Don't take the Bolton Bait

Trump didn’t bring up some other organizations. He actually didn’t even mention Burisma in the phone call. He only mentioned Democrats. That’s a coincidence?
What coincidence? That Democrats were committing crimes that involved a bunch of corruption?

Is it the president's job to go after corruption? As the head of the executive branch is that not one of his duties?

So, according to some, Hey president can only go after corruption and bribery and other crimes when they don't involve his political opponents or potential political opponents.

Should we call this political-opponent immunity.

But curiously enough Trump didn’t ask the DoJ to look into it. Almost like he didn’t actually care about an actual investigation.
has a president ever asked the department of justice to look into foreign crimes committed on foreign soil?

That's one of the most aggravating things about having different jurisdictions. we cannot go after and prosecute Mexican drug cartel's who murder and bribe police because Mexico is not within our jurisdiction.

I'm amazed that you don't understand these concepts.

Trump didn’t bring up some other organizations. He actually didn’t even mention Burisma in the phone call. He only mentioned Democrats. That’s a coincidence?
What coincidence? That Democrats were committing crimes that involved a bunch of corruption?

Is it the president's job to go after corruption? As the head of the executive branch is that not one of his duties?

So, according to some, Hey president can only go after corruption and bribery and other crimes when they don't involve his political opponents or potential political opponents.

Should we call this political-opponent immunity.

A coincidence that Trump waited until Biden was running for president to decide he needed to he investigated.

Does the president get to demand investigations into anyone for any reason?
But curiously enough Trump didn’t ask the DoJ to look into it. Almost like he didn’t actually care about an actual investigation.
has a president ever asked the department of justice to look into foreign crimes committed on foreign soil?

That's one of the most aggravating things about having different jurisdictions. we cannot go after and prosecute Mexican drug cartel's who murder and bribe police because Mexico is not within our jurisdiction.

I'm amazed that you don't understand these concepts.


If Biden did what you’re accusing him of doing, Biden is in violation of US law. Biden is a US citizen. He was a US government official. You’re accusing him of taking bribes to affect US policy. That’s a violation of US law.

It is completely unlike your analogy. Mexican carrels are Mexican citizens. They’re bribing Mexican police. That’s not our jurisdiction. If a US citizen were bribing Mexican police or if Mexican cartels were bribing US police, it would be in our jurisdiction to prosecute.

You really think Russia can come into our country and start investigating crimes because they might involve Russians?? Yea right.
Incorrect. For starters, there’s the foreign corrupt practices act. Secondly, you’re basically accusing Biden of taking bribes from Ukrainians for specific US policies. That puts him in violation of our laws.

The FCPA has to do with paying bribes to foreign officials. Nobody is claiming Biden paid a bribe.

But we know he is Quid Pro Joe. That would be why Trump asked the new president of Ukraine to look into it. And Biden didn't take bribes, he threatened to withhold a billion dollars (and admitted it on video) unless the prosecutor was fired. And Hunter got a job for 1 mil a year that he had no experience in and he admitted he wouldn't have gotten the job had his last name not been Biden.

Yea, that's some crocked shit right there.
But curiously enough Trump didn’t ask the DoJ to look into it. Almost like he didn’t actually care about an actual investigation.

Because the DOJ has no authority in Ukraine. How many times do you have to be told this?

Okay. You’re pissing me off so I’m going to be impolite.

Biden is an American citizen accused of taking bribes from a foreign corporation to deliver a specific US government policy. That puts him in violation of US law. Who prosecutes people who violate US law?

It sure as hell isn’t the Ukrainians. Who the he’ll do you think that might be? Hmm?

And you're fucking stupid and pissing me off.

NOBODY is accusing Biden of taking a bribe. They are accusing him of quid pro quo. Being paid to work at a company is a not a bribe. He was legally employed as a member of their board. The question is, WHY?

And to answer your stupid fucking question, the DOJ prosecutes people who break US law. Nobody is asking Ukraine to prosecute any American you dumb mother fucker. But if that law is broken on foreign soil the investigation has to be done in that country. We have no authority in Ukraine to investigate anything that happened in their country.

You're a stupid fuckwad, aren't you?
Incorrect. For starters, there’s the foreign corrupt practices act. Secondly, you’re basically accusing Biden of taking bribes from Ukrainians for specific US policies. That puts him in violation of our laws.

The FCPA has to do with paying bribes to foreign officials. Nobody is claiming Biden paid a bribe.

But we know he is Quid Pro Joe. That would be why Trump asked the new president of Ukraine to look into it. And Biden didn't take bribes, he threatened to withhold a billion dollars (and admitted it on video) unless the prosecutor was fired. And Hunter got a job for 1 mil a year that he had no experience in and he admitted he wouldn't have gotten the job had his last name not been Biden.

Yea, that's some crocked shit right there.
But curiously enough Trump didn’t ask the DoJ to look into it. Almost like he didn’t actually care about an actual investigation.

Because the DOJ has no authority in Ukraine. How many times do you have to be told this?

Okay. You’re pissing me off so I’m going to be impolite.

Biden is an American citizen accused of taking bribes from a foreign corporation to deliver a specific US government policy. That puts him in violation of US law. Who prosecutes people who violate US law?

It sure as hell isn’t the Ukrainians. Who the he’ll do you think that might be? Hmm?

And you're fucking stupid and pissing me off.

NOBODY is accusing Biden of taking a bribe. They are accusing him of quid pro quo. Being paid to work at a company is a not a bribe. He was legally employed as a member of their board. The question is, WHY?

And to answer your stupid fucking question, the DOJ prosecutes people who break US law. But if that law is broken on foreign soil the investigation has to be done in that country. We have no authority in Ukraine to investigate anything that happened in their country.

You're a stupid fuckwad, aren't you?

Okay, I guess I get to curse at you now. I did try to be nice.

You’re about as brain dead of a Trump shit eater as you could possibly get. I wouldn’t be surprised to find Trump’s hand up your ass so he could use you as a literal puppet. You don’t even know what you’re accusing Biden of. That’s how stupid you are.

He’s the accusation against Biden.

Hunter was paid by Burisma to affect US policy through the VP. That’s a bribe dumb shit. It doesn’t matter if they claim he was actually just employed as a board member, it’s a bribe if the salary was connected to getting something from Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is a US citizen. You’re accusing him of violating US law. You know what that means? That means he would be prosecuted by our country by our prosecutors.

That means we start an investigation here and then ask for assistance from Ukrainian prosecutors if needed. We have a treaty with Ukraine that says they would help us if our DoJ requested them to. That never happened because this isn’t a legitimate investigation and you’re too stupid to know the difference.
The DoJ is carrying out investigations and expects to issue criminal indictments concerning actions taken during the 2016 election, and the Biden/Obama effort to bury Hunter Biden's scandal at Burisma will certainly fall within those investigations,
The Obama/Biden Administration is guilty of many corrupt practices, imho, but joining in a global effort to fire Viktor Shokin is not among them.

Fact check: 4 things Trump's attorney left out of her arguments about Biden and Burisma - CNNPolitics

"1. Shokin's former deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, said the investigation into Burisma and company owner Mykola Zlochevsky was inactive at the time of Joe Biden's pressure in late 2015 and early 2016.

"A leading Ukrainian anti-corruption activist said the same.

"'Shokin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate Burisma,' Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Action Center, told The Washington Post for a July article. 'And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.'"

What, exactly, has Trump ever done in his entire gold-plated life to make you think he objects to corruption?

Trump sought to get rid of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Book
The DoJ is carrying out investigations and expects to issue criminal indictments concerning actions taken during the 2016 election, and the Biden/Obama effort to bury Hunter Biden's scandal at Burisma will certainly fall within those investigations,
The Obama/Biden Administration is guilty of many corrupt practices, imho, but joining in a global effort to fire Viktor Shokin is not among them.

Fact check: 4 things Trump's attorney left out of her arguments about Biden and Burisma - CNNPolitics

"1. Shokin's former deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, said the investigation into Burisma and company owner Mykola Zlochevsky was inactive at the time of Joe Biden's pressure in late 2015 and early 2016.

"A leading Ukrainian anti-corruption activist said the same.

"'Shokin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate Burisma,' Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Action Center, told The Washington Post for a July article. 'And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.'"

What, exactly, has Trump ever done in his entire gold-plated life to make you think he objects to corruption?

Trump sought to get rid of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Book
The DoJ is carrying out investigations and expects to issue criminal indictments concerning actions taken during the 2016 election, and the Biden/Obama effort to bury Hunter Biden's scandal at Burisma will certainly fall within those investigations,
The Obama/Biden Administration is guilty of many corrupt practices, imho, but joining in a global effort to fire Viktor Shokin is not among them.

Fact check: 4 things Trump's attorney left out of her arguments about Biden and Burisma - CNNPolitics

"1. Shokin's former deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, said the investigation into Burisma and company owner Mykola Zlochevsky was inactive at the time of Joe Biden's pressure in late 2015 and early 2016.

"A leading Ukrainian anti-corruption activist said the same.

"'Shokin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate Burisma,' Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Action Center, told The Washington Post for a July article. 'And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.'"

What, exactly, has Trump ever done in his entire gold-plated life to make you think he objects to corruption?

Trump sought to get rid of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Book

This Pam Bondi?

New Records Shed Light on Donald Trump’s $25,000 Gift to Florida Official

"Around 3:45 p.m., Jennifer Meale, the communications director for Attorney General Pam Bondi, fielded a seemingly routine call from a financial reporter for The Orlando Sentinel.

"The attorney general of New York had recently filed a lawsuit against Donald J. Trump alleging fraud in the marketing of Trump University’s real estate and wealth-building seminars.

"Had Florida ever conducted its own investigation, the reporter asked...."

"The Sentinel’s report, which was published on Sept. 13, 2013, paraphrased Ms. Meale’s response and took it a step further, saying that Ms. Bondi’s office would 'determine whether Florida should join the multi-state case.'

"Four days later, a check for $25,000 from the Donald J. Trump Foundation landed in the Tampa office of a political action committee that had been formed to support Ms. Bondi’s 2014 re-election.

"In mid-October, her office announced that it would not be acting on the Trump University complaints."

The DoJ is carrying out investigations and expects to issue criminal indictments concerning actions taken during the 2016 election, and the Biden/Obama effort to bury Hunter Biden's scandal at Burisma will certainly fall within those investigations,
The Obama/Biden Administration is guilty of many corrupt practices, imho, but joining in a global effort to fire Viktor Shokin is not among them.

Fact check: 4 things Trump's attorney left out of her arguments about Biden and Burisma - CNNPolitics

"1. Shokin's former deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, said the investigation into Burisma and company owner Mykola Zlochevsky was inactive at the time of Joe Biden's pressure in late 2015 and early 2016.

"A leading Ukrainian anti-corruption activist said the same.

"'Shokin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate Burisma,' Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Action Center, told The Washington Post for a July article. 'And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.'"

What, exactly, has Trump ever done in his entire gold-plated life to make you think he objects to corruption?

Trump sought to get rid of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Book

This Pam Bondi?

New Records Shed Light on Donald Trump’s $25,000 Gift to Florida Official

"Around 3:45 p.m., Jennifer Meale, the communications director for Attorney General Pam Bondi, fielded a seemingly routine call from a financial reporter for The Orlando Sentinel.

"The attorney general of New York had recently filed a lawsuit against Donald J. Trump alleging fraud in the marketing of Trump University’s real estate and wealth-building seminars.

"Had Florida ever conducted its own investigation, the reporter asked...."

"The Sentinel’s report, which was published on Sept. 13, 2013, paraphrased Ms. Meale’s response and took it a step further, saying that Ms. Bondi’s office would 'determine whether Florida should join the multi-state case.'

"Four days later, a check for $25,000 from the Donald J. Trump Foundation landed in the Tampa office of a political action committee that had been formed to support Ms. Bondi’s 2014 re-election.

"In mid-October, her office announced that it would not be acting on the Trump University complaints."


No one is going to purchase the lies of a condemned man and soil themselves with his dirty unrighteous rags, and neither will anyone throw such a drowning unclean man a life line who has promised that the moment he is saved that he will strangle those who rescued him.

Your arguments are drowning in the sea of lies you constructed yourself. Do not let yourself be drowned along with it, and don not let your soul sink to the depths of Sheol.

Your 4 year Hell Inspired Dishonest Siege of The White House is Over.

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Even if it turns out to be another bogus story, thinking people should be on guard against falling into the fallacious trap that President Trump committed some high crime or misdemeanor by pressuring Ukraine to investigate its past corrupt practices before receiving future aid from the United States.

The sole reason for even questioning Trump's actions is because it potentially involves a high-profile Democrat candidate for that Party's presidential nomination. Since when is that a legitimate immunization from criminal investigation?

Instead of Burisma, if President Trump had cited another corrupt organization without ties to Democrats, he would have been credited with fighting corruption and safeguarding public funds.

Don't take the bait that this was some sort of improper action. President Trump has been calling out corruption wherever he sees it. We should thank him for it.

Biden could not possibly be active in the Ukraine. So why would trump concentrate any anti-corruption investigation on Biden? Why not at least mention any other corruption possibility?

If you are claiming Trump was fighting corruption, then you are a fucking idiot.

Pull your herad out of Trump's ass.
Biden could not possibly be active in the Ukraine.


1. Biden himself now says he will REFUSE TO TESTIFY if called. If he was not "active" there, he would just come in and say that to the Senate. He can't. He was actively rigging a US foreign aid package to be KICKED BACK to his drug addicted kiddie...
2. proof

So...why haven't you investigated it? You've had 3 years of control, and agencies that are supposed to investigate these things lawfully.

Because merely asking the question unleashed this “whistleblower” farce and impeach sham. The Deep state will obviously do anything to protect the corrupt Washington way of doing business.

Did it? Why is it I find that difficult to believe when for 3 years you have had control of Executive and Senate and for two of those years you had control of the House as well. Biden's alleged "admittance" of corruption on a television show has been publicly available all that time, and Trump has had control over the DoJ with his hand picked people. Yet despite all this - you did NOTHING until an election year when it just so happens your target is Trump's strongest opponent? How odd.

Either you (the Republicans and Trumpists) are utterly incompetent.

Or....the real reason for all this is Trump's reelection bid.

Trying to blame it on this nebulous "deep state" conspiracy wears thin the more layers you have to defend.

This narrative that President Trump waited until an election year is total bunk. The Ukraine had just elected a new President, their last one was corrupt as hell (the one that obeyed Biden and fired the prosecutor who would had endangered the Biden kickbacks through his son). As soon as they got this new leader, President Trump took the opportunity to ask him about reopening those corruption investigations. After all, why should we keep giving them millions of our dollars if they won’t even try to end corruption?
But but biden wasn't even charged by the prosecutor that biden got fired.....

The left wing voting base, "la la la la la I cannot heaaar you!!!" With fingers in their ears.

So? Maybe because your entire case against him at this point is speculative?

His son did get a job he was TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED FOR and was paid over 80k a month for it.

Now, give us your best "speculation." Try not thinking like a typical white American female elitist left winger.

We are waiting for your intelligent...."speculation."
I keep asking democrats where is the law that states that if you're currently running for president that you are immune to investigation for past behavior as vice president and they keep coming up with nothing.
Then fucking investigate.

It was common knowledge that Biden forced the ouster of that prosecutor.

Why didn't the Republican s in Congress investigate then? Why didn't the DoJ & the Republican Congress investigate under Trump.

Why had not the Senate opened an investigation on 2019?

Are you this fucking stupid that you can't figure out why?

Because there was nothing corrupt there? Trump's advisors told him this.

And yet your fast assed hero lied & duped his feeble minded base like you.

You people are dumber than shit.
Because merely asking the question unleashed this “whistleblower” farce and impeach sham. The Deep state will obviously do anything to protect the corrupt Washington way of doing business.

Did it? Why is it I find that difficult to believe when for 3 years you have had control of Executive and Senate and for two of those years you had control of the House as well. Biden's alleged "admittance" of corruption on a television show has been publicly available all that time, and Trump has had control over the DoJ with his hand picked people. Yet despite all this - you did NOTHING until an election year when it just so happens your target is Trump's strongest opponent? How odd.

Either you (the Republicans and Trumpists) are utterly incompetent.

Or....the real reason for all this is Trump's reelection bid.

Trying to blame it on this nebulous "deep state" conspiracy wears thin the more layers you have to defend.

This narrative that President Trump waited until an election year is total bunk. The Ukraine had just elected a new President, their last one was corrupt as hell (the one that obeyed Biden and fired the prosecutor who would had endangered the Biden kickbacks through his son). As soon as they got this new leader, President Trump took the opportunity to ask him about reopening those corruption investigations. After all, why should we keep giving them millions of our dollars if they won’t even try to end corruption?
But but biden wasn't even charged by the prosecutor that biden got fired.....

The left wing voting base, "la la la la la I cannot heaaar you!!!" With fingers in their ears.

So? Maybe because your entire case against him at this point is speculative?

His son did get a job he was TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED FOR and was paid over 80k a month for it.

Now, give us your best "speculation." Try not thinking like a typical white American female elitist left winger.

We are waiting for your intelligent...."speculation."

Hunter Biden had experience with international investment & was a lawyer. According to Hunter Biden, he was as qualified as many but realize his name helped. Lots of corps like big name board members.
Trump didn’t bring up some other organizations. He actually didn’t even mention Burisma in the phone call. He only mentioned Democrats. That’s a coincidence?

Is there any other corrupt company in Ukraine that was laundering taxpayers money back to Democrats we should know about?
Trump didn’t bring up some other organizations. He actually didn’t even mention Burisma in the phone call. He only mentioned Democrats. That’s a coincidence?

Is there any other corrupt company in Ukraine that was laundering taxpayers money back to Democrats we should know about?

Only worried about Democrats I see. Just proves my point.
Trump didn’t bring up some other organizations. He actually didn’t even mention Burisma in the phone call. He only mentioned Democrats. That’s a coincidence?

Is there any other corrupt company in Ukraine that was laundering taxpayers money back to Democrats we should know about?

Only worried about Democrats I see. Just proves my point.

Can you name any Republicans that received kickbacks from Ukraine?

If not, you have no point. You're just yapping.
Because merely asking the question unleashed this “whistleblower” farce and impeach sham. The Deep state will obviously do anything to protect the corrupt Washington way of doing business.

Did it? Why is it I find that difficult to believe when for 3 years you have had control of Executive and Senate and for two of those years you had control of the House as well. Biden's alleged "admittance" of corruption on a television show has been publicly available all that time, and Trump has had control over the DoJ with his hand picked people. Yet despite all this - you did NOTHING until an election year when it just so happens your target is Trump's strongest opponent? How odd.

Either you (the Republicans and Trumpists) are utterly incompetent.

Or....the real reason for all this is Trump's reelection bid.

Trying to blame it on this nebulous "deep state" conspiracy wears thin the more layers you have to defend.

This narrative that President Trump waited until an election year is total bunk. The Ukraine had just elected a new President, their last one was corrupt as hell (the one that obeyed Biden and fired the prosecutor who would had endangered the Biden kickbacks through his son). As soon as they got this new leader, President Trump took the opportunity to ask him about reopening those corruption investigations. After all, why should we keep giving them millions of our dollars if they won’t even try to end corruption?
But but biden wasn't even charged by the prosecutor that biden got fired.....

The left wing voting base, "la la la la la I cannot heaaar you!!!" With fingers in their ears.

So? Maybe because your entire case against him at this point is speculative?

His son did get a job he was TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED FOR and was paid over 80k a month for it.

Now, give us your best "speculation." Try not thinking like a typical white American female elitist left winger.

We are waiting for your intelligent...."speculation."

What US. government office did Hunter Biden hold?

If he wasn't an officer or elected official of the U.S. government he can accept any job he's offered and it's nobody's business.

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