Don't think of your party (if applicable).

I was around.

I was sitting in class in High School, English Class, when the Principal came in and announced that President Kennedy had been shot and was probably going to die.

Every girl in the Class, including the Teacher, started to cry. And some of the boys.

You don't forget something like that.

That was when I started paying attention to politics.

Shortly after that I joined The Army (my folks didn't have the money for College and I joined to get the GI Bill) and they sent me to a place I'd never heard of before -- Viet Nam.

That kinda got my attention, too.

The riots in Detroit, the 82nd Airborne Division in the streets, Kent State, Woodstock, being stationed outside Boston (went on alert and put in isolation for the Roxbury Riots), walking the Streets of San Fran (Haight Ashbury), the music, the counter culture, the hippies, the drugs, MLK, the Black Panthers, Patty Hearst, Bill Ayers and the Weathermen, the SDS, School Busing....

In those days, you had to be brain dead to not be aware of politics.

And I'm telling you people right fucking now....

the Stuttering Clusterfuck is THE worst president in History.

It's not even close

You're a righty so you're ignoring some huge fucking mistakes in judgment from "W". Going to two wars and lowering taxes was absolutely one of the stupidest things I have ever seen a president do. He also left trillions in unfunded mandates that will be in future presidents budgets for decades to come. That's why I have "W" tied with "O" and Carter.
It's THAT close!

So you'd prefer that Saddam were still in power and that the Taliban still have a base of operations in Asscrackistan?

Lowering taxes spurred the economy to one of the more remarkable peace-time expansions in history.

The Financial Crisis was more a function of dishonest bankers who felt they could get away with anything under the guise of the CRA and Fannie and Freddie Execs rigging the game and stupid debt instruments and THE worst Fed Chairman EVER keeping interest rates too low for too long.

IOW, it had nothing to do with Bush.

But as a juvenile libturd, you'll use your fallacious Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc logic until somebody shoves it up your nose.

You're not worth my time

Yeah, I figured you'd reject anyone who thinks out of the ideological box!
Saddam was a thug and killed innocent Iraqis and Kurds.
He also held Iran in check. He also prevented any civil war between the Sunni and Shiites.
Now we have a strong presence of Iranians in Iraq and their influence on the Iraqi government and of course there's that bloody civil war costing 10's of thousands of lives.
Also, there's the cost. Not only the100's of billions of dollars for the war effort but also the cost of American troops lives and the cost of taking care of all the taking care of those troops rehabilitation from the wounds, physically and mentally. How many American lives were ruined,,forever? How many trillions of dollars is that going to cost. And Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11! It was "W"'s folly.
Ideological partisans, can't live with them,,,pass the beer nuts.
There has never been a president that has done this much damage to the country as the presidunce currently in office.
Obama willl be ranked as a top ten President

Maybe top ten worst Presidents

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Of course not, the notion is ridiculous.

And that is indeed being honest.

Obviously you’ve never heard of Taft, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover.

It’s idiocy to try to evaluate a given administration while still in office; Truman was despised during his time and is now considered among our greatest presidents.

Such evaluations can only be made in an objective context, at least 30 years after an administration has left office.

lol, Harding and Coolidge were bad because they ended a depression in record time and had UE down to 1%... FDR is good because he stole from people during the war, had millions starving in the streets and had UE rates of up to 25%.

Obama is not the worst, FDR is, and that's debatable fact. But having Obama right after Bush (another horrible President) yes, Obama is one of the worst.

To be fair, FDR was in uncharted waters.

But he was still terrible.

All those programs could have and would have been started without his constant meddling.

He was buying and butchering MILLIONS of Hogs, destroying their carcasses by burning, rather than give them to starving children.

He wanted the prices to go up.

And yeah I know we use the 'starving children' thing too much around here but in this case, there REALLY WERE starving children.

He was buying and burning wheat, he was forcing Unions on Companies (which is why he and Henry Ford HATED each other).... All while people were living in cardboard houses and eating scraps out of garbage cans.

I cut FDR some slack because I think his intentions were good. But you know the road to Hell is paved with, right?

I cut the Stuttering Clusterfuck NO slack because he is a socialist, a liar, a thief, an Anti-American scumbag, a racist and his cabinet is full of people just like him or worse.

And the people who defend him are just like him as well.
Obama willl be ranked as a top ten President

Maybe top ten worst Presidents

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.
Last edited:
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

He's second worst after Lyndon Johnson who was more racist than Obama, a disgusting person, started the welfare state, and almost certainly was responsible for Kennedy's assassination, and probably Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Of course Oby's got three years to go.

Obviously you’ve never heard of Taft, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover.

It’s idiocy to try to evaluate a given administration while still in office; Truman was despised during his time and is now considered among our greatest presidents.

Truman and Reagan are the only two Presidents in the modern era who some degree of integrity.

Hoover was indeed a Depression worsening dolt, but Sec. Treasury Mellon under Harding (who was only in office for 2 years) and Coolidge, engineered the tax cuts that drove the economy of the Roaring 20s while increasing government revenues. It's a principle which was later employed by Truman, Kennedy, Reagan and Bush II--re: the Laffer Curve.
Obama willl be ranked as a top ten President

Maybe top ten worst Presidents

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Are you in the middle of a wet dream?? Are you that out of touch with reality? You are either a total brain dead idiot or a paid DNC hack-----which is it? Nothing that you said is true--------not a single fricken word.
Maybe top ten worst Presidents

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.

What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done
In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.

What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

more horseshit!

the economy is still in the shitter
the bush tax cuts are still in place, obama extended them
the deficit is slightly smaller on an annual basis, but only because the economy sucks
American kids are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. he ended neither
ACA, worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation
OBL was found by intel gathered under Bush, all Barry did was reluctantly give the OK.

where do you get your lies? Are they electronically sent to your small brain every morning?
Obama's not only the worst President ever but he's a member of the worst political party ever. Democrats in the last few years have become a disgrace to America.
Bush will be number 1, he stopped 487 depressions from happening and there is not a damn thing you can do to argue against that. Bush came in at the worst time in history, again fact because like you, I said so.

Seriously RW, you're almost not human, more of a robotic political hack.

If historians look at what Obama promised he would do VS what he "accomplished," Obama is one of if not the biggest failed President in US history. We are still in a "great recession." Sure the rich and wall street are doing great, thanks to Obama... But the rest of the country is headed to a depression thanks to Obama... When we get there I know we will love the mass debt Obama added to buy his way out of a recession on paper.

Obama also made war cheer leaders out of the Democrat party, I mean look at you... Obama spends 150 billion more than Bush and you can't say a bad thing about it. Under Bush you would have claimed Bush to be Hitler and one of the worst Presidents. You're a mindless drone.

What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

more horseshit!

the economy is still in the shitter
the bush tax cuts are still in place, obama extended them
the deficit is slightly smaller on an annual basis, but only because the economy sucks
American kids are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. he ended neither
ACA, worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation
OBL was found by intel gathered under Bush, all Barry did was reluctantly give the OK.

where do you get your lies? Are they electronically sent to your small brain every morning?

I understand if you get your history from FoxNews, you believe that shit

However, historians are more objective and will rate Obama as a top ten President
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Of course not, the notion is ridiculous.

And that is indeed being honest.

Obviously you’ve never heard of Taft, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover.

It’s idiocy to try to evaluate a given administration while still in office; Truman was despised during his time and is now considered among our greatest presidents.

Such evaluations can only be made in an objective context, at least 30 years after an administration has left office.

lol, Harding and Coolidge were bad because they ended a depression in record time and had UE down to 1%... FDR is good because he stole from people during the war, had millions starving in the streets and had UE rates of up to 25%.

Obama is not the worst, FDR is is worst than Obama, and that's non debatable fact. But having Obama right after Bush (another horrible President) yes, Obama is one of the worst.

In my lifetime worst Presidents are

Bush I - Clinton (tie)
Bush II

Eh. I think Buchannan was worse. He sent the US Army to Utah to put down a non-existent rebellion. Completelly lost control of the slave issue. And left office with the country in Civil war.
Obama willl be ranked as a top ten President

Maybe top ten worst Presidents

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Stopped a depression? Seriously? Our economy is a piece of crap right now. The Financial sectors and auto companies are in just as bad a shape as ever.

Iraq and Afghanistan are over? So we are not longer in either nation? I wonder if our troops are aware of that.

Which terrorist threat did he face? Please tell me.

Universal health care law? lol. More people have been kicked off their insurance because of this law than will ever be covered. You've got to be completely delusional if you think that destroying the health care industry is a good thing.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Of course, and they have been building up to all this since LBJ.

Every President elected a Globalist puppet.

One making it more worse than the previous.

Now we are in the End-Days... Do we allow Obama and the Globalist Congress to finally collapse the economy and declare martial law or we Americans have the backbone to secede and re-Constitute a new Federal Government ?

States' Steps to Seccession then Reconstitution‏

Step 1. 10th Amendment Warning:

The feds are warned by State Resolution when they are violating the Constitution. They are respectfully asked to cease unconstitutional legislation and other federal mandates immediately. This began in the mid 1990s and reached a 3/4ths majority of states almost 4 years ago...

Step 2. Nullification:

This is a refusal by the state government to implement any and all unconstitutional federal mandates sent down, as determined by the state legislatures to be in disregard of the previous resolution... This has been happening for a couple of years now... this also signals the search and selection of delegates to a New Continental Congress, the seeds of a provisional government for maintaining our Constitutional rule of law during the removal of the usurper infiltrators and their unconstitutional offices should step 3 be needed.

Step 3. Disavowal and Secession.

This is a timed move by the states in unison. A recall and dis-empowering of all present state representatives and senators assigned by state elections to the federal city. This is when false flags will begin in earnest. The bastards will not allow their power to be diminished without a fight. The globalists will start false flag skirmishes like Hitler did on the Polish border before he invaded.

These attacks will be leveled not only on us but particularly against States that have not yet joined the majority, to keep them from re-uniting with us. The ratifying majority of States have remained united during the withdrawal and will know these false flags and their purpose outright. We must be prepared to deal with them as the foreign attack or invasion they are whether against us, or one of our prodigal sibling States.

The States not yet enjoined will be vulnerable and need our protection. The united majority, must not harm the splintered minority however... If attacked they will either be absorbed by the global empire or quickly realize they are under global attack and begin one by one to rejoin us. The Oath bound military will be with us from the beginning, or they will be in violation of their Oath to the Constitution. We the ratifying Majority of States retain the Constitution as our own you see, by at least a 3/4ths Constitutional majority.

Step 4: Reconstitution.

This will begin at the moment of disavowal and withdrawal. the Continental Congress will act as provisional constitutional government as long as it takes to re establish and man our normal Constitutional government. A Continental Congress has convened and was held about 4 years ago in South Carolina, by the way...

This is a chalk board overview at best of the process, Hope it helps. YOU NEVER CALL FOR, OR SUPPORT A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, not even in the best of times... the Bastards control them, because they have control of the delegate selection process at the top... they will gut the Constitution and kill the Republic if one is convened. We have a predatory federal government as well as some state governments in power right now...please try to remember that.

Download a copy of this and post it in as many public places as possible in your city and town.

Teh State Governments will be on our side if the Globalists don't have agents ready to usurp their authority.
Of course not, the notion is ridiculous.

And that is indeed being honest.

Obviously you’ve never heard of Taft, Harding, Coolidge, or Hoover.

It’s idiocy to try to evaluate a given administration while still in office; Truman was despised during his time and is now considered among our greatest presidents.

Such evaluations can only be made in an objective context, at least 30 years after an administration has left office.

lol, Harding and Coolidge were bad because they ended a depression in record time and had UE down to 1%... FDR is good because he stole from people during the war, had millions starving in the streets and had UE rates of up to 25%.

Obama is not the worst, FDR is, and that's debatable fact. But having Obama right after Bush (another horrible President) yes, Obama is one of the worst.

To be fair, FDR was in uncharted waters.

But he was still terrible.

All those programs could have and would have been started without his constant meddling.

He was buying and butchering MILLIONS of Hogs, destroying their carcasses by burning, rather than give them to starving children.

He wanted the prices to go up.

And yeah I know we use the 'starving children' thing too much around here but in this case, there REALLY WERE starving children.

He was buying and burning wheat, he was forcing Unions on Companies (which is why he and Henry Ford HATED each other).... All while people were living in cardboard houses and eating scraps out of garbage cans.

I cut FDR some slack because I think his intentions were good. But you know the road to Hell is paved with, right?

I cut the Stuttering Clusterfuck NO slack because he is a socialist, a liar, a thief, an Anti-American scumbag, a racist and his cabinet is full of people just like him or worse.

And the people who defend him are just like him as well.

FDR was in uncharted territory? Really?

Which is why when the 1920 Depression, which was worse than the 1929 Depression, occured, it was over in no time simply by cutting taxes and cutting spending. Meanwhile, the 1929 Depression lasted 12 years through two Presidential administrations who wanted to do nothing but interfere in the economy and spend money on government programs.

You realize that FDRs policies mirrored Wilsons (which caused the 1920 Depression) don't you? Not surprising considering he was in the Wilson administration.

And Obama does the same things and we wonder why the economy is not recovering.
What did Obama promise in 2008?

Reverse the economic collapse......Done
End Bush Tax cuts.........Done
Cut the deficit in half.........Done
End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan......Done
Pass Healthcare bill......Done
Kill Bin Laden.......Not promised, but done

more horseshit!

the economy is still in the shitter
the bush tax cuts are still in place, obama extended them
the deficit is slightly smaller on an annual basis, but only because the economy sucks
American kids are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. he ended neither
ACA, worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation
OBL was found by intel gathered under Bush, all Barry did was reluctantly give the OK.

where do you get your lies? Are they electronically sent to your small brain every morning?

I understand if you get your history from FoxNews, you believe that shit

However, historians are more objective and will rate Obama as a top ten President

In other words, historians are going to just look at the Democrat talking points.

not likely.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

He's up against some pretty stiff competition. I'd have to put FDR and Wilson ahead of Obama.
Maybe top ten worst Presidents

In evaluating a president, historians will look at:

What challenges did you face?
How did you respond to those challenges?
What lasting impact did you have?

Obama entered into office during the worst economic collapse in 70 years. He stopped a depression, saved the financial sector and auto companies, reversed five quarters of negative GDP
Obama also had two wars when he entered office and resolved both conflicts
Obama faced a terrorist threat and turned up the heat killing dozens of terrorist leaders as well as Osama bin Laden
Obama passed the first universal healthcare law that bears his name

Top ten President by any stretch of the imagination

Stopped a depression? Seriously? Our economy is a piece of crap right now. The Financial sectors and auto companies are in just as bad a shape as ever.

Iraq and Afghanistan are over? So we are not longer in either nation? I wonder if our troops are aware of that.

Which terrorist threat did he face? Please tell me.

Universal health care law? lol. More people have been kicked off their insurance because of this law than will ever be covered. You've got to be completely delusional if you think that destroying the health care industry is a good thing.

Ford is doing very well... but don't let the facts get in your way.

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