Don't Stand In Front Of The Truck, Dumbass

This driver is a reminder of the scum we all live with in this country. At least the protesters didn't drag him out and beat the tar out of him.
He could reasonably assume they were about to. Thus he was within his rights to proceed. They had plenty of time and opportunity to get out of the way. They are lucky he didn't shoot a few of them.
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
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I can't believe people are defending this jerk.

Truck owners.

Obviously you didn't notice the angry mob trying to yank the guys doors open. Maybe he had his kids in the vehicle.
Uh huh. Why were they angry? BECAUSE HE CAME RAMMING UP TO THEM IN HIS BIG OL TRUCK while they sat peacefully on the ground. And very few law enforcement personnel take their children to work on the night shift.

If he had kids in the vehicle you would have been fine with him ramming the truck past the angry mob, got it.
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and the run into.

The driver meant to hit the brake but 'accidently' hit the gas after the protesters startled him. :04:
An angry mob attacked him hello.
Before he drove the truck into them?

Is that your assertion? Are you standing by that?

Yes dummy watch the video after you sober up. :itsok:
Thats your assertion, eh? Well, you're ass backwards wrong, which surprises nobody.

If you look closely, the driver meant to hit the brake but the protesters startled him and he 'accidently' hit the gas. :muahaha:
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.
99% of this is you. Dragging old people out of cars. I want so much for people to have hand guns and blow your azzes away when you do that. Laws for defense need to be changed and simplified. Anyone on your property with protesting is open season.
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.
99% of this is you. Dragging old people out of cars. I want so much for people to have hand guns and blow your azzes away when you do that. Laws for defense need to be changed and simplified. Anyone on your property with protesting is open season.

Yes, you've made it clear that you think murder is a good thing.
He didn't run anyone over. Watch the video. He was trying to go to work and about 20 dip shits were sitting on the ground blocking the entrance.
So they pressed their idiocy and he pushed back. WTF is causing our leftards to again lose their minds?
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

Run over? They were nudged. And they leapt on the truck like a bunch of rabid monkeys. Poor victims.
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?
Let’s put it to the test. I will be at Old Ebbits in DC on Saturday, When I try to leave you block my exit, ignore warnings, and then experience what happens due to your emotionally retarded irresponsibility.
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

Run over? They were nudged. And they leapt on the truck like a bunch of rabid monkeys. Poor victims.
Who are you, some ISIS terrorist? We don't drive over people with our big 'ol pickups because they're complaining about us! Do you think this guy was so goddamned gung ho about getting to work that he felt the need to run over people so he could get there? NO. He was a pissed off cop who expects to have every order followed and he lost it. I hope he goes to jail. I really do. I defend the ICE guys. They're doing their job and they don't deserve the rap they're getting. But NOT this guy. Pissed off little Napoleon, is what he is.
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?
Let’s put it to the test. I will be at Old Ebbits in DC on Saturday, When I try to leave you block my exit, ignore warnings, and then experience what happens due to your emotionally retarded irresponsibility.
Is that a threat?

When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

Run over? They were nudged. And they leapt on the truck like a bunch of rabid monkeys. Poor victims.
Who are you, some ISIS terrorist? We don't drive over people with our big 'ol pickups because they're complaining about us! Do you think this guy was so goddamned gung ho about getting to work that he felt the need to run over people so he could get there? NO. He was a pissed off cop who expects to have every order followed and he lost it. I hope he goes to jail. I really do. I defend the ICE guys. They're doing their job and they don't deserve the rap they're getting. But NOT this guy. Pissed off little Napoleon, is what he is.

These people are being purposefully provocative, and you are supporting their vile tactics.

They want to provoke a response and then use that response to bring down the full power of the state on their enemies.

In their little minds, they are pretending that the ICE worker is a freaking nazis, and thus they are heroes.

There is no reason for society to play along with this sick game.
The protesters should have been armed. If a vehicle comes driving at you with intent to kill, you open fire and take care of the attacker.

Great suggestion! Have the "protesters" brandish their weapons so that the driver will have an excuse for running them over in self defense!

P.S. Why don't you post where YOU live so that someone can give you a taste of your own medicine?
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

Run over? They were nudged. And they leapt on the truck like a bunch of rabid monkeys. Poor victims.
Who are you, some ISIS terrorist? We don't drive over people with our big 'ol pickups because they're complaining about us! Do you think this guy was so goddamned gung ho about getting to work that he felt the need to run over people so he could get there? NO. He was a pissed off cop who expects to have every order followed and he lost it. I hope he goes to jail. I really do. I defend the ICE guys. They're doing their job and they don't deserve the rap they're getting. But NOT this guy. Pissed off little Napoleon, is what he is.

These people are being purposefully provocative, and you are supporting their vile tactics.

They want to provoke a response and then use that response to bring down the full power of the state on their enemies.

In their little minds, they are pretending that the ICE worker is a freaking nazis, and thus they are heroes.

There is no reason for society to play along with this sick game.
WTF? Yes, they were purposely provocative. What the fuck is so "vile" about sitting on the ground? Yes, they were "shutting down" (in their mind) the ICE office, to protest .. whatever they were protesting. Of course they think they're heroes, and so do the folks on here who say "run them over."

The problem is getting so caught up in Power Power Who's Got The Power that this all gets taken way, way too seriously. The cops showed up, told the protesters to leave, the protesters didn't, they shot some pepper spray, the crowd went home, the ICE employees entered the parking lot. End of story.

This is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm needing to argue this. Are you people seriously this primitive?
I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

I have a job people don’t like either. I work for a major utility company. If I’m not at work at 6am, I don’t get paid (unless I take paid time off). I’m not taking PTO because a couple idiots stood in front of my multi-thousand pound vehicle. They will move, one way or another.
The protesters should have been armed. If a vehicle comes driving at you with intent to kill, you open fire and take care of the attacker.

No! - They were the aggressors blocking his right of way arresting his movement & disobeying direct order of an officer. They had no right to falsely arrest his movement, disobey officers or use a weapon. He had every to drive over them.

They do have a right to protest the concentration camps. But if they wanted a civil war, they should have came prepared for battle, armed & prepared to kill.

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