Don't think of your party (if applicable).

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.

What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

GM is alive,
OBL is dead.
Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.

What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

GM is alive,
OBL is dead.

Really? You are going to repeat a mantra that is total nonsense? GM is limping around. OBL is dead despite the President.
What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

GM is alive,
OBL is dead.

Really? You are going to repeat a mantra that is total nonsense? GM is limping around. OBL is dead despite the President.

Do you know their financials? Whatever they are it's higher than $0.00...those drawing a paycheck from GM would disagree with you as well.

Obama got Osama. Checkmate.
GM is alive,
OBL is dead.

Really? You are going to repeat a mantra that is total nonsense? GM is limping around. OBL is dead despite the President.

Do you know their financials? Whatever they are it's higher than $0.00...those drawing a paycheck from GM would disagree with you as well.

Obama got Osama. Checkmate.

Government propped up a failed company using money confiscated by force to prop up a company that failed in the marketplace.

The victims of that crime are other companies who did not fail in the marketplace and have to compete with one which is propped up by socialism and customers who are buying cars which were not efficiently economically produced. That someone is still getting a paycheck is just another demonstration you don't look at the whole picture, you just see what you want to see.
What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

GM is alive,
OBL is dead.

Really? You are going to repeat a mantra that is total nonsense? GM is limping around. OBL is dead despite the President.

Now you just hold there one minute, pardner.

If obama didn't single-handedly kill osama bin floatin with his bare hands, then why would the Toy Company "Hero Builders" make, market and sell this action toy figure of the baddest preezy of the united steezy EVAH!!


They thought about naming the doll 'Rambama' -- a cross between Rambo and obama.

I suggested 'Rambutt' as more appropriate.

Haven't heard back from them yet.

If you find one stuffed in your Christmas Stocking this year....... :dunno:
Well, I wasn't around during Taft, Harding, Coolidge or Hoover so I have no idea of the he said she saids.

So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

You have me mistaken for another poster. I did not mention Bush I and II, nor Clinton.
I am 61 years old. I was born in 1952.

I didn't care for Bush..either one. I liked Clinton, regardless of his sex escapades. I loved Kennedy even though I was a kid. Obama embarasses and makes me more nervous that Bush II ever could. He is going to fuck this whole country up worse than it already is.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

I think your opinion makes you the dumbest poster in the history of USMB,

or at least in a tie for that honor.

And you are just as dumb for participating in the question.

Now..wanna answer the question or continue to throw barbs?
Considering I don't identify with either party or any ideology, this will be pretty easy.
I was very young when Nixon was around, but from what I learned about the guy he would be about a 7 (throwing out Watergate). Carter was a 4, Reagan was a 7, HW Bush also 7, Clinton 8, "W" 4 and I have Obama, "W"'s twin at a 4.
I think Reagan wasn't as conservative as people would like to think. He was the right guy at the right time, definitely a uniter. Clinton was very good (I never did vote for the guy), he was the last president who had the sense and the ability to work with the opposing party if he hadn't fucked around with skirts I would have rated him higher.
I see no difference between "W" and "O".

Thank you for answering honestly and speaking your opinion without making it personal due to the question.
In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.

What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

Reverse the economic collapse......We are still in a huge fucking recession so fail
End Bush Tax cuts......... Ok... but he failed to do this for a long time, but Ok... And as far as I know Obama didn't end the Bush era tax cuts, he changed them and put it under a new name "American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012." So again, mostly a fail.
Cut the deficit in half......... The deficit is no where near cut in half, we spend near 2 trillion a year currently, even at the false 700 billion Obama gets the tax revenue crated off the trillion the FEDR prints. Add it all in and you are still at 1 trillion. If Obama wants to take credit for the markets that the FEDR keeps artificially afloat, he has to take the spending that comes with that credit, it's called accountability.
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...... Obama expanded the wars, he also didn't end Iraq, Bush did. Look up the date Bush set to end Iraq, odd how that war ended on that date! Obama also tried to get the Iraq Government to let the US stay in Iraq, but they said no and used the contract Bush made with them to keep us out. And we are still in Afghanistan you dumb fuck... as we are still in Iraq to some degree, Obama spends over 150 billion a year more than Buhs on military.
Pass Healthcare bill...... Grats on that POS, it's gonna kill the Dem party lol. But for the record Obama lied about it being transparent, Obama lied about it keeping costs down, Obama lied about it being deficit neutral, Obama lied about keeping your plan. So really, he mostly lied and failed to keep his promise.
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done. As you said it was not promised, but you love to fling around Obama killing people, even if it means he has greatly expanded the war on terror.

Again and as always /owned
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Of course not, the notion is ridiculous.

And that is indeed being honest.

Obviously you’ve never heard of Taft, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover.

It’s idiocy to try to evaluate a given administration while still in office; Truman was despised during his time and is now considered among our greatest presidents.

Such evaluations can only be made in an objective context, at least 30 years after an administration has left office.

lol, Harding and Coolidge were bad because they ended a depression in record time and had UE down to 1%... FDR is good because he stole from people during the war, had millions starving in the streets and had UE rates of up to 25%.

Obama is not the worst, FDR is is worst than Obama, and that's non debatable fact. But having Obama right after Bush (another horrible President) yes, Obama is one of the worst.

In my lifetime worst Presidents are

Bush I - Clinton (tie)
Bush II

Eh. I think Buchannan was worse. He sent the US Army to Utah to put down a non-existent rebellion. Completelly lost control of the slave issue. And left office with the country in Civil war.

I dono that President that well... But I was not talking about the worst, I simply stated FDR was worse than Obama. They are among the worst. I'll have to read up on Buchannan.
GM is alive,
OBL is dead.

Really? You are going to repeat a mantra that is total nonsense? GM is limping around. OBL is dead despite the President.

Do you know their financials? Whatever they are it's higher than $0.00...those drawing a paycheck from GM would disagree with you as well.

Obama got Osama. Checkmate.

What's sad is so many progressives are aware that Obama has accomplished so little or meaningless thing as to where they have to claim Obama killed OBL.

So fucking what? Obama has destroyed our friendship with all our allies by spying. Obama spies on America citizens. Obama assassinates American citizens, Obama's economy is so bad you guys still claim it's Bush's fault 5 years later then awkwardly try and say the economy is doing good... after you just said it was bad because of Bush. The nation is historically divided and less people work, more are on welfare and food stamps.

This Presidency is pure chit. How you believe you can spin it to making Obama out as one of the greatest Presidents is literally killing your party hahaha.
If they let the FED cause Depressions then yes the Presidents are all bad. Hoover, FDR, Bush II and Obama.

Chuck Baldwin would have shut the FED down had he been elected in 2008.

We'd be in an Icelandic recovery now.
If they let the FED cause Depressions then yes the Presidents are all bad. Hoover, FDR, Bush II and Obama.

Chuck Baldwin would have shut the FED down had he been elected in 2008.

We'd be in an Icelandic recovery now.

Agreed. We should have run the failed corporations, banks, and lending institutions through bankruptcy court instead of bailing them out. We should have audited the fed, instead of giving it free run to hand out money to failing banks around the world. Instead they stole our money to buy our properties and are sitting on them waiting for us to buy them back thus giving the banks a windfall at our own expense.
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Well, I wasn't around during Taft, Harding, Coolidge or Hoover so I have no idea of the he said she saids.

So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

You have me mistaken for another poster. I did not mention Bush I and II, nor Clinton.
I am 61 years old. I was born in 1952.

I didn't care for Bush..either one. I liked Clinton, regardless of his sex escapades. I loved Kennedy even though I was a kid. Obama embarasses and makes me more nervous that Bush II ever could. He is going to fuck this whole country up worse than it already is.


Whatever you think of Obama, the fact is he’ll leave office with American in considerably better condition than when he entered.

Again, you may credit Obama or not, it really makes no difference – historians will ultimately decide. But it’s idiocy to believe the country will be ‘worse off’ in 2017 than it was in January 2009.
So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

You have me mistaken for another poster. I did not mention Bush I and II, nor Clinton.
I am 61 years old. I was born in 1952.

I didn't care for Bush..either one. I liked Clinton, regardless of his sex escapades. I loved Kennedy even though I was a kid. Obama embarasses and makes me more nervous that Bush II ever could. He is going to fuck this whole country up worse than it already is.


Whatever you think of Obama, the fact is he’ll leave office with American in considerably better condition than when he entered.

Again, you may credit Obama or not, it really makes no difference – historians will ultimately decide. But it’s idiocy to believe the country will be ‘worse off’ in 2017 than it was in January 2009.

You're a fucking idiot. We were not going to keep losing jobs indefinitely you fucking retard, no matter who was president. Obama has ran this country into the ground. These is not one thing you can clearly debate is better now than when Bush left, not one "meaningful" thing I should say. All the things you claim Bush and Republicans did to make things so bad are still being done, most of the policies are expanded. If you even knew how to debate you would have to pull up what policies Bush did that crated such a horrible Presidency for Bush, then we could look up where these policies are today.... And that's how we know you're nothing more than a Obama-bot.

Fuck, less people are working than when Obama took over, lol. You're just so fucking stupid it's actually making me laugh. I would LOVE to debate people like you in person.
#1 Obama accomplishment is Obama killed OBL!!!! Problem is NO ONE ACTUALLY GIVES A FUCK.... It's used as a "I got nothin" in debates on the Internets.

Seriously, just ask people, "hey, what's more important to you... That Obama killed OBL or that it might rain today and you wanted to go for a jog?" You will be shocked and amazed at just how few people on earth care about this GRAND AMAZING ACCOMPLISHMENT Obama did all by himself that NO ONE IN THE REAL WORLD EVER TALKS ABOUT.
Well, I wasn't around during Taft, Harding, Coolidge or Hoover so I have no idea of the he said she saids.

So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

You have me mistaken for another poster. I did not mention Bush I and II, nor Clinton.
I am 61 years old. I was born in 1952.

I didn't care for Bush..either one. I liked Clinton, regardless of his sex escapades. I loved Kennedy even though I was a kid. Obama embarasses and makes me more nervous that Bush II ever could. He is going to fuck this whole country up worse than it already is.

Yeah that was just an example. But it would be more accurate to say that you think he is the worst of your lifetime.
There is a laundry list of bad presidents in both parties, Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, G.W. Bush and our current occupier of the oval office who has built on the rubble of those in the past. Had those previous folks had not built the road maobama is not smart enough to navigate without it and the systems he has expanded would not have been there in the first place.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

it's difficult to say where exactly he is because

a) his term hasn't finished yet
b) we haven't seen the full effects of all his particular policies yet
c) current events sort of muddy the waters (for example, I'm sure people were happier with him immediately after he killed OBL than after, say, the IRS scandal)

that said, he's definitely not the worst; Buchanan and Harding are hard standards to pass

he's certainly not even close to the best though, I give you that
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There is a laundry list of bad presidents in both parties, Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, G.W. Bush and our current occupier of the oval office who has built on the rubble of those in the past. Had those previous folks had not built the road maobama is not smart enough to navigate without it and the systems he has expanded would not have been there in the first place.

every time I see FDR, LBJ, and Lincoln on a list of worst presidents I die a little inside

Democrats had Buchanan, Johnson, and Pierce
Republicans had Harding, Grant, GWB, and Ben Harrison
also the Whigs didn't have a single good president but lolirrelevanttotoday'spolitics
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