Don't think of your party (if applicable).

Says the lying degenerate communist.

Oh, Derideo isn't a communist.....

He fully supports govt. control of education, healthcare and mass spying on Americans. I don't know what your definition of communism is. But that's in the ballpark for me.

FYI your linked post doesn't prove your allegations because it is only contains your canards rather than what I actually posted.

However I am concerned about your tenuous grasp on reality so I thought this book might help you.

Going for irony squared now? The thread clearly demonstrates that you were the originator of the insults and lies. You can go back and edit them out if you wish but you can't edit out what you were quoted as saying. So yes, there is definitely a pattern of projection by you.

Was I arguing the origination of insults as if it mattered? (And you indeed know it's insignificant; but you're a spinster). But the origination of insults was against a third party btw. You actually did insult me first; so you're wrong there anyways.

And I've lied about nothing. You on the other hand have been utterly dishonest and just as importantly disingenuous. Again, you ignore the umpteenth post about your support of Obama's communistic policies because you are too coward to face it.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you have nothing of value to contribute in this thread.

Big surprise. You making a non-substantive, mind numbing post.

Oh, Derideo isn't a communist.....

He fully supports govt. control of education, healthcare and mass spying on Americans. I don't know what your definition of communism is. But that's in the ballpark for me.

FYI your linked post doesn't prove your allegations because it is only contains your canards rather than what I actually posted.

However I am concerned about your tenuous grasp on reality so I thought this book might help you.


No surprise that you clearly don't know what a canard is. You have defined communistic policies whilst acknowledging that they are policies that Obama supports. Furthermore, I've given you ample opportunities to repudiate that logic and instead you have only thrown out your childish insults. BUT AGAIN YOU HAVE DEFINED COMMUNISM AND IMPLICITLY SUPPORTED OBAMA'S USE OF COMMUNISTIC POLICIES. IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT, THEN DEFEND YOUR POSITION. BUT, I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU IF YOU JUST WANT TO KEEP BEING A LITTLE BITCH AND THROWING OUT YOUR MINDLESS DROSS.
Oh, but you're a butt fucking liberal who thinks that logic can get twisted 180 degrees whenever it's convenient. Clearly, you argued that Bush enacted communistic policies while alluding to the fact that they were the same policies that Obama has. You have defended Obama at all costs. Therefore, you're a fucking communist. It's not a fucking canard. It's your own fucking actions, bitch. Don't think I have a fucking ounce of love for subversive ass wipes like yourself who only talk shit and have not a fucking shred of moral fiber.
Obama does not get any more passes from me or hubby. He lied too many times and now there is no place he can hide or his lies with him.
He made the case that Bush was communistic based upon Obama's same policies in this very thread. And he supports Obama. Why are you and Two Thumbs giving this guy a pass? Did words suddenly lose all meaning?

Read for content;

You said "Says the lying degenerate communist."

Three contentions;

  1. Liar
  2. Degenerate
  3. Communist

I said "Oh, Derideo isn't a Communist."

The implication being that he IS a liar and a degenerate.

Now my purpose was to be humorous; I saw an opportunity for a witty jab at Derideo and took it.
Oh, but you're a butt fucking liberal who thinks that logic can get twisted 180 degrees whenever it's convenient. Clearly, you argued that Bush enacted communistic policies while alluding to the fact that they were the same policies that Obama has. You have defended Obama at all costs. Therefore, you're a fucking communist. It's not a fucking canard. It's your own fucking actions, bitch. Don't think I have a fucking ounce of love for subversive ass wipes like yourself who only talk shit and have not a fucking shred of moral fiber.

Jayziss, dood, get a grip...

If this is what you mean about a TGG melt down, DT, Sorry. You're getting your ass kicked.

Only if you believe TGG's puerile definition of "communism", Ernie. The policies enacted by the prior administration when it comes to intrusion into privacy, healthcare and education are not signifcantly different to those of the current administration when viewed dispassionately from a non partisan perspective.

TGG is screaming (all caps in #206) and using vulgar language (#207). That equates to a meltdown in my opinion. And no, I don't respond to irrational rants like those because I refuse to be dragged down to that level. TGG needs to take a walk and regain his senses if he expects to engage in a rational debate. If he doesn't then he can just fester in his own anger. I am under no obligation to respond when he is emoting rather than thinking.

So no, I don't consider that I am getting my "ass kicked" by someone who is demonstrably incapable of controlling themselves and behaving like a normal human being in this forum. Perhaps I just have a different standard when it comes to the definition of "ass kicking" but there as an old adage about arguing with a fool. I choose not to go there when I see that kind of response because I don't believe that it accomplishes anything useful. However I do support TGG's right to make a fool of himself in this thread. I can turn the other cheek and walk away because I have no emotional investment in the outcome. I already know that what TGG is alleging is entirely false and I don't need to defend the facts since they stand on their own merits.

Finally let me say that I understand that in your opinion I am getting my "ass kicked" but I respectfully beg to differ. Since it is my ass and I am feeling no pain whatsoever TGG's posts are utterly ineffective. I will admit that they made me :lol: but not so hard that I hurt myself.

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Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

in all honesty it is hard for me to say in the history of our country, because I haven't personally experienced the entire history. but for the period i have, absolutely this is the worst. and setting aside any political labeling, I will say modern day politicians are the worst as a collective group this country has ever seen. Politicians are no longer for the people. not in anyway, shape or form.
Says the lying degenerate communist.

Oh, Derideo isn't a communist.....

He made the case that Bush was communistic based upon Obama's same policies in this very thread. And he supports Obama. Why are you and Two Thumbs giving this guy a pass? Did words suddenly lose all meaning?
I wouldn't call Bush a communist, but he was definitely a Socialist War Hawk. No child left behind, medicare expansion, no personal income taxes for the bottom half, wrote re-distribution checks to the bottom half in his stimulus plans, saved companies from bankruptcy that were to big to fail, put us in never ending ME wars... Bush was no conservative.
He made the case that Bush was communistic based upon Obama's same policies in this very thread. And he supports Obama. Why are you and Two Thumbs giving this guy a pass? Did words suddenly lose all meaning?

Read for content;

You said "Says the lying degenerate communist."

Three contentions;

  1. Liar
  2. Degenerate
  3. Communist

I said "Oh, Derideo isn't a Communist."

The implication being that he IS a liar and a degenerate.

Now my purpose was to be humorous; I saw an opportunity for a witty jab at Derideo and took it.

So, an implication lies in the opposite of whatever you say? Good to know. No surprise that the idiot Derideo thanked your post.
Oh, Derideo isn't a communist.....

He made the case that Bush was communistic based upon Obama's same policies in this very thread. And he supports Obama. Why are you and Two Thumbs giving this guy a pass? Did words suddenly lose all meaning?
I wouldn't call Bush a communist, but he was definitely a Socialist War Hawk. No child left behind, medicare expansion, no personal income taxes for the bottom half, wrote re-distribution checks to the bottom half in his stimulus plans, saved companies from bankruptcy that were to big to fail, put us in never ending ME wars... Bush was no conservative.

What Republican is a conservative? They all cherry pick one or two issues that they can market and then do the same BS as the Dems.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

Since I'm not insane, delusional, or a brainwashed party hack, of course not.

No, there aren't any other options as to why anyone would publicly profess such a batshit crazy belief.

(Okay, they are some other options. "Evil", for example.)
He made the case that Bush was communistic based upon Obama's same policies in this very thread. And he supports Obama. Why are you and Two Thumbs giving this guy a pass? Did words suddenly lose all meaning?
I wouldn't call Bush a communist, but he was definitely a Socialist War Hawk. No child left behind, medicare expansion, no personal income taxes for the bottom half, wrote re-distribution checks to the bottom half in his stimulus plans, saved companies from bankruptcy that were to big to fail, put us in never ending ME wars... Bush was no conservative.

What Republican is a conservative? They all cherry pick one or two issues that they can market and then do the same BS as the Dems.

I think Marco Rubio is a real deal conservative in the classical libertarian sense. I like him for president. I know a lot of conservative leaning republicans have him in the out house for his efforts on immigration, but I like what he did, why he did it, and where he is on that as well. IMO we do need to come up with a better solution to the illegal issue than "ignoring" that 20million of them are here.

I'm not sure about Cruz yet. I think Rand Paul might be, but again not sure yet.

Reagan was close enough, I say this while also recognizing that his job was President of the whole country, not just the conservatives.
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