Don't think of your party (if applicable).

the GOP controls one house in the legislature. They have passed hundreds of bills that are sitting on Reid's desk, he will not let any come to the floor of the senate.

why? is he afraid one might pass?

There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support

Obama, Reid and the dems have refused to talk, refused to conference, refused to compromise. You are preaching to the wrong choir.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Nowhere close.

Johnson (BOTH of them)
Bush II
(as well as many mentioned above)

all far worse.

Perhaps YOU should cast aside your party meme.

Or study some history ...

None of them divided this country like obama has. NOT ONE of them pushed a marxist collectivist agenda like obama has. Not one of them had a signature piece of legislation that was passed totally by one party.
the GOP controls one house in the legislature. They have passed hundreds of bills that are sitting on Reid's desk, he will not let any come to the floor of the senate.

why? is he afraid one might pass?

There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support

Obama, Reid and the dems have refused to talk, refused to conference, refused to compromise. You are preaching to the wrong choir.

No they haven't

I haven't seen a single Democrat ridiculed by the left for daring to talk to Republicans. Democrats tried for six months prior to the Republican shutdown to get a sit down to discuss the issues. Same goes for Obamacare

You can play the "Not me...its you" game all you want

But the Republican Party has taken a compromise is for pussies position and radically enforces it on their members. What did the republican right call those who voted to avoid the debt default? Surrender monkeys?
Woodrow Wilson is my choice for the worst ever. He was obsessed with power and didn't believe in the Constitution. He created the IRS via the Federal Reserve Act and brought CHANGE to America. Giving the power to print currency directly to the banksters who eventually schemed us to the Great Depression. His reign of terror included the SEDITION ACT which threw Americans into Jail for speaking out against the Gov't or the military in any shape or form. Shut down radio stations and Censored FREE SPEECH. The 17th Amendment took away State's Rights and fundamentally changed the Constitution. Prohibition and the time's of the like's of Al Capone.

The Palmer Raids

A. Mitchell Palmer claimed that Communist agents from Russia were planning to overthrow the American government. On 7th November, 1919, the second anniversary of the Russian Revolution, over 10,000 suspected communists and anarchists were arrested. Palmer and Hoover found no evidence of a proposed revolution but large number of these suspects were held without trial for a long time. The vast majority were eventually released but Emma Goldman and 247 other people, were deported to Russia.

On 2nd January, 1920, another 6,000 were arrested and held without trial. These raids took place in several cities and became known as the Palmer Raids. A. Mitchell Palmer and John Edgar Hoover found no evidence of a proposed revolution but large number of these suspects, many of them members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), continued to be held without trial. When Palmer announced that the communist revolution was likely to take place on 1st May, mass panic took place. In New York, five elected Socialists were expelled from the legislature.

When the May revolution failed to materialize, attitudes towards Palmer began to change and he was criticised for disregarding people's basic civil liberties. Some of his opponents claimed that Palmer had devised this Red Scare to help him become the Democratic presidential candidate in 1920.
There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support

Obama, Reid and the dems have refused to talk, refused to conference, refused to compromise. You are preaching to the wrong choir.

No they haven't

I haven't seen a single Democrat ridiculed by the left for daring to talk to Republicans. Democrats tried for six months prior to the Republican shutdown to get a sit down to discuss the issues. Same goes for Obamacare

You can play the "Not me...its you" game all you want

But the Republican Party has taken a compromise is for pussies position and radically enforces it on their members. What did the republican right call those who voted to avoid the debt default? Surrender monkeys?

Who said "I will not negotiate" ? Hint, his initials are BHO.

who has refused to let a single house passed bill be voted on in the senate? Hint, his initials are HR.

The dems have shut down the normal legislative process. Obama has no idea what the role of the president is in mediating and arbitrating between the parties in congress. Its much easier to just say "my way or no way".
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Nowhere close.

Johnson (BOTH of them)
Bush II
(as well as many mentioned above)

all far worse.

Perhaps YOU should cast aside your party meme.

Or study some history ...

None of them divided this country like obama has. NOT ONE of them pushed a marxist collectivist agenda like obama has. Not one of them had a signature piece of legislation that was passed totally by one party.

Your grasp of American History is just about as fragile as your knowledge of current events.

You can spout all the nonesense you want - and you are entitled to your opinion no matter how nonsensical - but I'm sure not buying in. Don't think too many others are either.
Obama, Reid and the dems have refused to talk, refused to conference, refused to compromise. You are preaching to the wrong choir.

No they haven't

I haven't seen a single Democrat ridiculed by the left for daring to talk to Republicans. Democrats tried for six months prior to the Republican shutdown to get a sit down to discuss the issues. Same goes for Obamacare

You can play the "Not me...its you" game all you want

But the Republican Party has taken a compromise is for pussies position and radically enforces it on their members. What did the republican right call those who voted to avoid the debt default? Surrender monkeys?

Who said "I will not negotiate" ? Hint, his initials are BHO.

who has refused to let a single house passed bill be voted on in the senate? Hint, his initials are HR.

The dems have shut down the normal legislative process. Obama has no idea what the role of the president is in mediating and arbitrating between the parties in congress. Its much easier to just say "my way or no way".

Obama was perfectly willing to negotiate....he still is

But not with a gun to his head

What have Republicans offered to negotiate?
Background checks?
Tax Increases?
Immigration Reform?

What are they bringing to the table other than demands?
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Absolutely not. As far as I know, having nothing to do with liberal or conservative, I believe George W. Bush was the worst. I was living overseas most of the time Bush was President and was able to observe him from inside, as an American, and outside, from the perspective of the people in the 3 different countries (and 3 continents) I l ived in/on during that time, plus all the people I met traveling around during those years (about 20 countries) and the people from hundreds of different countries with whom I worked during those years. Also, based on the total mess he left America in when he vacated office. There may have been worse presidents in the past, but there is no way Obama is worse than or as bad as GW Bush.
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He's up against some pretty stiff competition. I'd have to put FDR and Wilson ahead of Obama.

I humbly suggest you review Johnson's history, from the 40s on.

**I'll have these ni@@ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years**. (50 years and counting.)
Nevermind his quote, just look at his body language.


First of all.......that quote is not from me
Secondly, rightwing attempts to bury Johnson reek of Monday Morning Quarterbacking. In the 1960s, in the south, it was common to refer to blacks as n*ggers. Being a product of the south, Johnson was no different
If you want to evaluate Johnson just look at the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, neither which would have passed without Johnsons arm twisting

Actually that quote is undocumented.

Convenient meme for some, but there's no evidence LBJ ever said that.
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No they haven't

I haven't seen a single Democrat ridiculed by the left for daring to talk to Republicans. Democrats tried for six months prior to the Republican shutdown to get a sit down to discuss the issues. Same goes for Obamacare

You can play the "Not me...its you" game all you want

But the Republican Party has taken a compromise is for pussies position and radically enforces it on their members. What did the republican right call those who voted to avoid the debt default? Surrender monkeys?

Who said "I will not negotiate" ? Hint, his initials are BHO.

who has refused to let a single house passed bill be voted on in the senate? Hint, his initials are HR.

The dems have shut down the normal legislative process. Obama has no idea what the role of the president is in mediating and arbitrating between the parties in congress. Its much easier to just say "my way or no way".

Obama was perfectly willing to negotiate....he still is

But not with a gun to his head

What have Republicans offered to negotiate?
Background checks?
Tax Increases?
Immigration Reform?

What are they bringing to the table other than demands?

both parties bring demands. thats how a negotiation starts. obama and reid have refused to negotiate. That is well documented.

How many house passed bills has Reid allowed to go to conference committee? how many allowed to be debated in the senate? how many voted on in the senate?

your partisan lies are noted, but they are lies.
Nowhere close.

Johnson (BOTH of them)
Bush II
(as well as many mentioned above)

all far worse.

Perhaps YOU should cast aside your party meme.

Or study some history ...

None of them divided this country like obama has. NOT ONE of them pushed a marxist collectivist agenda like obama has. Not one of them had a signature piece of legislation that was passed totally by one party.

Your grasp of American History is just about as fragile as your knowledge of current events.

You can spout all the nonesense you want - and you are entitled to your opinion no matter how nonsensical - but I'm sure not buying in. Don't think too many others are either.

which other president has done these things?
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Absolutely not. As far as I know, having nothing to do with liberal or conservative, I believe George W. Bush was the worst. I was living overseas most of the time Bush was President and was able to observe him from inside, as an American, and outside, from the perspective of the people in the 3 different countries (and 3 continents) I l ived in/on during that time, plus all the people I met traveling around during those years (about 20 countries) and the people from hundreds of different countries with whom I worked during those years. Also, based on the total mess he left America in when he vacated office. There may have been worse presidents in the past, but there is no way Obama is worse than or as bad as GW Bush.

Agreed. And in my travels internationally in the Bush years I found the same thing.

O'bama would have to commit some major fuckups (and sorry, using a teleprompter and not knowing how Snooki is and having a hair-apparent rich gadfly follow him around barking about birth certificates do not qualify as major fuckups) in order to compete with a guy who abandons a war against terrorism and starts one with Iraq because they "have better targets" -- let alone the economy collapsing. That's a tough act to follow.

The original question is absurd anyway -- the idea of historically ranking a POTUS who's sitting in office, not even finished his term yet, is inherently ludicrous. Ranking his predecessor already, barely less so. It's way too early.

How come Buchanan wasn't mentioned among the worst? That guy not only brought on a war through negligence, it was here at home and the worst in casualties that we've ever had. Just sayin'...
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Absolutely not. As far as I know, having nothing to do with liberal or conservative, I believe George W. Bush was the worst. I was living overseas most of the time Bush was President and was able to observe him from inside, as an American, and outside, from the perspective of the people in the 3 different countries (and 3 continents) I l ived in/on during that time, plus all the people I met traveling around during those years (about 20 countries) and the people from hundreds of different countries with whom I worked during those years. Also, based on the total mess he left America in when he vacated office. There may have been worse presidents in the past, but there is no way Obama is worse than or as bad as GW Bush.

Agreed. And in my travels internationally in the Bush years I found the same thing.

O'bama would have to commit some major fuckups (and sorry, using a teleprompter and not knowing how Snooki is and having a hair-apparent rich gadfly follow him around barking about birth certificates do not qualify as major fuckups) in order to compete with a guy who abandons a war against terrorism and starts one with Iraq because they "have better targets" -- let alone the economy collapsing. That's a tough act to follow.

The original question is absurd anyway -- the idea of historically ranking a POTUS who's sitting in office, not even finished his term yet, is inherently ludicrous. Ranking his predecessor already, barely less so. It's way too early.

How come Buchanan wasn't mentioned among the worst? That guy not only brought on a war through negligence, it was here at home and the worst in casualties that we've ever had. Just sayin'...

Both parties authorized and funded the fiasco known as Iraq. Bush, in fact no president, has the power to do that on his own. It was a stupid mistake, but the blame belongs on all of them.

You do a disservice to history when you lie about what really happened.
None of them divided this country like obama has. NOT ONE of them pushed a marxist collectivist agenda like obama has. Not one of them had a signature piece of legislation that was passed totally by one party.

Your grasp of American History is just about as fragile as your knowledge of current events.

You can spout all the nonesense you want - and you are entitled to your opinion no matter how nonsensical - but I'm sure not buying in. Don't think too many others are either.

which other president has done these things?

pushed a marxist collectivist agenda....FAIL

Mention him and the Statist get a tingling sensation in their legs. Makes them shiver with awe for the Statist's Wet Dream.

FDR CHALLENGED the ENUMERATED POWERS OF THE CONSTITUTION. Went to the Supreme Court to Fundamentally change the Constitution. Stated purposely that the Constitution didn't Limit the Gov't. Pressed the Common Good Clause under a time of Chaos and War. Believed there was NO LIMIT on the Size and Power of Gov't.

He set the standard for Big Gov't for the Libs today. That he could tax anything for the Common Good of the people. This was the Beginning of Larger Gov't. More more more that we still see today. Which is the Sum of All Fears for UNFUNDED LIABILITIES and MASSIVE GOV'T.

He TRANSFORMED the Constitution, and proceeded down the path the Founders Warned us about, same as they Warned us about the actions of Wilson.

Obama is another TRANSFORMATION type guy. Wanting Massive Gov't, and more for the Common Good. Transformation to a MIND SET OF IDEOLOGY over COMMON SENSE. Only a Idiot would hit the Gas pedal when you can't even pay for the Gov't already. His goal is to TRANSFORM us to even Bigger Gov't. His will be known as the President who turned over 1/6th of the GDP of the Nation to Gov't Control. A President that created more Debt than all the other Presidents Combined.

He may very well be the one in Charge with another Great Depression as his actions, via the Fed only prolong the inevitable results of the 1st Crash. And Influx of VAST AMOUNTS OF FIAT CURRENCY to ARTIFICIALLY PROP UP THE SYSTEM. A House of Cards built on a LIE. He will eventually be known as one of the Worst. History will not Favor those who's policies led to Economic Calamity.

Back to FDR. His decisions during the War Haunted us for a long time. Refusing to listen to those like Churchill and taking more ground before the end of the War. Bringing us the Berlin Wall and the Cold War.
Your grasp of American History is just about as fragile as your knowledge of current events.

You can spout all the nonesense you want - and you are entitled to your opinion no matter how nonsensical - but I'm sure not buying in. Don't think too many others are either.

which other president has done these things?

pushed a marxist collectivist agenda....FAIL

"I want to redistribute the wealth" obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" marx

also see my Lenin quote in my sig.

obama is a marxist collectivist. Face reality and admit who you elected.
Absolutely not. As far as I know, having nothing to do with liberal or conservative, I believe George W. Bush was the worst. I was living overseas most of the time Bush was President and was able to observe him from inside, as an American, and outside, from the perspective of the people in the 3 different countries (and 3 continents) I l ived in/on during that time, plus all the people I met traveling around during those years (about 20 countries) and the people from hundreds of different countries with whom I worked during those years. Also, based on the total mess he left America in when he vacated office. There may have been worse presidents in the past, but there is no way Obama is worse than or as bad as GW Bush.

Agreed. And in my travels internationally in the Bush years I found the same thing.

O'bama would have to commit some major fuckups (and sorry, using a teleprompter and not knowing how Snooki is and having a hair-apparent rich gadfly follow him around barking about birth certificates do not qualify as major fuckups) in order to compete with a guy who abandons a war against terrorism and starts one with Iraq because they "have better targets" -- let alone the economy collapsing. That's a tough act to follow.

The original question is absurd anyway -- the idea of historically ranking a POTUS who's sitting in office, not even finished his term yet, is inherently ludicrous. Ranking his predecessor already, barely less so. It's way too early.

How come Buchanan wasn't mentioned among the worst? That guy not only brought on a war through negligence, it was here at home and the worst in casualties that we've ever had. Just sayin'...

Both parties authorized and funded the fiasco known as Iraq. Bush, in fact no president, has the power to do that on his own. It was a stupid mistake, but the blame belongs on all of them.

You do a disservice to history when you lie about what really happened.

Uh-- I didn't mention any parties.
Who's the liar now, bitch?
Agreed. And in my travels internationally in the Bush years I found the same thing.

O'bama would have to commit some major fuckups (and sorry, using a teleprompter and not knowing how Snooki is and having a hair-apparent rich gadfly follow him around barking about birth certificates do not qualify as major fuckups) in order to compete with a guy who abandons a war against terrorism and starts one with Iraq because they "have better targets" -- let alone the economy collapsing. That's a tough act to follow.

The original question is absurd anyway -- the idea of historically ranking a POTUS who's sitting in office, not even finished his term yet, is inherently ludicrous. Ranking his predecessor already, barely less so. It's way too early.

How come Buchanan wasn't mentioned among the worst? That guy not only brought on a war through negligence, it was here at home and the worst in casualties that we've ever had. Just sayin'...

Both parties authorized and funded the fiasco known as Iraq. Bush, in fact no president, has the power to do that on his own. It was a stupid mistake, but the blame belongs on all of them.

You do a disservice to history when you lie about what really happened.

Uh-- I didn't mention any parties.
Who's the liar now, bitch?

Ok, you put all the blame on Bush, all this time I thought he was a republican :cuckoo: bitch!
Carter and STAGFLATION. His inept handling of our economy gave us some of the WORST INFLATION RATES IN OUR HISTORY. Google Stagflation and the article will almost always talk about Carter. They tend to equal each other. Gas Lines and our people held hostage in Iran for well over a year. Economic decline accelerated by Idiotic Fiscal Policies.

Iran...........the beginning of the current Radical Islamic Movement. It started under his term and has led us to the Woes of today. We still pay for his decisions today. On the one note. I will give him credit for the Camp David Accords which ended the Wars between Egypt and Israel.

Anyway, I remember the Gas Lines. I remember the hostage crisis. And remembered how the mood of the day was for Peanut Head to get off his ass and bring our people home. Which is exactly why the country TURNED against the Dems.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.


I do think it is the worst president/administration of my lifetime - but Lincoln caused a civil war, and Jackson, founder of the Democratic party, engaged in genocide. Both were worse than Obama.

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