Don't think of your party (if applicable).

Yes, Medicare, poverty programs and Civil Rights legislation were a positive legacy. They moved us to a modern democracy that takes care of its less fortunate.

The basic civil rights legislation yes, but not the behemoths like welfare, food stamps, Medicare/caid, sussing and reverse discrimination became. We have way to many able-bodied people being paid not to work and/or to have babies and/or receiving some sort of favored status for being a minority. OK maaayyybe some of that could be justified back then, but that justification is long gone now.
Johnson was afraid to back down in Viet Nam. He did not want to be the President that let it turn Communist

He was much more afraid of loosing power, he'd have done anything to keep it. Somehow, his options were closed off, including cutting back in Viet Nam.

No President was treated worse by the media than Johnson

That's not true, even (especially) when you consider his Republican successor, Nixon. Why is the war still remembered today with bile, while Johnson, who was a megalomaniac, isn't. And how come Nixon beat Humphrey even with Wallace siphoning off Republican votes off (except for Texas that went for Humphry :eek: ) ?

Yes, Medicare, poverty programs and Civil Rights legislation were a positive legacy. They moved us to a modern democracy that takes care of its less fortunate.

Johnson was afraid to back down in Viet Nam. He did not want to be the President that let it turn Communist

No President was treated worse by the media than Johnson

Medicare and civil rights were bi-partisan efforts--there was a lot of open discussion and debate on both bills in both houses---thats why they were/are accepted by a vast majority of americans. ACA was passed by dems only using parliamentary tricks with no open debate or discussion---its terrible legislation and is falling apart as we speak.

Viet Nam was a national disgrace from start to finish---58,000 americans dead for absolutely nothing, billions of dollars spent for nothing.

I think it was jacked up by him in an attempt to draw the focus away from race problems. Of course it didn't work, just as Nixon's diversions didn't work.

the media was much harder on bush 43 than on LBJ. I lived through both, I saw it first hand.

I did too but I don't agree on the media coverage, as I pointed out. I actually voted straight Democrat until Reagan's second term. :redface: I was really stupid and loaded with white guilt back then. I was sucked in by Johnson's Civil Rights agenda, not really thinking, and thought all the other stuff was necessary. At least I eventually saw the light, unlike most of those on the left including the media.

The evil that's been committed in the name of compassion is an irony for the ages.
Bush wanted to remove Saddam, true. So did many democrats including both clintons, gore, kerry, and most dems in congress.

you want to castigate bush for it, but the blame is not all on him, congress could have told him to stuff it, but instead they authorized and funded it, and are still funding it.

If losing americans in stupid wars is the criteria then Kennedy and Johnson top the list for the 58,000 americans they caused to die in viet nam for absolutlely nothing.

now, go jump on your stick, pogo.

Congress authorized and funded that fiasco.

Exactly what part of "many democrats", "both clintons [sic]", gore [sic], kerry [sic], and "most dems in congress [sic]" were not the President at the time is sailing over your pointed little head here?

Shrub did that, period. He was POTUS at the time, period.

The premise of the thread:

Not worst "congress"...
Not worst "kerry" or "gore" or "both clintons" or "many democrats".... President.

You do understand what the word "president" means, do you not? Yet every time I mention a president you try this deflection game. And you suck at it.

I never mentioned anybody's party, dickhead. That's your diversion because you can't handle the truth.

Oh wait -- I forgot part of the OP:

Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

So much for that; you disqualified yourself. :eusa_hand:

Sorry to raise the discussion above your level of comprehension, but lets try again.

you rated Bush as a bad president because of the stupid Iraq war. I merely explained to you that even though it happened on his watch, he did not, and could not, do it on his own. So the negative that you assigned to him should be assigned to DC as a whole.

Do you give Kennedy low marks for expanding the viet nam fiasco? How about LBJ? Neither of them did it on their own either.

Did FDR bring socialism to the USA by his lonesome? or did congress authorize and fund it?

Rating of presidents should be based on some signature piece of legislation or the economic gains or losses of the country under him. ACA will put obama at the very top of the worst list. Its the only thing he has done, and its terrible.

Not only did no one say 'congress'; no one said 'on his own' either. You're not only moving goalposts; you're bringing new ones onto the field.

You just don't get what debate means, do you?

a survey of real americans ranks him dead last, worst ever.

Define "real americans".

30 of my friends and neighbors, my survey has as much validity as any other.

who cares what some egghead professors who don't live in the real world think about presidents-----they each have one vote just like you and me.
But I guess you are admitting that you think they are smarter than you are. OK.

Most are certainly smarter than you -- you can't even figure out what the freaking question is.
"Obama Ranked Ahead Of Reagan In Survey Of Presidential Historians"

Presidential Ranking - Obama Ranking - US Presidents | Mediaite

“Now, a survey by presidential scholars ranks Obama as the 15th best president the country has seen.”

a survey of real americans ranks him dead last, worst ever.

Define "real americans".

You know....

White, Christian, male and straight

Just like it has always been
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Of course not, the notion is ridiculous.

And that is indeed being honest.

Obviously you’ve never heard of Taft, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover.

It’s idiocy to try to evaluate a given administration while still in office; Truman was despised during his time and is now considered among our greatest presidents.

Such evaluations can only be made in an objective context, at least 30 years after an administration has left office.

Liberals made up this line to avoid accountability (I've heard it time and time again from them). Stop and think about it. Don't judge what's currently happening? Could you think of anything more idiotic?
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

I think the Wilson administration was.

It was progressives like Wilson that created progressives like Obama.

It is the systematic destruction of the Constitutional republic in favor of their version of a one world order.

Agreed...I think the man was evil, and a true racist.

I think by the turn of the next century, Obama will be seen as a disappointment in having fallen short of all the expectations he was set up for...but plenty will offer excuses on why it wasn't his fault that he failed to deliver.
Obama runs his administration like a Soviet dictator. I don't know how you can get worse than that.

You don't huh?

Alien and Sedition Acts?
Japanese camps?
Election tampering?
Invading a country on the basis of nothing?

Alien and Sedition Acts? -- Your throwing out A&SA willy-nilly makes me wonder if you know what they are or if you are using them in any sort of appropriate context.
Japanese camps? -- How about putting gag orders on the Benghazi witnesses or doing paramilitary exercises in major cities or invading private domiciles without warrants or of course PRISM, etc.
Election tampering? He tampered the hell out of the last election and completely violate overseas campaign contribution rules.
Invading a country on the basis of nothing? How about being an assassin for hire? What the hell do you think those drone attacks are all about. Oh, terrorism, right LOL.
How about creating all types of political slush fund? Or controlling health and education?
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

I think the Wilson administration was.

It was progressives like Wilson that created progressives like Obama.

It is the systematic destruction of the Constitutional republic in favor of their version of a one world order.

Agreed...I think the man was evil, and a true racist.

I think by the turn of the next century, Obama will be seen as a disappointment in having fallen short of all the expectations he was set up for...but plenty will offer excuses on why it wasn't his fault that he failed to deliver.

Once the hero worship is gone and the blinders are off; then maybe, only maybe will enough people get it.
Hey, they're your answers, not mine. Thanks for proving the point, dumbass :rofl:
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Hey, they're your answers, not mine. Thanks for proving the point, dumbass :rofl:

Okay. I answer your questions and your response is basically a postie that a seven-year-old could do. And then you come at me with a seven-year-old response a second time? Once is a happening. Twice is a pattern. Correct yourself, dude. Otherwise, don't expect me to respond to any more of your bull shit.
Hey, they're your answers, not mine. Thanks for proving the point, dumbass :rofl:

Okay. I answer your questions and your response is basically a postie that a seven-year-old could do. And then you come at me with a seven-year-old response a second time? Once is a happening. Twice is a pattern. Correct yourself, dude. Otherwise, don't expect me to respond to any more of your bull shit.

Ironic coming from the "seven-year-old" who made this puerile post!

Obama runs his administration like a Soviet dictator.
Hey, they're your answers, not mine. Thanks for proving the point, dumbass :rofl:

Okay. I answer your questions and your response is basically a postie that a seven-year-old could do. And then you come at me with a seven-year-old response a second time? Once is a happening. Twice is a pattern. Correct yourself, dude. Otherwise, don't expect me to respond to any more of your bull shit.

Ironic coming from the "seven-year-old" who made this puerile post!

Obama runs his administration like a Soviet dictator.

These were my faves:

Alien and Sedition Acts? What?
Japanese camps? But.. but... Obama!
Election tampering? But ... Obama!
Invading a country on the basis of nothing? B-but... Obama!

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