Don't think of your party (if applicable).

Ok, you put all the blame on Bush, all this time I thought he was a republican :cuckoo: bitch!

For the slow readers ... the ... thread... is .... about .... POTUSes .... not .... Congress. Duh.

You're going to sit on the internet and tell us with a straight face that Shrubya DID NOT lead us into Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Even though it's on videotape?

Lie on, liar.

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, true. So did many democrats including both clintons, gore, kerry, and most dems in congress.

you want to castigate bush for it, but the blame is not all on him, congress could have told him to stuff it, but instead they authorized and funded it, and are still funding it.

If losing americans in stupid wars is the criteria then Kennedy and Johnson top the list for the 58,000 americans they caused to die in viet nam for absolutlely nothing.

now, go jump on your stick, pogo.

Congress authorized and funded that fiasco.

I would have to agree. if we are going to use losing Americans in stupid wars as the criteria, then Bush is not going to be at the top of the list. There were far more foolish wars where more Americans were lost.

In fact, I think we've lost more soldiers under the current administration. Though it's hard to tell since the media strangely stopped their morbid soldier death counter when Obama was elected.
For the slow readers ... the ... thread... is .... about .... POTUSes .... not .... Congress. Duh.

You're going to sit on the internet and tell us with a straight face that Shrubya DID NOT lead us into Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Even though it's on videotape?

Lie on, liar.

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, true. So did many democrats including both clintons, gore, kerry, and most dems in congress.

you want to castigate bush for it, but the blame is not all on him, congress could have told him to stuff it, but instead they authorized and funded it, and are still funding it.

If losing americans in stupid wars is the criteria then Kennedy and Johnson top the list for the 58,000 americans they caused to die in viet nam for absolutlely nothing.

now, go jump on your stick, pogo.

Congress authorized and funded that fiasco.

I would have to agree. if we are going to use losing Americans in stupid wars as the criteria, then Bush is not going to be at the top of the list. There were far more foolish wars where more Americans were lost.

In fact, I think we've lost more soldiers under the current administration. Though it's hard to tell since the media strangely stopped their morbid soldier death counter when Obama was elected.

a state controlled media is a very bad thing.
Presidents are ranked by their accomplishments post facto. Lincoln was probably hated by the south back then even more than Obama is hated today. If this question same was asked back then Lincoln would be the "very worst" because there was no historical perspective.

Today's "party of Lincoln" behaves much like the south did back then towards the current day legacy of Lincoln. If the same holds true that presidents will be ranked by their accomplishments post facto then Obama's accomplishments will outweigh his "failures" assuming nothing significant changes in the next 3 years.

There is no probably to it on the South hating Lincoln worse than Obama. They started a war over that hate. Slavery was not just racism, it was also States rights, rules, the economy & way of life for them.
Presidents are ranked by their accomplishments post facto. Lincoln was probably hated by the south back then even more than Obama is hated today. If this question same was asked back then Lincoln would be the "very worst" because there was no historical perspective.

Today's "party of Lincoln" behaves much like the south did back then towards the current day legacy of Lincoln. If the same holds true that presidents will be ranked by their accomplishments post facto then Obama's accomplishments will outweigh his "failures" assuming nothing significant changes in the next 3 years.

There is no probably to it on the South hating Lincoln worse than Obama. They started a war over that hate. Slavery was not just racism, it was also States rights, rules, the economy & way of life for them.

everyone in the south did not own slaves or support slavery. there were slaves in the northern states and just as much racism exists in the north today as anywhere else.

Lincoln saved the nation from a split and validated the part of the constitution that says all men are created equal.

like all generalizations, your generalization of the south is bullshit.
Ok, you put all the blame on Bush, all this time I thought he was a republican :cuckoo: bitch!

For the slow readers ... the ... thread... is .... about .... POTUSes .... not .... Congress. Duh.

You're going to sit on the internet and tell us with a straight face that Shrubya DID NOT lead us into Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Even though it's on videotape?

Lie on, liar.

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, true. So did many democrats including both clintons, gore, kerry, and most dems in congress.

you want to castigate bush for it, but the blame is not all on him, congress could have told him to stuff it, but instead they authorized and funded it, and are still funding it.

If losing americans in stupid wars is the criteria then Kennedy and Johnson top the list for the 58,000 americans they caused to die in viet nam for absolutlely nothing.

now, go jump on your stick, pogo.

Congress authorized and funded that fiasco.

Exactly what part of "many democrats", "both clintons [sic]", gore [sic], kerry [sic], and "most dems in congress [sic]" were not the President at the time is sailing over your pointed little head here?

Shrub did that, period. He was POTUS at the time, period.

The premise of the thread:
Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

Not worst "congress"...
Not worst "kerry" or "gore" or "both clintons" or "many democrats".... President.

You do understand what the word "president" means, do you not? Yet every time I mention a president you try this deflection game. And you suck at it.

I never mentioned anybody's party, dickhead. That's your diversion because you can't handle the post, so you have to change it to something else. You move the goalposts because you don't like what the scoreboard says. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh wait -- I forgot part of the OP:

Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

So much for that; you disqualified yourself. :eusa_hand:
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Ford is doing very well... but don't let the facts get in your way.

Ford never took the government assistance. Probably why they are doing well.

And I will never buy any vehicle other than a Ford.

Plus the fact, they really do make the best cars and trucks on the road.

There's a reason Generic Motors went belly up..... They made junk.

Maybe not anymore, who knows :dunno: but I prefer to spend my money on cars made by Free People.

GM should have been cut up and sold to private bidders.

But they've been a dimocrap lapdog since the days of FDR.

FDR and Henry Ford HATED each other.

So much so that when Ford designed a new Aircraft Engine that was better than ANY Aircraft Engine in the World at the time (the Ford GAA), FDR's sycophants wouldn't even give it a chance.

He kept on using the GM Allison Engine in our fighters. Which was an 'okay' Engine on its BEST day. Barely.

But not suitable to go against the Luftwaffe and the BF-109 or especially the FW-190 (the Butcher Bird).

You go up against one of those with an Allison engine in your Airplane and..... You're very likely gonna die

Finally, some enterprising Brits put the Rolls-Royce Merlin Engine in the P-51 Mustang and we had a fantastic Airplane.

The thing is, the Ford GAA was superior to the Merlin in every conceivable way.... It was a one piece block (the others were cast in halves and welded together) it had four valves instead of two.... It was just a much better engine.

But the Army was scared to death to thoroughly test it because they knew how much FDR hated Henry.... And anything Ford.

Hating dimocraps isn't just a pastime, it's a career choice.

They deserve it so very much

Hitler was a great admirer of Henry Ford so that might have had something to do with the FDR administration's antipathy towards Ford.
For the slow readers ... the ... thread... is .... about .... POTUSes .... not .... Congress. Duh.

You're going to sit on the internet and tell us with a straight face that Shrubya DID NOT lead us into Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Even though it's on videotape?

Lie on, liar.

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, true. So did many democrats including both clintons, gore, kerry, and most dems in congress.

you want to castigate bush for it, but the blame is not all on him, congress could have told him to stuff it, but instead they authorized and funded it, and are still funding it.

If losing americans in stupid wars is the criteria then Kennedy and Johnson top the list for the 58,000 americans they caused to die in viet nam for absolutlely nothing.

now, go jump on your stick, pogo.

Congress authorized and funded that fiasco.

Exactly what part of "many democrats", "both clintons [sic]", gore [sic], kerry [sic], and "most dems in congress [sic]" were not the President at the time is sailing over your pointed little head here?

Shrub did that, period. He was POTUS at the time, period.

The premise of the thread:
Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

Not worst "congress"...
Not worst "kerry" or "gore" or "both clintons" or "many democrats".... President.

You do understand what the word "president" means, do you not? Yet every time I mention a president you try this deflection game. And you suck at it.

I never mentioned anybody's party, dickhead. That's your diversion because you can't handle the truth.

Oh wait -- I forgot part of the OP:

Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

So much for that; you disqualified yourself. :eusa_hand:

Sorry to raise the discussion above your level of comprehension, but lets try again.

you rated Bush as a bad president because of the stupid Iraq war. I merely explained to you that even though it happened on his watch, he did not, and could not, do it on his own. So the negative that you assigned to him should be assigned to DC as a whole.

Do you give Kennedy low marks for expanding the viet nam fiasco? How about LBJ? Neither of them did it on their own either.

Did FDR bring socialism to the USA by his lonesome? or did congress authorize and fund it?

Rating of presidents should be based on some signature piece of legislation or the economic gains or losses of the country under him. ACA will put obama at the very top of the worst list. Its the only thing he has done, and its terrible.
One reason Obama sucks...


the GOP controls one house in the legislature. They have passed hundreds of bills that are sitting on Reid's desk, he will not let any come to the floor of the senate.

why? is he afraid one might pass?

There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support

I will use a line straight from your king "I will not Negotiate"
the GOP controls one house in the legislature. They have passed hundreds of bills that are sitting on Reid's desk, he will not let any come to the floor of the senate.

why? is he afraid one might pass?

There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support

I will use a line straight from your king "I will not Negotiate"

Who is holding a gun to your head?
Re-election Could Put Obama in Top 4 All-Time - Washington Whispers (

"Re-election Could Put Obama in Top 4 All-Time"

Eight factors

1.) The years served - The more years a president serves, the better they are ranked.

2.) Wartime presidents. Most wartime presidents get a bonus. "It is a good opportunity for presidents to exercise leadership and decisiveness," Nichols says.

3.) Scandal- Presidents who avoid it earn points. Presidents who engage in it, lose points.

4.) Enervated conditions- Presidents who mark the end of a political era like Jimmy Carter or Herbert Hoover lose points.

5.) Re-ordering president- Presidents who mark the beginning of a political era and attract a new, major coalition of support, gain points.

6.) Founding fathers- If a president was a founder, he tends to do remarkably well in rankings.

7.) Progressive policies- The more a president pursues equality in the country. the more points historians give him.

8.) Assassinated presidents- A president who dies in a tragic way performs doess well in a historical ranking.
"Obama Ranked Ahead Of Reagan In Survey Of Presidential Historians"

Presidential Ranking - Obama Ranking - US Presidents | Mediaite

“Now, a survey by presidential scholars ranks Obama as the 15th best president the country has seen.”

a survey of real americans ranks him dead last, worst ever.

Define "real americans".

30 of my friends and neighbors, my survey has as much validity as any other.

who cares what some egghead professors who don't live in the real world think about presidents-----they each have one vote just like you and me.
But I guess you are admitting that you think they are smarter than you are. OK.
a survey of real americans ranks him dead last, worst ever.

Define "real americans".

30 of my friends and neighbors, my survey has as much validity as any other.

who cares what some egghead professors who don't live in the real world think about presidents-----they each have one vote just like you and me.
But I guess you are admitting that you think they are smarter than you are. OK.

So 30 people who are more or less identical in outlook and "values" as yourself?

As opposed to the full spectrum of Americans who embrace all religions, races, genders, ages, education levels, living standards, incomes, jobs and origins?

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