Don't think of your party (if applicable).

Hey, they're your answers, not mine. Thanks for proving the point, dumbass :rofl:

Okay. I answer your questions and your response is basically a postie that a seven-year-old could do. And then you come at me with a seven-year-old response a second time? Once is a happening. Twice is a pattern. Correct yourself, dude. Otherwise, don't expect me to respond to any more of your bull shit.

Ironic coming from the "seven-year-old" who made this puerile post!

Obama runs his administration like a Soviet dictator.

I'm sorry but is spying on innocent Americans and taking control of health and education a Soviet thing or an American thing?

If you're going to talk shit; be on the mark, fool.
Okay. I answer your questions and your response is basically a postie that a seven-year-old could do. And then you come at me with a seven-year-old response a second time? Once is a happening. Twice is a pattern. Correct yourself, dude. Otherwise, don't expect me to respond to any more of your bull shit.

Ironic coming from the "seven-year-old" who made this puerile post!

Obama runs his administration like a Soviet dictator.

I'm sorry but is spying on innocent Americans and taking control of health and education a Soviet thing or an American thing?

If you're going to talk shit; be on the mark, fool.

As I recall all of those actions started under the prior administration which you applauded for doing. In case you need reminding they were the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Part D Act and the Patriot Act. So according to your allegations it was the previous administration that was emulating the Soviets.
Ironic coming from the "seven-year-old" who made this puerile post!

I'm sorry but is spying on innocent Americans and taking control of health and education a Soviet thing or an American thing?

If you're going to talk shit; be on the mark, fool.

As I recall all of those actions started under the prior administration which you applauded for doing. In case you need reminding they were the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Part D Act and the Patriot Act. So according to your allegations it was the previous administration that was emulating the Soviets.

So, you were mocking me for comparing Obama to the Soviets and now you're basically admitting that he is emulating the Soviets. You're so stupid that you don't even know when you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
I'm sorry but is spying on innocent Americans and taking control of health and education a Soviet thing or an American thing?

If you're going to talk shit; be on the mark, fool.

As I recall all of those actions started under the prior administration which you applauded for doing. In case you need reminding they were the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Part D Act and the Patriot Act. So according to your allegations it was the previous administration that was emulating the Soviets.

So, you were mocking me for comparing Obama to the Soviets and now you're basically admitting that he is emulating the Soviets. You're so stupid that you don't even know when you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

I was pointing out the irony of your accusation when you appeared to have a seven year old's grasp of history.
As I recall all of those actions started under the prior administration which you applauded for doing. In case you need reminding they were the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Part D Act and the Patriot Act. So according to your allegations it was the previous administration that was emulating the Soviets.

So, you were mocking me for comparing Obama to the Soviets and now you're basically admitting that he is emulating the Soviets. You're so stupid that you don't even know when you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

I was pointing out the irony of your accusation when you appeared to have a seven year old's grasp of history.

There's no irony to be found. The discussion wasn't about Bush and I was never making any sort of excuses for him either.

Now back to reality: you've compared Bush to the Soviets for doing the same types of things as Obama. Therefore, you've admitted that Obama has ran the country like a Soviet leader. Therefore, you clearly are okay with communistic policies (being that you're supporting him). And you should've just been honest and said that in the first place instead of taking me through the Bush spin. But the reality is you're not man enough to own up to the fact that you're a communist. You have to operate through deceit.
So, you were mocking me for comparing Obama to the Soviets and now you're basically admitting that he is emulating the Soviets. You're so stupid that you don't even know when you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

I was pointing out the irony of your accusation when you appeared to have a seven year old's grasp of history.

There's no irony to be found. The discussion wasn't about Bush and I was never making any sort of excuses for him either.

Now back to reality: you've compared Bush to the Soviets for doing the same types of things as Obama. Therefore, you've admitted that Obama has ran the country like a Soviet leader. Therefore, you clearly are okay with communistic policies (being that you're supporting him). And you should've just been honest and said that in the first place instead of taking me through the Bush spin. But the reality is you're not man enough to own up to the fact that you're a communist. You have to operate through deceit.

The irony won't stop while you continue posting like a seven year old.
I was pointing out the irony of your accusation when you appeared to have a seven year old's grasp of history.

There's no irony to be found. The discussion wasn't about Bush and I was never making any sort of excuses for him either.

Now back to reality: you've compared Bush to the Soviets for doing the same types of things as Obama. Therefore, you've admitted that Obama has ran the country like a Soviet leader. Therefore, you clearly are okay with communistic policies (being that you're supporting him). And you should've just been honest and said that in the first place instead of taking me through the Bush spin. But the reality is you're not man enough to own up to the fact that you're a communist. You have to operate through deceit.

The irony won't stop while you continue posting like a seven year old.

1. I post that Obama is a Soviet style leader.
2. You mock me for it (whilst offering no serious counter); only calling me a seven-year-old.
3. I list the reasons for Obama being a Soviet style leader - Control of health, education, spying on Americans, etc.
4. You throw out the ole Bush screen (pointing to his communistic styled actions that Obama built upon) hoping I'd roll around in that mud.
5. I do not roll around in that mud and indeed point out that by your own definition of matters then; Obama is quite communistic and that that only makes your mocking look incredibly sheepish.
6. Again, you come back with the seven-year-old insult.
7. I condemn your lack of honesty and obvious support for communistic policies and call you out for not being man enough to own up to it.
8. You come back wit the seven-year-old insult.

Do you see a pattern here? You lie and insult and are beholden to no valor whatsoever. So, you can fuck off cos I don't give two shits what you have to say or if you want to call me a seven-year-old again; or whatever bull shit you want to post. You're clearly a lying loser who either supports Obama because you're a lying degenerate or you are among those whom are being paid by the government to spout the propaganda. Either way, I have no more time for you if this is how you are.
There's no irony to be found. The discussion wasn't about Bush and I was never making any sort of excuses for him either.

Now back to reality: you've compared Bush to the Soviets for doing the same types of things as Obama. Therefore, you've admitted that Obama has ran the country like a Soviet leader. Therefore, you clearly are okay with communistic policies (being that you're supporting him). And you should've just been honest and said that in the first place instead of taking me through the Bush spin. But the reality is you're not man enough to own up to the fact that you're a communist. You have to operate through deceit.

The irony won't stop while you continue posting like a seven year old.

1. I post that Obama is a Soviet style leader.
2. You mock me for it (whilst offering no serious counter); only calling me a seven-year-old.
3. I list the reasons for Obama being a Soviet style leader - Control of health, education, spying on Americans, etc.
4. You throw out the ole Bush screen (pointing to his communistic styled actions that Obama built upon) hoping I'd roll around in that mud.
5. I do not roll around in that mud and indeed point out that by your own definition of matters then; Obama is quite communistic and that that only makes your mocking look incredibly sheepish.
6. Again, you come back with the seven-year-old insult.
7. I condemn your lack of honesty and obvious support for communistic policies and call you out for not being man enough to own up to it.
8. You come back wit the seven-year-old insult.

Do you see a pattern here? You lie and insult and are beholden to no valor whatsoever. So, you can fuck off cos I don't give two shits what you have to say or if you want to call me a seven-year-old again; or whatever bull shit you want to post. You're clearly a lying loser who either supports Obama because you're a lying degenerate or you are among those whom are being paid by the government to spout the propaganda. Either way, I have no more time for you if this is how you are.

Going for irony squared now? The thread clearly demonstrates that you were the originator of the insults and lies. You can go back and edit them out if you wish but you can't edit out what you were quoted as saying. So yes, there is definitely a pattern of projection by you.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Nope. It's bad. Really bad. But not the worst. People who say it is the worst are parrots, or they have little historical education. :D
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Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

obama is a tyrant, but he pales when compared to fdr

that man was truly evil

amassed huge debts
imprisoned innocent men, women and children
conducted human experiments
got Americans killed so we could go to war and save his legacy.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Nowhere close.

Johnson (BOTH of them)
Bush II
(as well as many mentioned above)

all far worse.

Perhaps YOU should cast aside your party meme.

Or study some history ...

None of them divided this country like obama has. NOT ONE of them pushed a marxist collectivist agenda like obama has. Not one of them had a signature piece of legislation that was passed totally by one party.

REALLY? The Democrats were soooo involved in Johnson's & Grant's reconstruction legislation?

The Republicans were sooo involved in LBJ's civil rights legislation?

You guys really need to read a book every now and then.
The irony won't stop while you continue posting like a seven year old.

1. I post that Obama is a Soviet style leader.
2. You mock me for it (whilst offering no serious counter); only calling me a seven-year-old.
3. I list the reasons for Obama being a Soviet style leader - Control of health, education, spying on Americans, etc.
4. You throw out the ole Bush screen (pointing to his communistic styled actions that Obama built upon) hoping I'd roll around in that mud.
5. I do not roll around in that mud and indeed point out that by your own definition of matters then; Obama is quite communistic and that that only makes your mocking look incredibly sheepish.
6. Again, you come back with the seven-year-old insult.
7. I condemn your lack of honesty and obvious support for communistic policies and call you out for not being man enough to own up to it.
8. You come back wit the seven-year-old insult.

Do you see a pattern here? You lie and insult and are beholden to no valor whatsoever. So, you can fuck off cos I don't give two shits what you have to say or if you want to call me a seven-year-old again; or whatever bull shit you want to post. You're clearly a lying loser who either supports Obama because you're a lying degenerate or you are among those whom are being paid by the government to spout the propaganda. Either way, I have no more time for you if this is how you are.

Going for irony squared now? The thread clearly demonstrates that you were the originator of the insults and lies. You can go back and edit them out if you wish but you can't edit out what you were quoted as saying. So yes, there is definitely a pattern of projection by you.

Was I arguing the origination of insults as if it mattered? (And you indeed know it's insignificant; but you're a spinster). But the origination of insults was against a third party btw. You actually did insult me first; so you're wrong there anyways.

And I've lied about nothing. You on the other hand have been utterly dishonest and just as importantly disingenuous. Again, you ignore the umpteenth post about your support of Obama's communistic policies because you are too coward to face it.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

obama is a tyrant, but he pales when compared to fdr

that man was truly evil

amassed huge debts
imprisoned innocent men, women and children
conducted human experiments
got Americans killed so we could go to war and save his legacy.

Obama has amassed huge debts, has plenty of blood on his hands, spied on all Americans, rigged elections, etc. And this is just what we know about. I don't know how you can make any distinction.
1. I post that Obama is a Soviet style leader.
2. You mock me for it (whilst offering no serious counter); only calling me a seven-year-old.
3. I list the reasons for Obama being a Soviet style leader - Control of health, education, spying on Americans, etc.
4. You throw out the ole Bush screen (pointing to his communistic styled actions that Obama built upon) hoping I'd roll around in that mud.
5. I do not roll around in that mud and indeed point out that by your own definition of matters then; Obama is quite communistic and that that only makes your mocking look incredibly sheepish.
6. Again, you come back with the seven-year-old insult.
7. I condemn your lack of honesty and obvious support for communistic policies and call you out for not being man enough to own up to it.
8. You come back wit the seven-year-old insult.

Do you see a pattern here? You lie and insult and are beholden to no valor whatsoever. So, you can fuck off cos I don't give two shits what you have to say or if you want to call me a seven-year-old again; or whatever bull shit you want to post. You're clearly a lying loser who either supports Obama because you're a lying degenerate or you are among those whom are being paid by the government to spout the propaganda. Either way, I have no more time for you if this is how you are.

Going for irony squared now? The thread clearly demonstrates that you were the originator of the insults and lies. You can go back and edit them out if you wish but you can't edit out what you were quoted as saying. So yes, there is definitely a pattern of projection by you.

Was I arguing the origination of insults as if it mattered? (And you indeed know it's insignificant; but you're a spinster). But the origination of insults was against a third party btw. You actually did insult me first; so you're wrong there anyways.

And I've lied about nothing. You on the other hand have been utterly dishonest and just as importantly disingenuous. Again, you ignore the umpteenth post about your support of Obama's communistic policies because you are too coward to face it.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you have nothing of value to contribute in this thread.
Going for irony squared now? The thread clearly demonstrates that you were the originator of the insults and lies. You can go back and edit them out if you wish but you can't edit out what you were quoted as saying. So yes, there is definitely a pattern of projection by you.

Was I arguing the origination of insults as if it mattered? (And you indeed know it's insignificant; but you're a spinster). But the origination of insults was against a third party btw. You actually did insult me first; so you're wrong there anyways.

And I've lied about nothing. You on the other hand have been utterly dishonest and just as importantly disingenuous. Again, you ignore the umpteenth post about your support of Obama's communistic policies because you are too coward to face it.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you have nothing of value to contribute in this thread.

Says the lying degenerate communist.
Was I arguing the origination of insults as if it mattered? (And you indeed know it's insignificant; but you're a spinster). But the origination of insults was against a third party btw. You actually did insult me first; so you're wrong there anyways.

And I've lied about nothing. You on the other hand have been utterly dishonest and just as importantly disingenuous. Again, you ignore the umpteenth post about your support of Obama's communistic policies because you are too coward to face it.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you have nothing of value to contribute in this thread.

Says the lying degenerate communist.


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