'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f____ things up.'

rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Such a blazing endorsement.

President Obama is absolutely on target with his analysis of Sleepy Joe.

But the really disturbing part wasn't mentioned. Of the 30 candidates for the Democrat nomination, Mr. Biden was undoubtably the most sane and competent contestant. Head and shoulders above Crazy Bernie, Beto, Pocahontas, Mayor Petey , Spartacus,etc. It wasn't even close

The thing is....the same thing can be said about obama........
The difference between Obama and Biden is Obama knew how and why he was fucking his country. Biden is a half wit nincompoop who says whatever is written for him with no knowledge what he's saying. When Biden answers unscripted questions, very rarely, is when he blunders badly. I guess that makes that rat bastard, Obama, right about him.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
And we're going to do that with what money, Eddie? In case you haven't noticed Government hasn't been taking in tax revenues for the past six months. I know you liberals LOVE "infrastructure" now but you've got to be able to pay for it! We're going to be struggling just to keep basic services up and running! So where do you get the money to invest massively in infrastructure spending?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Please outline what Biden's policies are. I can do it for Trump, whether you like them or not.

Betting you will either fail to name his policies, or if you do, I'm betting I can find him flip flopping on it.

Defunding the police for example. What his his stance?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why not make it easier on students paying back loans ? They are a big part of our future and you want to bankrupt them before they start?? Cut the loans in half forget about interest ,,for starters
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why not make it easier on students paying back loans ? They are a big part of our future and you want to bankrupt them before they start?? Cut the loans in half forget about interest ,,for starters
Whats is wrong with expecting people to keep their agreed to obligations?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why do you give Trump credit for the economy that was doing well under Obama? Did the trillions given to the 1% put that thought in your head ?Did all the tariffs ? Did having to give billions in aid to farmers to bribe them to vote Repub? The truth is Trump is a disaster and the state of Americas economy proves it Now he tops all his bs by screwing with our Postal Service?
Trump has pointed out on numerous occasions that the Postal Service is being run by idiots! It needs to be overhauled and fixed. Right now it's making Amazon rich by delivering for it at a loss.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
And we're going to do that with what money, Eddie? In case you haven't noticed Government hasn't been taking in tax revenues for the past six months. I know you liberals LOVE "infrastructure" now but you've got to be able to pay for it! We're going to be struggling just to keep basic services up and running! So where do you get the money to invest massively in infrastructure spending?
We had enough to give the 1% but tax increase for those making more than a million a year is going to hurt you ?? How? We can't leave the largest debt ever to our children but the king of bankrupt companies will do the same to America if not yanked out
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
And we're going to do that with what money, Eddie? In case you haven't noticed Government hasn't been taking in tax revenues for the past six months. I know you liberals LOVE "infrastructure" now but you've got to be able to pay for it! We're going to be struggling just to keep basic services up and running! So where do you get the money to invest massively in infrastructure spending?
We had enough to give the 1% but tax increase for those making more than a million a year is going to hurt you ?? How? We can't leave the largest debt ever to our children but the king of bankrupt companies will do the same to America if not yanked out
The fucked up democrats are the ones demanding we keep giving away money. Its one trait of Trump's I hate.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why do you give Trump credit for the economy that was doing well under Obama? Did the trillions given to the 1% put that thought in your head ?Did all the tariffs ? Did having to give billions in aid to farmers to bribe them to vote Repub? The truth is Trump is a disaster and the state of Americas economy proves it Now he tops all his bs by screwing with our Postal Service?
Trump has pointed out on numerous occasions that the Postal Service is being run by idiots! It needs to be overhauled and fixed. Right now it's making Amazon rich by delivering for it at a loss.
Run by idiots And he puts this schmuck in charge the guy who donated to Trump? Taking Mail boxes off the streets ?? Are they bonkers?
Such a blazing endorsement.

You do realize that "daily mail" is basically the European version of the national enquirer, right?
Ah so like CNN.
Nope. More along the lines of gateway pundit, but with a few more aliens.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why do you give Trump credit for the economy that was doing well under Obama? Did the trillions given to the 1% put that thought in your head ?Did all the tariffs ? Did having to give billions in aid to farmers to bribe them to vote Repub? The truth is Trump is a disaster and the state of Americas economy proves it Now he tops all his bs by screwing with our Postal Service?
Trump has pointed out on numerous occasions that the Postal Service is being run by idiots! It needs to be overhauled and fixed. Right now it's making Amazon rich by delivering for it at a loss.
Run by idiots And he puts this schmuck in charge the guy who donated to Trump? Taking Mail boxes off the streets ?? Are they bonkers?

I is old-----i remember when the local mail boxes on the corner were considered dangerous lures to terrorist bombs------and lots in the sticks were being removed
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
And we're going to do that with what money, Eddie? In case you haven't noticed Government hasn't been taking in tax revenues for the past six months. I know you liberals LOVE "infrastructure" now but you've got to be able to pay for it! We're going to be struggling just to keep basic services up and running! So where do you get the money to invest massively in infrastructure spending?
We had enough to give the 1% but tax increase for those making more than a million a year is going to hurt you ?? How? We can't leave the largest debt ever to our children but the king of bankrupt companies will do the same to America if not yanked out
The fucked up democrats are the ones demanding we keep giving away money. Its one trait of Trump's I hate.
We DO need to spend ICE but in the right places where the money comes back 10 fold Small businesses need help Unemployed need help get them back making a living

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