Don't think of your party (if applicable).

Communism is in conflict with authoritarian? How?

While I would agree that the authoritarian socialist/communist policies of Communist Russia and China failed and gave way to authoritarian capitalist policies.. those states were and remain in absolute control by the government. Liberty is very limited in these states.

Sure it is, but Russia and China already had a long history of authoritarianism. And that's a disadvantage to tinkering with communism, which is at base egalitarian. Hence they're in opposition.

(/way offtopic)

It's on topic, because Obama is an authoritarian that pushes for socialist & communist solutions at every turn. One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to not understand these facts.

I guess my computer screen is defective, because it says the OP sez:
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Not "Discuss the relationship between authoritarianism and communism".

Man, that's way off. Hope this thing is still under warranty... :eusa_pray:
Sure it is, but Russia and China already had a long history of authoritarianism. And that's a disadvantage to tinkering with communism, which is at base egalitarian. Hence they're in opposition.

(/way offtopic)

It's on topic, because Obama is an authoritarian that pushes for socialist & communist solutions at every turn. One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to not understand these facts.

I guess my computer screen is defective, because it says the OP sez:
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Not "Discuss the relationship between authoritarianism and communism".

Man, that's way off. Hope this thing is still under warranty... :eusa_pray:

Is it true that dumbocrats don't understand the term "why?"
I do not have a party any more as I am not even politically involved in the matter now. I have removed myself from it, Gracie. But as you asked, I will tell you this. I not only believe he is the worst president America has ever had, I believe he is the president who will be in office when America is destroyed from without and within. As I watch our nation divided down the middle, corruption escalating to levels never seen before I can see Obama as nothing but the signature of Ichabod being written over the doors of the White House. I believe we are seeing the end of it now. That is what I believe is happening.

- Jeri
Communism is in conflict with authoritarian? How?

While I would agree that the authoritarian socialist/communist policies of Communist Russia and China failed and gave way to authoritarian capitalist policies.. those states were and remain in absolute control by the government. Liberty is very limited in these states.

Under the theories of Marx and Engels, "Communism" is the stage where the state has faded away and there is no need for government, since all share everything without anyone seeking more.

So technically, Communism is at odds with authoritarianism. Of course Pogo omits the part leading up to this, the "Dictatorship of the Proletarian," which no Communist regime ever moves past - or ever will.
It's on topic, because Obama is an authoritarian that pushes for socialist & communist solutions at every turn. One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to not understand these facts.

I guess my computer screen is defective, because it says the OP sez:
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Not "Discuss the relationship between authoritarianism and communism".

Man, that's way off. Hope this thing is still under warranty... :eusa_pray:

Is it true that dumbocrats don't understand the term "why?"

I don't speak blanket statement so I have no idea, Linus.
Why do you ask? Or is that a trick question?
I guess my computer screen is defective, because it says the OP sez:

Not "Discuss the relationship between authoritarianism and communism".

Man, that's way off. Hope this thing is still under warranty... :eusa_pray:

Is it true that dumbocrats don't understand the term "why?"

I don't speak blanket statement so I have no idea, Linus.
Why do you ask? Or is that a trick question?

Your accusation is that asking a "why" question about an OP is "off-topic." I assume that is because you don't understand that who, what, when, where, and why questions about a particular topic are in fact, on-topic questions.
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Is it true that dumbocrats don't understand the term "why?"

I don't speak blanket statement so I have no idea, Linus.
Why do you ask? Or is that a trick question?

Your accusation is that asking a "why" question about an OP is "off-topic." I assume that is because you don't understand that who, what, when, where, and why questions about a particular topic are in fact, on-topic questions.

Um... OK.

Is that hat too tight?
It doesn't take a room temperature IQ to know that your head is up Obama's ass.

Something else you have failed to prove!


I've proven that you are incapable or unwilling to engage in true and honest discussions on the topic at hand and that instead you resort to meaningless pot shots. I've also proven that this is because you will say one thing and then not hold to it; so you're uninterested in such decisive paths when instead you can resort to propaganda and spin. But, I digress cos you're a coward no matter what you claim I have or have not 'proved.'


You descended into meltdown mode and until you stop throwing hissyfits and learn to behave like a normal rational adult you are going to be treated like the temper tantrum throwing child that you are.

Your choice! :eusa_whistle:
Communism is in conflict with authoritarian? How?

While I would agree that the authoritarian socialist/communist policies of Communist Russia and China failed and gave way to authoritarian capitalist policies.. those states were and remain in absolute control by the government. Liberty is very limited in these states.

Sure it is, but Russia and China already had a long history of authoritarianism. And that's a disadvantage to tinkering with communism, which is at base egalitarian. Hence they're in opposition.

(/way offtopic)

It's on topic, because Obama is an authoritarian that pushes for socialist & communist solutions at every turn. One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to not understand these facts.

One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to believe that utter nonsense in the first place. :cuckoo:
Sure it is, but Russia and China already had a long history of authoritarianism. And that's a disadvantage to tinkering with communism, which is at base egalitarian. Hence they're in opposition.

(/way offtopic)

It's on topic, because Obama is an authoritarian that pushes for socialist & communist solutions at every turn. One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to not understand these facts.

One has to be suffering from cognitive dissonance to believe that utter nonsense in the first place. :cuckoo:


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