Don't think of your party (if applicable).

pushed a marxist collectivist agenda....FAIL

"I want to redistribute the wealth" obama
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" marx

also see my Lenin quote in my sig.

obama is a marxist collectivist. Face reality and admit who you elected.

context, context, context

the message is the same, the context is the same. They have the same beliefs. If thats the kind of country you want, fine. But most americans do not.
I can only speak from experience for the ones I was old enough to vote for, experience & track. Those are Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush & Obama. Ranking them in order from best to worse #1 Clinton, #2 Reagan, #3 Bush-1, #4 Obama, #5 Carter, #6 Bush-2. Obama still has time to move up or down. Only time will tell.

This chart says it all. Clinton most efficiently utilized the working age population of any president. Clinton & Reagan increased the utilization of the available working age population by the most & at the fastest rates. Obama is currently eclipsing both Bush presidents on rate of employment increase of available working age population. If he also passes them by the end in percent total of his term, he will move up a notch.

Employment Ratio of Working age Population

Working Age Population = Blue Line
Number of Employed Workers = Red Line
Percent of Working Age People Employed = Black Line
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So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

Coolidge was the best president this nation every had. Both honest and sensible, he reversed the open corruption of the Wilson years and ushered in the booming economy of the 1920's. It became the "Roaring 20's" because of Coolidge.
Both parties authorized and funded the fiasco known as Iraq. Bush, in fact no president, has the power to do that on his own. It was a stupid mistake, but the blame belongs on all of them.

You do a disservice to history when you lie about what really happened.

Uh-- I didn't mention any parties.
Who's the liar now, bitch?

Ok, you put all the blame on Bush, all this time I thought he was a republican :cuckoo: bitch!

For the slow readers ... the ... thread... is .... about .... POTUSes .... not .... Congress. Duh.

You're going to sit on the internet and tell us with a straight face that Shrubya DID NOT lead us into Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Even though it's on videotape?

Lie on, liar.
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Carter and STAGFLATION. His inept handling of our economy gave us some of the WORST INFLATION RATES IN OUR HISTORY. Google Stagflation and the article will almost always talk about Carter. They tend to equal each other. Gas Lines and our people held hostage in Iran for well over a year. Economic decline accelerated by Idiotic Fiscal Policies.

Iran...........the beginning of the current Radical Islamic Movement. It started under his term and has led us to the Woes of today. We still pay for his decisions today. On the one note. I will give him credit for the Camp David Accords which ended the Wars between Egypt and Israel.

Anyway, I remember the Gas Lines. I remember the hostage crisis. And remembered how the mood of the day was for Peanut Head to get off his ass and bring our people home. Which is exactly why the country TURNED against the Dems.

I remember the gas lines and where I was working at the time, which tells me "Nixon". Same as that national 55 mph speed limit.

As far as googling stagflation -- while you're there Google this...

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kaz said:
He's up against some pretty stiff competition. I'd have to put FDR and Wilson ahead of Obama.

I humbly suggest you review Johnson's history, from the 40s on.

I thought of Johnson, I'd put him in a pack at behind the big two. When it comes to destruction of our liberty, Wilson and FDR are just head and shoulders above the rest. My standard BTW is how they affect my liberty.

After that, I would put a group off the top of my head including Obama, LBJ, W, Buchannan and Teddy Roosevelt. Lincoln is both loved and reviled, both for good reason. I am still undecided on my overall assessment of him. I tend to lean negative because of what he did to State rights, but what would have happened if the US broke up? Would it have been better? Not sure.

Two notes,

1) Presidents like Carter, Hoover and Andrew Johnson were terrible, ineffective Presidents, but even if it's just luck they just didn't create the devastation that the others did. Hoover was a scape goat for the Great Depression, he did little to cause it and had nothing he could have done to stop it.

2) There were a lot of other bad Presidents in the 1800s, but they didn't impact my liberty to the degree of the ones in the 1900s.
Carter and STAGFLATION. His inept handling of our economy gave us some of the WORST INFLATION RATES IN OUR HISTORY. Google Stagflation and the article will almost always talk about Carter. They tend to equal each other. Gas Lines and our people held hostage in Iran for well over a year. Economic decline accelerated by Idiotic Fiscal Policies.

Iran...........the beginning of the current Radical Islamic Movement. It started under his term and has led us to the Woes of today. We still pay for his decisions today. On the one note. I will give him credit for the Camp David Accords which ended the Wars between Egypt and Israel.

Anyway, I remember the Gas Lines. I remember the hostage crisis. And remembered how the mood of the day was for Peanut Head to get off his ass and bring our people home. Which is exactly why the country TURNED against the Dems.

I remember the gas lines and where I was working at the time, which tells me "Nixon". Same as that national 55 mph speed limit.

As far as googling stagflation -- while you're there Google WIN: "Whip Inflation Now". Just sayin'.

So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

Coolidge was the best president this nation every had. Both honest and sensible, he reversed the open corruption of the Wilson years and ushered in the booming economy of the 1920's. It became the "Roaring 20's" because of Coolidge.

Coolidge handed the Great Depression to Hoover

The bubble popped within nine months
Presidents are ranked by their accomplishments post facto. Lincoln was probably hated by the south back then even more than Obama is hated today. If this question same was asked back then Lincoln would be the "very worst" because there was no historical perspective.

Today's "party of Lincoln" behaves much like the south did back then towards the current day legacy of Lincoln. If the same holds true that presidents will be ranked by their accomplishments post facto then Obama's accomplishments will outweigh his "failures" assuming nothing significant changes in the next 3 years.
No they haven't

I haven't seen a single Democrat ridiculed by the left for daring to talk to Republicans. Democrats tried for six months prior to the Republican shutdown to get a sit down to discuss the issues. Same goes for Obamacare

You can play the "Not me...its you" game all you want

But the Republican Party has taken a compromise is for pussies position and radically enforces it on their members. What did the republican right call those who voted to avoid the debt default? Surrender monkeys?

Who said "I will not negotiate" ? Hint, his initials are BHO.

who has refused to let a single house passed bill be voted on in the senate? Hint, his initials are HR.

The dems have shut down the normal legislative process. Obama has no idea what the role of the president is in mediating and arbitrating between the parties in congress. Its much easier to just say "my way or no way".

Obama was perfectly willing to negotiate....he still is

But not with a gun to his head

What have Republicans offered to negotiate?
Background checks?
Tax Increases?
Immigration Reform?

What are they bringing to the table other than demands?

Which, of course, is why Obama was the one saying "I refuse to negotiate"
Ford is doing very well... but don't let the facts get in your way.

Ford never took the government assistance. Probably why they are doing well.

And I will never buy any vehicle other than a Ford.

Plus the fact, they really do make the best cars and trucks on the road.

There's a reason Generic Motors went belly up..... They made junk.

Maybe not anymore, who knows :dunno: but I prefer to spend my money on cars made by Free People.

GM should have been cut up and sold to private bidders.

But they've been a dimocrap lapdog since the days of FDR.

FDR and Henry Ford HATED each other.

So much so that when Ford designed a new Aircraft Engine that was better than ANY Aircraft Engine in the World at the time (the Ford GAA), FDR's sycophants wouldn't even give it a chance.

He kept on using the GM Allison Engine in our fighters. Which was an 'okay' Engine on its BEST day. Barely.

But not suitable to go against the Luftwaffe and the BF-109 or especially the FW-190 (the Butcher Bird).

You go up against one of those with an Allison engine in your Airplane and..... You're very likely gonna die

Finally, some enterprising Brits put the Rolls-Royce Merlin Engine in the P-51 Mustang and we had a fantastic Airplane.

The thing is, the Ford GAA was superior to the Merlin in every conceivable way.... It was a one piece block (the others were cast in halves and welded together) it had four valves instead of two.... It was just a much better engine.

But the Army was scared to death to thoroughly test it because they knew how much FDR hated Henry.... And anything Ford.

Hating dimocraps isn't just a pastime, it's a career choice.

They deserve it so very much
Uh-- I didn't mention any parties.
Who's the liar now, bitch?

Ok, you put all the blame on Bush, all this time I thought he was a republican :cuckoo: bitch!

For the slow readers ... the ... thread... is .... about .... POTUSes .... not .... Congress. Duh.

You're going to sit on the internet and tell us with a straight face that Shrubya DID NOT lead us into Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Even though it's on videotape?

Lie on, liar.

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, true. So did many democrats including both clintons, gore, kerry, and most dems in congress.

you want to castigate bush for it, but the blame is not all on him, congress could have told him to stuff it, but instead they authorized and funded it, and are still funding it.

If losing americans in stupid wars is the criteria then Kennedy and Johnson top the list for the 58,000 americans they caused to die in viet nam for absolutlely nothing.

now, go jump on your stick, pogo.

Congress authorized and funded that fiasco.
So...lets say you're 36, that means you were born in 1977, wasn't politically aware until you were 10 or so. You can only compare Bush I&II, Clinton and Obama? Which one of them got 1 term? That should be your starting point I would think...

Coolidge was the best president this nation every had. Both honest and sensible, he reversed the open corruption of the Wilson years and ushered in the booming economy of the 1920's. It became the "Roaring 20's" because of Coolidge.

Coolidge handed the Great Depression to Hoover

The bubble popped within nine months

Harding/Coolidge inheritted a Depression deeper than the Great Depression and yet let us to the greatest economic boom in the history of the nation. Unemployment was down to 2%. Hoover could have continued with the same policies that lead to the boom. But instead of letting the market correct itself, he decided to play engineer and interfered with the economy. This has negative consequences.

FDR saw this as an opportunit and ran to the right of Hoover claiming he was going to get the government out of our way. Instead, he doubled down on Hoover's actions. Not surprising the Great Depression lasted 12 years instead just a few months. If World War II hadn't occured and forced FDR to support the free market to some degree, they would have remained in depression.

Same is true now. We will not have an economic recovery until we have a government that is willing to get out of our way. And since President Obama is too arrogant to ever consider he could be wrong, we will continue to have high unemployment until we have a government that decides to let us make our own decisions instead of dictating to us what we should do. I don't know if our next President will do that or not.
Stop. Be honest. Don't be a parrot for your party. Just tell me honestly.....

Do you think this is the worst administration and worst president in the history of our country?

I do.

Yes, he is the worst . And I did not like Bush all that much and before Obama I thought Jimmy Carter was bad but Obama has out done him

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