bunch of ISIS members walking down the street, carrying flags of ISIS and weapons like clubs you wouldn't do anything about them? How about MS-13 would you do anything against them knowing full well, that they chop people up with Machetes?
"Do anything?"

I certainly would not kill them and feel justified. That is beyond asinine. Are you really advocating vigilantism? You need to lay of the comic book TV shows. That is not real life.
Reminds me of this guy, who was great, imo. Get off my fucking truck.

The difference being the aggressor. I have no problem with this guy kicking idiots off his property. They do not have the right to be there. I have a problem with a driver aggressively driving into a crowd. That is threatening.

Those protesters should have been removed so the ICE worker could enter his place of work HOWEVER the driver does not have the power to remove them. They were not on HIS property. That was the job of the local police. If they refused to clear the way then they should have been arrested. After the fact they should have been arrested for mobbing the truck and jumping all over it.

That does not remove the responsibility of the ICE worker over his own actions that were clearly threatening and purposefully endangered people around him. That was not within his rights and by far the most egregious thing that occurred in this specific instance.

We are letting the criminals define the game and control the society.

The criminals were not on THEIR PROPERTY.

Why do they get to do whatever the fuck they want, and only when someone fights back, does the law get involved?


AND, the "protestors" cause the issue, they provoke the violence, then they pretend to be innocent victims, while they purposefully provoked it.

You've seen it. Massively provocative behavior, and then "hands up don't shot".

Why are we playing along with this bullshit?

Who said they get to do whatever they want?

All I said is that people do not have the right to run others over because they are acting like fools. You are posting a straw man.

They should have been removed. That is what the police are for. You, the driver and anyone not the police do not have the right to forcibly remove people from anywhere that is not your own property. Period.

In Florida where you have "stand your ground law", if you feel threatened by a group of people who dress like ISIS and they are approaching you, you can pull your weapon and discharge it into those thugs. I prefer to go to court and defend myself, than be a dead victim of liberalism.

Essentially, you just showed why it would have been perfectly valid for the protesters to shoot the driver.

Not the message that you were trying to get across I take it.
Swarming a vehicle and threatening the driver is an insanely dangerous thing to do. People who do it, should be arrested.

THat the driver drove towards the entrance of his work place parking lot at a high rate of speed is not surprising. I do that almost everyday.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?

Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
Respect has nothing to do with it.

I do not condone actions of violence simply because the targets of that violence are thugs. That leads to a very dark road.
targets of that violence are thugs.
So hypothetically if you saw a bunch of ISIS members walking down the street, carrying flags of ISIS and weapons like clubs you wouldn't do anything about them? How about MS-13 would you do anything against them knowing full well, that they chop people up with Machetes?
"Do anything?"

I certainly would not kill them and feel justified. That is beyond asinine. Are you really advocating vigilantism? You need to lay of the comic book TV shows. That is not real life.
I certainly would not kill them and feel justified.
But you would kill them though?
Is this ISIS or ANTIFA?
Reminds me of this guy, who was great, imo. Get off my fucking truck.

The difference being the aggressor. I have no problem with this guy kicking idiots off his property. They do not have the right to be there. I have a problem with a driver aggressively driving into a crowd. That is threatening.

Those protesters should have been removed so the ICE worker could enter his place of work HOWEVER the driver does not have the power to remove them. They were not on HIS property. That was the job of the local police. If they refused to clear the way then they should have been arrested. After the fact they should have been arrested for mobbing the truck and jumping all over it.

That does not remove the responsibility of the ICE worker over his own actions that were clearly threatening and purposefully endangered people around him. That was not within his rights and by far the most egregious thing that occurred in this specific instance.

We are letting the criminals define the game and control the society.

The criminals were not on THEIR PROPERTY.

Why do they get to do whatever the fuck they want, and only when someone fights back, does the law get involved?


AND, the "protestors" cause the issue, they provoke the violence, then they pretend to be innocent victims, while they purposefully provoked it.

You've seen it. Massively provocative behavior, and then "hands up don't shot".

Why are we playing along with this bullshit?

Who said they get to do whatever they want?

All I said is that people do not have the right to run others over because they are acting like fools. You are posting a straw man.

They should have been removed. That is what the police are for. You, the driver and anyone not the police do not have the right to forcibly remove people from anywhere that is not your own property. Period.

In Florida where you have "stand your ground law", if you feel threatened by a group of people who dress like ISIS and they are approaching you, you can pull your weapon and discharge it into those thugs. I prefer to go to court and defend myself, than be a dead victim of liberalism.

Essentially, you just showed why it would have been perfectly valid for the protesters to shoot the driver.

Not the message that you were trying to get across I take it.

Essentially, you just showed why you would perfectly be a victim and your family would have to mourn you. ANTIFA and ISIS are the same.
That he did so while there were people there is surprising and wrong. The protesters actions after the fact have literally nothing at all to do with the drivers actions at the onset. Nothing at all.

Why cover for this type of behavior?

Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
Respect has nothing to do with it.

I do not condone actions of violence simply because the targets of that violence are thugs. That leads to a very dark road.
targets of that violence are thugs.
So hypothetically if you saw a bunch of ISIS members walking down the street, carrying flags of ISIS and weapons like clubs you wouldn't do anything about them? How about MS-13 would you do anything against them knowing full well, that they chop people up with Machetes?
"Do anything?"

I certainly would not kill them and feel justified. That is beyond asinine. Are you really advocating vigilantism? You need to lay of the comic book TV shows. That is not real life.
I certainly would not kill them and feel justified.
But you would kill them though?
Is this ISIS or ANTIFA?
Try and make a point.
Lack of respect for violent and cowardly thugs.
Respect has nothing to do with it.

I do not condone actions of violence simply because the targets of that violence are thugs. That leads to a very dark road.
targets of that violence are thugs.
So hypothetically if you saw a bunch of ISIS members walking down the street, carrying flags of ISIS and weapons like clubs you wouldn't do anything about them? How about MS-13 would you do anything against them knowing full well, that they chop people up with Machetes?
"Do anything?"

I certainly would not kill them and feel justified. That is beyond asinine. Are you really advocating vigilantism? You need to lay of the comic book TV shows. That is not real life.
I certainly would not kill them and feel justified.
But you would kill them though?
Is this ISIS or ANTIFA?
Try and make a point.
Dont have to, you are too stupid or ignorant to understand.
Lou Dobbs is old and will be dead before long. The world will be a better place.

We will always be here, in your face.
What, you're a Lou Dobbs clone?

From your pov, yes. And we will always be here. When one dies, another will take his place.

And we will always be in your face.

Your problem is your face is getting smaller, as new faces replacing you are becoming larger.

You're in the last 20 or so years of being able to show your face in public without it being removed from your head. If you look anything like Lou, it will be violent, and non welcoming world for your face when that time comes.

You better quit being unfriendly mister.
Petulant children? Is that what all protesters are to you? What about the folks in Hong Kong? Are they petulant children, too?
These folks are screwballs, if you ask me, comparing ICE facilities to Nazi concentration camps. But they can protest, same as the Proud Boys can have a rally to protest ANTIFA today. I predict that there will be a MUCH different reaction to that, especially if any of them are run over today by a liberal in a truck.

These protestors are Jewish Holocaust survivors and their children who are saying that ICE camps are exactly like NAZI Germany started in their treatment of migrants.
I think they're overreacting about a thousand times more than is warranted. These people in detention facilities SNUCK IN to the country, didn't they? They broke the law and got caught. At least that is my understanding.

As a history student who focussed on NAZI Germany because I couldn’t understand how decent people let this happen this is exactly how it happened. Holy let started by blaming Jews for the economic problems in Germany, just like Trump is doing to migrants.

He used dehumanizing language to talk about Jews, like “infestation”. Crimes committed by Jews were magnified, and exploited by the media as examples of criminal Jews and their disregard for real Germans.

And then came the arrests. We’re there now. People being arrested for the crime of living in America.
There are alternate histories then what you spouted.

"Alternate histories", you mean "Putin's propaganda" don't you?

"Never again" will we lock innocent people up simply because we fear them. "Never again" will we turn away people fleeing for their lives. "Never again" will we send people back to the deaths.

What part of the "never again" movement doesn't fit Trump's locking up refugees, after refusing them entrance to the country?

But the horrific abuse and deprivations are all on Trump and the American people for letting it happen.
An example......globalists were involved in the Civil War. It was not about slavery. Slavery was going to end at some point. It was about getting a foothold with a fiat currency with a strong but much weaker divided nation after civil discourse was finished. Unfortunately even though the globalists lost, we ended up with a massively strong central government set up.

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