Don't Stand In Front Of The Truck, Dumbass

So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

If they refuse to let you leave, and especially if they start threatening you and banging your vehicle in an attempt to intimidate you?

then yes, they are not protesting anymore. They are preventing you from leaving. That is very close to kidnapping.
It's called false imprisonment.

I really hope this joker goes to jail for a long time. He could have killed someone.
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

Run over? They were nudged. And they leapt on the truck like a bunch of rabid monkeys. Poor victims.
Who are you, some ISIS terrorist? We don't drive over people with our big 'ol pickups because they're complaining about us! Do you think this guy was so goddamned gung ho about getting to work that he felt the need to run over people so he could get there? NO. He was a pissed off cop who expects to have every order followed and he lost it. I hope he goes to jail. I really do. I defend the ICE guys. They're doing their job and they don't deserve the rap they're getting. But NOT this guy. Pissed off little Napoleon, is what he is.

These people are being purposefully provocative, and you are supporting their vile tactics.

They want to provoke a response and then use that response to bring down the full power of the state on their enemies.

In their little minds, they are pretending that the ICE worker is a freaking nazis, and thus they are heroes.

There is no reason for society to play along with this sick game.
WTF? Yes, they were purposely provocative. What the fuck is so "vile" about sitting on the ground? Yes, they were "shutting down" (in their mind) the ICE office, to protest .. whatever they were protesting. Of course they think they're heroes, and so do the folks on here who say "run them over."

The problem is getting so caught up in Power Power Who's Got The Power that this all gets taken way, way too seriously. The cops showed up, told the protesters to leave, the protesters didn't, they shot some pepper spray, the crowd went home, the ICE employees entered the parking lot. End of story.

This is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm needing to argue this. Are you people seriously this primitive?

Nothing about a demonstration requires that the demonstrators be provocative.

Why are you giving them a pass for their attempts to start trouble?
When you impede my progress you are asked to move and warned about not doing so. When you don’t then you move from a tantrum thrower to a threat, are given another warning, and then run into.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?
Let’s put it to the test. I will be at Old Ebbits in DC on Saturday, When I try to leave you block my exit, ignore warnings, and then experience what happens due to your emotionally retarded irresponsibility.
Is that a threat?

It’s a promise and advanced notification, how you choose to perceive it and what actions you take thereof is you own, gasp, responsibility.
lol. You pissed off control freak.
I went to work one day and found it surrounded by state police, firetrucks, and everyone standing around out back in 30 degree weather. Bomb scare. You know what I did? I turned around and went to the local diner with a few of my coworkers for pie and coffee, and someone called to let us know when the building was cleared.

Would it have mattered if it had been a protest instead of a bomb scare? No. I had a job that a lot of people hated and despised me for. I was used to it. No biggie. Let the cops handle it and go in when it's over. Run them over for sitting in my way? Are you people all insane?

Run over? They were nudged. And they leapt on the truck like a bunch of rabid monkeys. Poor victims.
Who are you, some ISIS terrorist? We don't drive over people with our big 'ol pickups because they're complaining about us! Do you think this guy was so goddamned gung ho about getting to work that he felt the need to run over people so he could get there? NO. He was a pissed off cop who expects to have every order followed and he lost it. I hope he goes to jail. I really do. I defend the ICE guys. They're doing their job and they don't deserve the rap they're getting. But NOT this guy. Pissed off little Napoleon, is what he is.

These people are being purposefully provocative, and you are supporting their vile tactics.

They want to provoke a response and then use that response to bring down the full power of the state on their enemies.

In their little minds, they are pretending that the ICE worker is a freaking nazis, and thus they are heroes.

There is no reason for society to play along with this sick game.
WTF? Yes, they were purposely provocative. What the fuck is so "vile" about sitting on the ground? Yes, they were "shutting down" (in their mind) the ICE office, to protest .. whatever they were protesting. Of course they think they're heroes, and so do the folks on here who say "run them over."

The problem is getting so caught up in Power Power Who's Got The Power that this all gets taken way, way too seriously. The cops showed up, told the protesters to leave, the protesters didn't, they shot some pepper spray, the crowd went home, the ICE employees entered the parking lot. End of story.

This is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm needing to argue this. Are you people seriously this primitive?

Nothing about a demonstration requires that the demonstrators be provocative.

Why are you giving them a pass for their attempts to start trouble?
I don't see anything THAT provocative about sitting in front of the entrance to the parking lot. It says "You can't come in." You say "Okay," and call the police to get them the hell outta there. Which they did, WITHOUT running anyone over.

What is so hard for you to understand about that? We do not allow people to run over others with their vehicles because they are pissed off.

I have to go, but I think I'm going to be shaking my head all evening about this. I cannot believe I am even having this conversation.
So give it a try shit talker, come to the Grill in the upstairs raw bar around 5pm and announce “I’m here to prevent your safe passage and see what you will do about it”
I don't see anything THAT provocative about sitting in front of the entrance to the parking lot. It says "You can't come in." You say "Okay," and call the police to get them the hell outta there. Which they did, WITHOUT running anyone over...

No. I call out the window that I’m not stopping and aim to put the front bumper on as many asshats as possible.

The police get contacted to scrape the remnants off the pavement.
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I fully support running down liberal detritus who go out of their way to block major freeways......because they are so fucking STUPID and so far up their own fucking ASSHOLES, they think their own sense of self-righteous indignation gives them carte blanche to disrupt the lives of ordinary people.

I remember during the Obama regime, there were protestors blocking a major freeway (in my own Bay Area leftist colostomy bag) that it blocked an ambulance from getting to a hospital and the man inside it died, leaving behind a 4-year-old daughter who doesn't have a dad because liberalfilth felt sooo emotionally butthurt over nothing. If liberals surrounded my car, I would shift into first or second gear, floor the gas and pop the clutch, doing a tire-peel-out to get rid of these felony-reeking, sobbing-zombie things that wandered out of some low-budget horror movie.
So hypothetically if you saw a bunch of ISIS members walking down the street, carrying flags of ISIS and weapons like clubs you wouldn't do anything about them?
He would call the authorities, as that is their job. He covered that. Please pay better attention, so that you don't waste people's time, thanks in advance.
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

We don’t do retard shit like that
So if I drive past a trump rally and his crazy supporters block the road, I can just run over them? Great. Looks like I'll be getting that big brush guard front bumper for my pickup after all.

We don’t do retard shit like that
Of course you do. The tea party protestors would back up traffic quite often. It was literally the strategy. Many protestors do this. Yes, that includes the drooling cletuses in the tea party, now known as the maga dipshits.
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Including yours, when ten of the protestors proceed to smear your old ass into a puddle on the pavement.

They can try. Me and my buddy Sam Colt May have a different opinion. I may end up as a smear but many more of them will, as well.
Get to shooting those concentration camp police. Those migrants are suffering! Better yet, get a semi truck & drive straight in & rescue the hostages while blasting away with your guns!
Get to shooting those concentration camp police. Those migrants are suffering! Better yet, get a semi truck & drive straight in & rescue the hostages while blasting away with your guns!

Nah. We’re on opposite sides of this. I’m forcturning those concentration camps into extermination facilities.
When I'm coming off a tough shift and a bunch of loons with a cause attempt to keep me from going home, how the hell is that fair to me? Whatever lunatic position they have has nothing to do with me. So when I slowly edge my way through the protestors on my way home, I don't think there's a damn thing wrong with that. I hope that dude with the maybe broken leg gets prosecuted for a false report.

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