'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f____ things up.'

President Obama is absolutely on target with his analysis of Sleepy Joe.

But the really disturbing part wasn't mentioned. Of the 30 candidates for the Democrat nomination, Mr. Biden was undoubtably the most sane and competent contestant. Head and shoulders above Crazy Bernie, Beto, Pocahontas, Mayor Petey , Spartacus,etc. It wasn't even close

The only one I could tolerate looking at was Tulsi Gabbard. She is of course a loony liberal, but I don't think she is any more loony than any of the others, and as far as I see it she was still not as much of a freakish walking abortion as Biden is.

They picked joe to win the primary because 1) the other idiots were worse than him and 2) they didn't want to sacrifice a likely better candidate who would have an actual chance in 4 years running in an open field....then the Chinese let the Chinese flu escape and they think they might be able to drag this moron across the finish line.........

Biden was outpolling Trump long before Trump failed miserably on Covid-19.

And they were correct......the guy is corrupt and incompetent......in any sane time he would have been arrested for corruption a long time ago...


170,000 dead
5,000,000 sick
40,000,000 jobs lost
33% drop in GDP
Riots for three months.

Trump supporters don't get to call anyone else incompetent. "NOT MY FAULT- TRUMP 2020"

Trump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.
Such a blazing endorsement.

President Obama is absolutely on target with his analysis of Sleepy Joe.

But the really disturbing part wasn't mentioned. Of the 30 candidates for the Democrat nomination, Mr. Biden was undoubtably the most sane and competent contestant. Head and shoulders above Crazy Bernie, Beto, Pocahontas, Mayor Petey , Spartacus,etc. It wasn't even close

The thing is....the same thing can be said about obama........

170,000 dead
5,000,000 sick
40,000,000 jobs lost
33% drop in GDP
Riots for three months.

The fact that you aren't able to comprehend that all of this is the result of a world-wide pandemic illustrates just how delusional you are. Why not look at these numbers before the pandemic. It isn't as if anything could have been done to stop a decline. An earlier or extended lock down would have made the economy even worse. BTW, the rioting is not Trump's fault. That is your peeps throwing a tantrum.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit.

You are an absolute MORON. The economy was not even close to flailing. It was in Goldie Lox territory. Nearly every indicator was up. You just aren't smart enough to understand.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

They don't know the full extent of cuomo's killing.....over 6,600 so far and he is trying to block the full investigation you dumb shit......

The democrats fuck up economies.......then Republicans have to fix it...you dumb ass.......Reagan fixed the economy after carter, clinton ended the Reagan boom, then the democrats wrecked the real estate market and crashed the economy during Bush, and obama kept the economy stagnant until Trump came along and got it booming...then the Chinese masters of the democrat party let the Chinese Flu out of the lab..........

You are a moron...

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by double digits

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.

Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.


"Clinton has a number of advantages in this poll, in addition to her lead," pollster J. Ann Selzer, who ran the poll, told Bloomberg. "Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump's and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate than say that for Trump."

After What Happened in 2016, You’d Think People Would Be More Skeptical about 2020 Polling | National Review

RCP average of Pennsylvania in July of 2016 found Hillary up by over a seven-point spread. Right now, Biden is up seven points. The last poll CBS News/YouGov conducted in the state had Hillary winning 48–40; the last New York Times/Siena poll, 46–39; the last Bloomberg poll 48–39; and the last NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, 49–37.
Battleground state numbers....before the election

In the July-August polls reported by RCP, Hillary had a polling average lead in all but one (AZ) of the 11 battleground states. The numbers in parentheses are her average lead at the time: NC (2.2%), FL (1.9%), WI (6.8%), PA (6.1%), MI (6.9%), CO (8.6%), ME (only a single poll: 10%), NV (0.8%), MN (RCP reports only seven polls in 2016. The average Hillary lead: 7.0%.), and NH (9.3%). In the final 2016 election result, Trump outperformed every one of these polling averages except one (NV). He did so by an average of 6.2%.
According to the RCP polling, currently, Joe Biden leads President Trump in every battleground state poll average (Biden's lead in parentheses): NC (2.0%), AZ (2.8%), FL (7.0%), WI (6.0%), PA (7.3%), MI (8.0), CO (only a single poll: 10.0%), ME (10.3%), NV (4.0%), MN (11.4%), and NH (4.3%). Note how similar these results are to the 2016 numbers.
It is also worth noting that today's media are much more afraid of a second term for President Trump than they were of a potential first term for then-candidate Donald Trump. This is why, along with their polling games, we had to endure years of a Trump-Russia-collusion hoax, are bombarded daily with Wuhan virus case counts — which are about as meaningless as the presidential polls — told that we must remain in some form of shutdown mode, and are nightly exposed to scenes of riots and destruction.
Democrats in 2016 thought Donald Trump was a joke and Hillary was a shoo-in. Having seen what he's capable of accomplishing, even in the face of unprecedented opposition, Democrats in 2020 are terrified of giving Donald Trump four more years. Thus the portrayal of near-constant chaos across America.

In other words, all in the name of getting rid of President Trump, Democrats and their like-minded allies in the media are invested in the continued suffering of Americans.
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit.

You are an absolute MORON. The economy was not even close to flailing. It was in Goldie Lox territory. Nearly every indicator was up. You just aren't smart enough to understand.

He understands...he is just a lying sack of biden/kamala.....
The fact that you aren't able to comprehend that all of this is the result of a world-wide pandemic illustrates just how delusional you are.

The rest of the world responded better to the Pandemic than we did. Even Italy, which is now fully open for business.

Why not look at these numbers before the pandemic. It isn't as if anything could have been done to stop a decline.

Sure, a lot of things could have been done. We could have had a full lockdown, like every other country did, until we had it under control. We could have not diverted half the Relief Package to big industries instead of working folks. Trump's response reminds me of the joke about the Polish Coyote.... it chews off three legs and is still caught in the trap.

An earlier or extended lock down would have made the economy even worse.

Again, the EU did that. Not only are they fully back in business, but their unemployment rate is under 8%, compared to ours that peaked at 14% and is still in double digits.

BTW, the rioting is not Trump's fault. That is your peeps throwing a tantrum.

Nope, Trump Riots are his fault. Four years of race-baiting, and he's surprised the lid came off? Compare that to how Bush-41 handled the Rodney King Riots. He took immediate action to calm the situation. Trump managed to aggrevate it.
The fact that you aren't able to comprehend that all of this is the result of a world-wide pandemic illustrates just how delusional you are. Why not look at these numbers before the pandemic. It isn't as if anything could have been done to stop a decline. An earlier or extended lock down would have made the economy even worse. BTW, the rioting is not Trump's fault. That is your peeps throwing a tantrum.

The fact that this isn't what a reasonable person would call a "pandemic" also escapes the awareness of libturd drones. A real "pandemic" kills a significant percentage of people infected, not just those with compromised health conditions. If even 2% of the otherwise healthy people who catch the Kung Fu Cold were dying I might understand the hysterical over reaction of the leftist media, but the fact is we shut down the world's economy and have everyone running around the world in fuckin face masks like frightened sheep.

None of this is Trump's fault. It is the deliberate actions of leftists around the world to cause as much economic hardship as possible. I can just about guarantee that come Nov 4th, Covid begins to go away and the bed wetters will be back to shrieking about MMGW again.


170,000 dead
5,000,000 sick
40,000,000 jobs lost
33% drop in GDP
Riots for three months.

The fact that you aren't able to comprehend that all of this is the result of a world-wide pandemic illustrates just how delusional you are. Why not look at these numbers before the pandemic. It isn't as if anything could have been done to stop a decline. An earlier or extended lock down would have made the economy even worse. BTW, the rioting is not Trump's fault. That is your peeps throwing a tantrum.

They'll never admit the truth...If this were the other way around, and we were accusing a demo of killing 170K, they'd be having a cow arguing the same thing we are saying now....

So, when they do say that kind of stuff it's one of two things.

1. All they are doing is parroting their MSM lies verbatum because they don't have any original thoughts of their own.


2. They know they are lying, and trolling, and therefore they know they are going to loose....It's just a tantrum.
They don't know the full extent of cuomo's killing.....over 6,600 so far and he is trying to block the full investigation you dumb shit......

Actually, we know exactly the extent. Either an old person died in a nursing home or they died somewhere else.

This isn't complicated, you inbred retard.

The democrats fuck up economies.......then Republicans have to fix it...you dumb ass.......Reagan fixed the economy after carter,

By Fixed you mean, 'Caused a new recession that saw unemployment of 11.3%, destroying the middle class and undermining unions." Yeah, I "fixed" my cat once, too. . meaning I had his balls cut off. You jackass.

clinton ended the Reagan boom,

You left out the part where the stock market crashed in 1987 and then the S&L"s collapsed under Bush's watch. That's what "ended" the Reagan economy. Clinton had to come along and fix it. You big dummy.

then the democrats wrecked the real estate market and crashed the economy during Bush, and obama kept the economy stagnant until Trump came along and got it booming..

The real estate market collapsed under Bush when everyone realized that those McMansions weren't worth what people were paying for them, and they couldn't afford them anyway. Oh. You Idiot.

then the Chinese masters of the democrat party let the Chinese Flu out of the lab..........

Besides the fact that the scientists who've studied it all say Covid-19 is a naturally occuring virus... how did the Chinese get Trump to call it a hoax, fail to take preventative measures, undermine the governors who were taking the right actions, and make common sense health measures part of the "Culture War". You meathead.
They'll never admit the truth...If this were the other way around, and we were accusing a demo of killing 170K, they'd be having a cow arguing the same thing we are saying now....

Actually, your side said the same thing when we had Ebola and ONE person died on Obama's watch. This is a lot worse.

Trump messed this up by his lack of actions, and we are getting the results a third world country would get.
The rest of the world responded better to the Pandemic than we did. Even Italy, which is now fully open for business.

Just flat out wrong.

Sure, a lot of things could have been done. We could have had a full lockdown, like every other country did, until we had it under control. We could have not diverted half the Relief Package to big industries instead of working folks. Trump's response reminds me of the joke about the Polish Coyote.... it chews off three legs and is still caught in the trap

Trump's response was fine. Democrats were opposed to more stringent measures at the onset. I guess you forgot that little tidbit.

Again, the EU did that. Not only are they fully back in business, but their unemployment rate is under 8%, compared to ours that peaked at 14% and is still in double digits.

Great, their unemployment rate is lower. You do realize that is a small piece to a large economic puzzle don't you?

From Bloomburg no less.

“The fiscal response in the U.S. has been so big relative to everybody, that’s a big piece of how the recovery is going to look in terms of who comes out stronger on the back of this,” Jack Janasiewicz, portfolio strategist and manager at Natixis Investment Managers, said by phone. “And that’s why you’ll continue to see the U.S. outperform.”

Here’s Why European Stock Market Is Losing to U.S. in This Rally

Nope, Trump Riots are his fault. Four years of race-baiting, and he's surprised the lid came off? Compare that to how Bush-41 handled the Rodney King Riots. He took immediate action to calm the situation. Trump managed to aggrevate it.

Excuses for misbehavior. Seems to be a pattern. You sound like a 5 year old saying "Johnny made me do it." Lame.
The rest of the world responded better to the Pandemic than we did. Even Italy, which is now fully open for business.

You should really read the news before you post and not just listen to the leftest echo chamber on MSLSD.....

"Several countries in Europe have tightened restrictions once again amid fears that a second wave of COVID-19 is approaching.

Germany's public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute, today said it was very concerned about rising cases of coronavirus in the country. It has already introduced tests for travellers returning from high-risk areas."

" New case spikes in Spain, France, Germany and other countries are dampening the notion that Europe successfully contained the virus following lockdown measures. "

They don't know the full extent of cuomo's killing.....over 6,600 so far and he is trying to block the full investigation you dumb shit......

Actually, we know exactly the extent. Either an old person died in a nursing home or they died somewhere else.

This isn't complicated, you inbred retard.

The democrats fuck up economies.......then Republicans have to fix it...you dumb ass.......Reagan fixed the economy after carter,

By Fixed you mean, 'Caused a new recession that saw unemployment of 11.3%, destroying the middle class and undermining unions." Yeah, I "fixed" my cat once, too. . meaning I had his balls cut off. You jackass.

clinton ended the Reagan boom,

You left out the part where the stock market crashed in 1987 and then the S&L"s collapsed under Bush's watch. That's what "ended" the Reagan economy. Clinton had to come along and fix it. You big dummy.

then the democrats wrecked the real estate market and crashed the economy during Bush, and obama kept the economy stagnant until Trump came along and got it booming..

The real estate market collapsed under Bush when everyone realized that those McMansions weren't worth what people were paying for them, and they couldn't afford them anyway. Oh. You Idiot.

then the Chinese masters of the democrat party let the Chinese Flu out of the lab..........

Besides the fact that the scientists who've studied it all say Covid-19 is a naturally occuring virus... how did the Chinese get Trump to call it a hoax, fail to take preventative measures, undermine the governors who were taking the right actions, and make common sense health measures part of the "Culture War". You meathead.

Please illustrate what Clinton did to "fix" the economy. You can't so you won't.
They'll never admit the truth...If this were the other way around, and we were accusing a demo of killing 170K, they'd be having a cow arguing the same thing we are saying now....

Actually, your side said the same thing when we had Ebola and ONE person died on Obama's watch. This is a lot worse.

Trump messed this up by his lack of actions, and we are getting the results a third world country would get.

The difference was that it really wasn't anything I remember that Obama did or didn't do...I don't recall a shutdown....The differece between the two was that we already know about, and had treatments for Ebola...
President Obama is absolutely on target with his analysis of Sleepy Joe.

But the really disturbing part wasn't mentioned. Of the 30 candidates for the Democrat nomination, Mr. Biden was undoubtably the most sane and competent contestant. Head and shoulders above Crazy Bernie, Beto, Pocahontas, Mayor Petey , Spartacus,etc. It wasn't even close

The only one I could tolerate looking at was Tulsi Gabbard. She is of course a loony liberal, but I don't think she is any more loony than any of the others, and as far as I see it she was still not as much of a freakish walking abortion as Biden is.

Had Tulsi run on a republican ticket, she'd have done fairly well.
They don't know the full extent of cuomo's killing.....over 6,600 so far and he is trying to block the full investigation you dumb shit......

Actually, we know exactly the extent. Either an old person died in a nursing home or they died somewhere else.

This isn't complicated, you inbred retard.

The democrats fuck up economies.......then Republicans have to fix it...you dumb ass.......Reagan fixed the economy after carter,

By Fixed you mean, 'Caused a new recession that saw unemployment of 11.3%, destroying the middle class and undermining unions." Yeah, I "fixed" my cat once, too. . meaning I had his balls cut off. You jackass.

clinton ended the Reagan boom,

You left out the part where the stock market crashed in 1987 and then the S&L"s collapsed under Bush's watch. That's what "ended" the Reagan economy. Clinton had to come along and fix it. You big dummy.

then the democrats wrecked the real estate market and crashed the economy during Bush, and obama kept the economy stagnant until Trump came along and got it booming..

The real estate market collapsed under Bush when everyone realized that those McMansions weren't worth what people were paying for them, and they couldn't afford them anyway. Oh. You Idiot.

then the Chinese masters of the democrat party let the Chinese Flu out of the lab..........

Besides the fact that the scientists who've studied it all say Covid-19 is a naturally occuring virus... how did the Chinese get Trump to call it a hoax, fail to take preventative measures, undermine the governors who were taking the right actions, and make common sense health measures part of the "Culture War". You meathead.

Please illustrate what Clinton did to "fix" the economy. You can't so you won't.
Clintons "success' was because of Silicon Valley, at the time. Not one thing else. Right place,right time.
...said his boss, Barry Obama.

'nuff said.

I was reading some far left blogg's this am and found that Harris is not supported by most moderate democrats and those of color. this appears to be an epic failure. Nov 3rd will tell the tale..

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