Don't think of your party (if applicable).

Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

to the damage to this country he is in the top 3

if we don't change the direction he has steered this country in. history book will be written that his administration was the start of socialist America which caused its bankruptcy
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

to the damage to this country he is in the top 3

if we don't change the direction he has steered this country in. history book will be written that his administration was the start of socialist America which caused its bankruptcy
Actually, Obama will be noted for bringing about the demise of the once Grand Old Party
kaz said:
He's up against some pretty stiff competition. I'd have to put FDR and Wilson ahead of Obama.

I humbly suggest you review Johnson's history, from the 40s on.

**I'll have these ni@@ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years**. (50 years and counting.)
Nevermind his quote, just look at his body language.

Ford is doing very well... but don't let the facts get in your way.

All Ford did was keep the oval office swivel chair warm and pardon Nixon.
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He's up against some pretty stiff competition. I'd have to put FDR and Wilson ahead of Obama.

I humbly suggest you review Johnson's history, from the 40s on.

**I'll have these ni@@ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years**. (50 years and counting.)
Nevermind his quote, just look at his body language.


First of all.......that quote is not from me
Secondly, rightwing attempts to bury Johnson reek of Monday Morning Quarterbacking. In the 1960s, in the south, it was common to refer to blacks as n*ggers. Being a product of the south, Johnson was no different
If you want to evaluate Johnson just look at the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, neither which would have passed without Johnsons arm twisting
rightwinger said:
First of all.......that quote is not from me

Sorry, it's corrected.

Secondly, rightwing attempts to bury Johnson reek of Monday Morning Quarterbacking. In the 1960s, in the south, it was common to refer to blacks as n*ggers. Being a product of the south, Johnson was no different.

I'm from the South, and it was always intended to be derogatory. He knew better because he only used it in private with other people he knew were racists.

If you want to evaluate Johnson just look at the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, neither which would have passed without Johnsons arm twisting

That was the point of his quote I put up there. He was using that language with two like-minded governors on Air Force One, selling them on the Civil Rights Act which would get people to let their guard down thinking he wasn't a racist any more so he could ram the Great Society and War on Poverty BS through--and it worked like a charm.

There's plenty more where that came from:

As a Senate leader in 1957, lobbying against the Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill that year, he told Sen. Russell: "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days, and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness." He didn't use the "N" word because Russell, his mentor from Georgia, would have taken exception to it, but he still had to degrade them concerning their uppityness, he always called 'em "boy", and on and on.

When he met with George Wallace in the White House, that kind of language was flying thick and fast. His first speech in the Senate was an attack on Harry Truman’s proposed civil rights legislation that would have given black Americans protection the poll tax and lynching--LYNCHING for God's sake. And this is all in addition to it being almost certain that he was behind the JFK assassination. It fits. His major driving force was power. He was impulsive, vindictive and controlling to the point of depravity. If you read what he was like behind the scenes, you'll understand how evil he really was.

BTW, much of what we know about Johnson behind the scenes comes from information gathered by Ronald Kessler who is a well-respected writer and a reporter for the Washington Post--no conservative rag that.

In what way are you a rightwinger.
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rightwinger said:
First of all.......that quote is not from me

Sorry, it's corrected.

Secondly, rightwing attempts to bury Johnson reek of Monday Morning Quarterbacking. In the 1960s, in the south, it was common to refer to blacks as n*ggers. Being a product of the south, Johnson was no different.

I'm from the South, and it was always intended to be derogatory. He knew better because he only used it in private with other people he knew were racists.

If you want to evaluate Johnson just look at the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, neither which would have passed without Johnsons arm twisting

That was the point of his quote I put up there. He was using that language with two like-minded governors on Air Force One, selling them on the Civil Rights Act which would get people to let their guard down thinking he wasn't a racist any more so he could ram the Great Society and War on Poverty BS through--and it worked like a charm.

There's plenty more where that came from:

As a Senate leader in 1957, lobbying against the Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill that year, he told Sen. Russell: "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days, and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness." He didn't use the "N" word because Russell, his mentor from Georgia, would have taken exception to it, but he still had to degrade them concerning their uppityness, he always called 'em "boy", and on and on.

When he met with George Wallace in the White House, that kind of language was flying thick and fast. His first speech in the Senate was an attack on Harry Truman’s proposed civil rights legislation that would have given black Americans protection the poll tax and lynching--LYNCHING for God's sake. And this is all in addition to it being almost certain that he was behind the JFK assassination. It fits. His major driving force was power. He was impulsive, vindictive and controlling to the point of depravity. If you read what he was like behind the scenes, you'll understand how evil he really was.

BTW, much of what we know about Johnson behind the scenes comes from information gathered by Ronald Kessler who is a well-respected writer and a reporter for the Washington Post--no conservative rag that.

In what way are you a rightwinger.

Johnson was an asshole and crude as can be

But he was a great politician who knew how to get legislation passed. He spoke to his audience and used anything in his arsenal to get the vote. He could bully, beg, bribe or sweet talk a vote.

He also saw the political realities of the early 60s and that the Jim Crow south was doomed. He could have made a half assed attempt to pass Civil Rights, Anti-poverty and Medicare and they would have failed. But Johnson made a full court press and got them passed in difficult times. He also played his Kennedy card to the max

It is the positive side of Johnsons legacy. Trusting his advisors on Viet Nam doomed him
Johnson was an asshole and crude as can be

But he was a great politician who knew how to get legislation passed. He spoke to his audience and used anything in his arsenal to get the vote. He could bully, beg, bribe or sweet talk a vote.

All true, but he lost his perspective without his fellow senators to restrain him. He had no such restraints as President.

He also saw the political realities of the early 60s and that the Jim Crow south was doomed.

Exactly, thus the welfare state to keep them on the plantation, with race war-lords acting as overseers keeping their toes on the party line with the carrot (welfare) and the stick (the Uncle Tom label). It was then that the KKK, seeing the writing on the wall, started falling by the wayside. e.g. Robert Byrd et al. It's now a mere shadow if its former self, but the plantation is stronger than ever.

He could have made a half assed attempt to pass Civil Rights, Anti-poverty and Medicare and they would have failed. But Johnson made a full court press and got them passed in difficult times. He also played his Kennedy card to the max

It is the positive side of Johnsons legacy. Trusting his advisors on Viet Nam doomed him

The welfare, big government nanny state is a positive legacy? I ask again, what do you mean by rightwinger? All he had to do was back down on Viet Nam, and he could have kept his beloved power, even increased it. But that's not why he left. There are way too many unanswered questions and hanging evidence about the assassination. Someone forced him out, probably led by J. Edgar. If he'd been a Republican, those questions would have been investigated long ago. The media gives the Democrats a pass since then. Just look at the sub-prime mortgage debacle alone--even though a couple of NYTimes reporters wrote an expose on it (Reckle$$ Endangerment), few paid it any heed, especially in Congress or the AG's office--corrupt nest of vipers that it is.
It is the positive side of Johnsons legacy. Trusting his advisors on Viet Nam doomed him

The welfare, big government nanny state is a positive legacy? I ask again, what do you mean by rightwinger? All he had to do was back down on Viet Nam, and he could have kept his beloved power, even increased it. But that's not why he left. There are way too many unanswered questions and hanging evidence about the assassination. Someone forced him out, probably led by J. Edgar. If he'd been a Republican, those questions would have been investigated long ago. The media gives the Democrats a pass since then. Just look at the sub-prime mortgage debacle alone--even though a couple of NYTimes reporters wrote an expose on it (Reckle$$ Endangerment), few paid it any heed, especially in Congress or the AG's office--corrupt nest of vipers that it is.

Yes, Medicare, poverty programs and Civil Rights legislation were a positive legacy. They moved us to a modern democracy that takes care of its less fortunate

Johnson was afraid to back down in Viet Nam. He did not want to be the President that let it turn Communist

No President was treated worse by the media than Johnson
It is the positive side of Johnsons legacy. Trusting his advisors on Viet Nam doomed him

The welfare, big government nanny state is a positive legacy? I ask again, what do you mean by rightwinger? All he had to do was back down on Viet Nam, and he could have kept his beloved power, even increased it. But that's not why he left. There are way too many unanswered questions and hanging evidence about the assassination. Someone forced him out, probably led by J. Edgar. If he'd been a Republican, those questions would have been investigated long ago. The media gives the Democrats a pass since then. Just look at the sub-prime mortgage debacle alone--even though a couple of NYTimes reporters wrote an expose on it (Reckle$$ Endangerment), few paid it any heed, especially in Congress or the AG's office--corrupt nest of vipers that it is.

Yes, Medicare, poverty programs and Civil Rights legislation were a positive legacy. They moved us to a modern democracy that takes care of its less fortunate

Johnson was afraid to back down in Viet Nam. He did not want to be the President that let it turn Communist

No President was treated worse by the media than Johnson

Medicare and civil rights were bi-partisan efforts--there was a lot of open discussion and debate on both bills in both houses---thats why they were/are accepted by a vast majority of americans. ACA was passed by dems only using parliamentary tricks with no open debate or discussion---its terrible legislation and is falling apart as we speak.

Viet Nam was a national disgrace from start to finish---58,000 americans dead for absolutely nothing, billions of dollars spent for nothing.

the media was much harder on bush 43 than on LBJ. I lived through both, I saw it first hand.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

to the damage to this country he is in the top 3

if we don't change the direction he has steered this country in. history book will be written that his administration was the start of socialist America which caused its bankruptcy
Actually, Obama will be noted for bringing about the demise of the once Grand Old Party

the reality is that obama will be noted for bringing about the demise of the democrat party--or at least the left wing of it.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

to the damage to this country he is in the top 3

if we don't change the direction he has steered this country in. history book will be written that his administration was the start of socialist America which caused its bankruptcy
Actually, Obama will be noted for bringing about the demise of the once Grand Old Party


That's a suicide. They're doing it to themselves.
Johnson was an asshole and crude as can be

But he was a great politician who knew how to get legislation passed. He spoke to his audience and used anything in his arsenal to get the vote. He could bully, beg, bribe or sweet talk a vote.

All true, but he lost his perspective without his fellow senators to restrain him. He had no such restraints as President.

He also saw the political realities of the early 60s and that the Jim Crow south was doomed.

Exactly, thus the welfare state to keep them on the plantation, with race war-lords acting as overseers keeping their toes on the party line with the carrot (welfare) and the stick (the Uncle Tom label). It was then that the KKK, seeing the writing on the wall, started falling by the wayside. e.g. Robert Byrd et al. It's now a mere shadow if its former self, but the plantation is stronger than ever.

He could have made a half assed attempt to pass Civil Rights, Anti-poverty and Medicare and they would have failed. But Johnson made a full court press and got them passed in difficult times. He also played his Kennedy card to the max

It is the positive side of Johnsons legacy. Trusting his advisors on Viet Nam doomed him

The welfare, big government nanny state is a positive legacy? I ask again, what do you mean by rightwinger? All he had to do was back down on Viet Nam, and he could have kept his beloved power, even increased it. But that's not why he left. There are way too many unanswered questions and hanging evidence about the assassination. Someone forced him out, probably led by J. Edgar. If he'd been a Republican, those questions would have been investigated long ago. The media gives the Democrats a pass since then. Just look at the sub-prime mortgage debacle alone--even though a couple of NYTimes reporters wrote an expose on it (Reckle$$ Endangerment), few paid it any heed, especially in Congress or the AG's office--corrupt nest of vipers that it is.

to the damage to this country he is in the top 3

if we don't change the direction he has steered this country in. history book will be written that his administration was the start of socialist America which caused its bankruptcy
Actually, Obama will be noted for bringing about the demise of the once Grand Old Party


That's a suicide. They're doing it to themselves.

That is the point. The irrational hatred of Obama has prevented the party from doing anything other than block Obama for five years. The rhetoric, the destructive government shutdown, the driving out of anyone who dared make peace with Democrats are leading to the demise of the party

The GOP has intentionally relegated itself to fringe pockets of the population to the point they can no longer win nationally. Thats what happens when you chase away the middle

the GOP controls one house in the legislature. They have passed hundreds of bills that are sitting on Reid's desk, he will not let any come to the floor of the senate.

why? is he afraid one might pass?

There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support
Johnson was an asshole and crude as can be

But he was a great politician who knew how to get legislation passed. He spoke to his audience and used anything in his arsenal to get the vote. He could bully, beg, bribe or sweet talk a vote.

All true, but he lost his perspective without his fellow senators to restrain him. He had no such restraints as President.

Exactly, thus the welfare state to keep them on the plantation, with race war-lords acting as overseers keeping their toes on the party line with the carrot (welfare) and the stick (the Uncle Tom label). It was then that the KKK, seeing the writing on the wall, started falling by the wayside. e.g. Robert Byrd et al. It's now a mere shadow if its former self, but the plantation is stronger than ever.

The welfare, big government nanny state is a positive legacy? I ask again, what do you mean by rightwinger? All he had to do was back down on Viet Nam, and he could have kept his beloved power, even increased it. But that's not why he left. There are way too many unanswered questions and hanging evidence about the assassination. Someone forced him out, probably led by J. Edgar. If he'd been a Republican, those questions would have been investigated long ago. The media gives the Democrats a pass since then. Just look at the sub-prime mortgage debacle alone--even though a couple of NYTimes reporters wrote an expose on it (Reckle$$ Endangerment), few paid it any heed, especially in Congress or the AG's office--corrupt nest of vipers that it is.

Actually, Obama will be noted for bringing about the demise of the once Grand Old Party


That's a suicide. They're doing it to themselves.

That is the point. The irrational hatred of Obama has prevented the party from doing anything other than block Obama for five years. The rhetoric, the destructive government shutdown, the driving out of anyone who dared make peace with Democrats are leading to the demise of the party

The GOP has intentionally relegated itself to fringe pockets of the population to the point they can no longer win nationally. Thats what happens when you chase away the middle

Yes, you're right.

And they've been so willing to be led further and further to the right.

It wasn't all that long ago that someone like Ted Cruz would have been laughed out of DC or never even elected in the first place. Now, he's their latest fair haired boy. He won't last long though and then there will be yet another Clown Car passenger to entertain us.

Meanwhile, all they can manage to get done is one phony vote after another to "repeal/defund" ObamaCare. Oh yeah, the sequester and shutdown that had only one result - harming the people the Rs hate - vets, handicapped, elderly, children, women.

the GOP controls one house in the legislature. They have passed hundreds of bills that are sitting on Reid's desk, he will not let any come to the floor of the senate.

why? is he afraid one might pass?

There have been minority parties in the past and all have managed to get things done. They use a simple tool called is how politics works

It goes like this:

I will agree to some social programs if you will agree to this tax cut
I will agree to a minor tax increase if you will agree to some cuts in social programs
I will support this bill if you will support that bill
and better yet......We will work together to craft a bill we both support

Why do you hate America?
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Nowhere close.

Johnson (BOTH of them)
Bush II
(as well as many mentioned above)

all far worse.

Perhaps YOU should cast aside your party meme.

Or study some history ...
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