Don't tase me bro!

Aaah, he can if he does not leave. Also there are many cases in which they can be arrested, one is personal threats, another is inciting violence. But he can be banned from the place if the owner/operator wishes, even if it's just for saying something they don't like. Forums, even email servers, can censor anything they wish as well.

Here is Kittens tell tale double standard statement. And here is Divecons:

of course he could be arrested
if he didnt leave, he could be arrested for tresspassing

Both posters quickly recognize a property owners right to control his property for tresspass. Until it is a cop.

These people are not advocates of the law. They are advocates of cops, regardless if they are breaking the law.
another fucking LIE
We are working with the information we have. I have already stated that if the stop was initiated on the public highway, it would be legal. The report indicates that it was initiated in a parking lot.

Do you have any evidence to support your position?

First, most parking lots are still considered public property. Secondly, the location of the crime is more important than where they were stopped for it. Thirdly many owners of private property do not like criminals anyway so would willingly allow the police onto the property. Unless the owner of the lot steps up and states that he did not want the police there, then the arrest is 100% legal.

The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.
First, most parking lots are still considered public property.

You are a liar.

A big, fat, LIAR

Provide any source of information that supports the claim that MOST PARKING LOTS ARE CONSIDERED PUBLIC PROPERTY.


Most business property lines do not cross into the parking lot, especially when multiple businesses exist on the same lot. Learned that one managing (oddly) a fast food restaurant in the lot of a shopping center. :eusa_whistle:

Former property manager here and that is sooo not true. The parking lot is shared by all the businesses. And it is a part of the private property of usually the land owner or building owner. The business owners usually lease the land and the business...but it's usually one person that leases out the office spaces separately that controls the land.
First, most parking lots are still considered public property.

You are a liar.

A big, fat, LIAR

Provide any source of information that supports the claim that MOST PARKING LOTS ARE CONSIDERED PUBLIC PROPERTY.


Most business property lines do not cross into the parking lot, especially when multiple businesses exist on the same lot. Learned that one managing (oddly) a fast food restaurant in the lot of a shopping center. :eusa_whistle:

You are a weaseling liar.

Provide one ounce of support to the statement "MOST parking lots are considered public property."

That is a lie, totally unsupported.

Focus Kitty.

Can you show any support for that statement?
First, most parking lots are still considered public property. Secondly, the location of the crime is more important than where they were stopped for it. Thirdly many owners of private property do not like criminals anyway so would willingly allow the police onto the property. Unless the owner of the lot steps up and states that he did not want the police there, then the arrest is 100% legal.

The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

:lol: OMG... you two really got me. You almost had me fooled. I am really laughing my ass off. I should have known you two were in cahoots and that nobody was that dumb. Wooo, jokes on me and SW. That was so clever...I am seriously loling. Assholes! ;)
First, most parking lots are still considered public property. Secondly, the location of the crime is more important than where they were stopped for it. Thirdly many owners of private property do not like criminals anyway so would willingly allow the police onto the property. Unless the owner of the lot steps up and states that he did not want the police there, then the arrest is 100% legal.

The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

Once again you demonstrate not only ignorance, but willful ignorance. You do not accept facts as such, instead you substitute your own imagination for facts.

Simple traffic violations ARE NOT CRIMES. YOu may not come onto my property to enforce traffic code. END OF STORY.
The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

:lol: OMG... you two really got me. You almost had me fooled. I am really laughing my ass off. I should have known you two were in cahoots and that nobody was that dumb. Wooo, jokes on me and SW. That was so clever...I am seriously loling. Assholes! ;)

Please clue me in.

I'm not LOLing yet.
The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

Once again you demonstrate not only ignorance, but willful ignorance. You do not accept facts as such, instead you substitute your own imagination for facts.

Simple traffic violations ARE NOT CRIMES. YOu may not come onto my property to enforce traffic code. END OF STORY.
so, if you are speeding and make it to your driveway before you are stopped, you cant be fined for it?

The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

Once again you demonstrate not only ignorance, but willful ignorance. You do not accept facts as such, instead you substitute your own imagination for facts.

Simple traffic violations ARE NOT CRIMES. YOu may not come onto my property to enforce traffic code. END OF STORY.

Sweet Willy they are messing with us. They got the point on page 14 and have been using us for their own personal mind games. I am smarter than that!
Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

Once again you demonstrate not only ignorance, but willful ignorance. You do not accept facts as such, instead you substitute your own imagination for facts.

Simple traffic violations ARE NOT CRIMES. YOu may not come onto my property to enforce traffic code. END OF STORY.

Sweet Willy they are messing with us. They got the point on page 14 and have been using us for their own personal mind games. I am smarter than that!

That makes more sense than anything I've heard yet.
Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

Once again you demonstrate not only ignorance, but willful ignorance. You do not accept facts as such, instead you substitute your own imagination for facts.

Simple traffic violations ARE NOT CRIMES. YOu may not come onto my property to enforce traffic code. END OF STORY.
so, if you are speeding and make it to your driveway before you are stopped, you cant be fined for it?


Uh.....I don't know anymore. I think I will surrender my mind and body to the first guy with a badge that knows whats good for me.
Once again you demonstrate not only ignorance, but willful ignorance. You do not accept facts as such, instead you substitute your own imagination for facts.

Simple traffic violations ARE NOT CRIMES. YOu may not come onto my property to enforce traffic code. END OF STORY.
so, if you are speeding and make it to your driveway before you are stopped, you cant be fined for it?


Uh.....I don't know anymore. I think I will surrender my mind and body to the first guy with a badge that knows whats good for me.
how often do you attempt to evade when an officer is pulling you over?
so, if you are speeding and make it to your driveway before you are stopped, you cant be fined for it?


Uh.....I don't know anymore. I think I will surrender my mind and body to the first guy with a badge that knows whats good for me.
how often do you attempt to evade when an officer is pulling you over?

How long would it take a centipede to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?
Uh.....I don't know anymore. I think I will surrender my mind and body to the first guy with a badge that knows whats good for me.
how often do you attempt to evade when an officer is pulling you over?

How long would it take a centipede to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

Even though centipedes have many legs, they cannot kick because they don't have knees. Also, their knee caps won't allow them to...wait, they don't have knees. You can get seedless dill pickles so it depends on the type of pickle. But once you eat the seeds out of the dill pickle, the centipede doesn't have to kick at all.

If you have been receiving responses like this, you are NOT crazy.
The parking lot at the police station? Your local football arena? Or your grocery store? NO, MOST PARKING LOTS ARE NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY! The point is no one knows where the encounter began other than the officer's own admission that it was initiated in the parking lot. And if an owner refuses to let officers onto their private property, that is within their rights.

Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

:lol: OMG... you two really got me. You almost had me fooled. I am really laughing my ass off. I should have known you two were in cahoots and that nobody was that dumb. Wooo, jokes on me and SW. That was so clever...I am seriously loling. Assholes! ;)

Criminals are the assholes ... and anyone who supports crime in any way.
Not if the property owner is the one committing the crime.

:lol: OMG... you two really got me. You almost had me fooled. I am really laughing my ass off. I should have known you two were in cahoots and that nobody was that dumb. Wooo, jokes on me and SW. That was so clever...I am seriously loling. Assholes! ;)

Criminals are the criminals ... and anyone who participates in criminal activities in any way.

Fixed it.
Traffic Criminal
A traffic criminal is a misdemeanor offense for which you could serve jail time.

Examples of those offenses include:

Hit and Run
Driving Under the Influence
Reckless Driving
The arraignment date written on the bottom of the citation is a mandatory appearance.

Traffic Infraction
A traffic violation is a civil infraction offense for which the penalty is a fine.

Examples of those offenses include:

Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device
Driving While Uninsured

Traffic Violations vs. Traffic Crime

These nimrods don't even understand what a crime is.

SInce simple traffic violations are civil offenses, I guess all of us in civil cases are criminals now too.

We're going to need a lot more tasers.

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