'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f____ things up.'

rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.
I'm curious, Joey...what Biden move is it that will "fix" our economy? His tax increases? His imposing the Green New Deal? His defunding the Police? Joe Biden is going to be just as bad with the economy as Barack Obama was which means we don't recover from this recession for a long, long time!
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.
I'm curious, Joey...what Biden move is it that will "fix" our economy? His tax increases? His imposing the Green New Deal? His defunding the Police? Joe Biden is going to be just as bad with the economy as Barack Obama was which means we don't recover from this recession for a long, long time!
I don't rightly know what the new president will want and what he can actually get OLD BUT I do know that getting rid of this moron trump should be every ones responsibility He is the most unqualified pos ever to enter our WH Now he's
shutting down the Post Office ? He just lost the vets vote ,,Who's next ?
In the immortal words of James Carville "It's the economy, Stupid!"

This is pretty simple stuff, Kiddies! If you want someone who has demonstrated that he knows how to grow the economy and create jobs...vote for Donald Trump. If you want someone who has demonstrated that he doesn't have a clue how to grow the economy or create jobs...vote for Joe Biden!

Everything else is just posturing!
Trump's response was fine. Democrats were opposed to more stringent measures at the onset. I guess you forgot that little tidbit.

Well,not at all. Trump didn't order a nation-wide lockdown. He undermined the governors who were trying to control it in their state. He called it a "Hoax". He claimed it would vanish when it got warmer.

Let's compare to South Korea, which is a lot closer to China and did all the stuff you do when you have a crisis like this. The locked down, they imposed social distancing, they established a complete system of testing. And funny thing, while we've had 170,000 deaths with no end in sight, they've only had 300 or so.

Of course, it helps that they have a national health care system, but the leadership of President Moon compared to Trump is amazing.

Great, their unemployment rate is lower. You do realize that is a small piece to a large economic puzzle don't you?

From Bloomburg no less.

Holy fucking cow... did you just try to say that all the fucking misery Trump is inflicting on us is okay because the Stock Market is doing well?

Excuses for misbehavior. Seems to be a pattern. You sound like a 5 year old saying "Johnny made me do it." Lame.

The misbehavior was on the part of the Police... People have been asking nicely for decades to fix police brutality and misconduct. If riots are the only thing that gets your attention, then I guess we are stuck with riots.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.
I'm curious, Joey...what Biden move is it that will "fix" our economy? His tax increases? His imposing the Green New Deal? His defunding the Police? Joe Biden is going to be just as bad with the economy as Barack Obama was which means we don't recover from this recession for a long, long time!
I don't rightly know what the new president will want and what he can actually get OLD BUT I do know that getting rid of this moron trump should be every ones responsibility He is the most unqualified pos ever to enter our WH Now he's
shutting down the Post Office ? He just lost the vets vote ,,Who's next ?
You say that yet his economic numbers were off the charts before the pandemic shut down the world's economy! All you have to do is listen to what Biden is proposing and it's obvious that his agenda won't fix our economy. Tax increases and a Green New Deal? That's as stupid as imposing ObamaCare and asking for Cap & Trade legislation in the midst of recession!
In the immortal words of James Carville "It's the economy, Stupid!"

This is pretty simple stuff, Kiddies! If you want someone who has demonstrated that he knows how to grow the economy and create jobs...vote for Donald Trump. If you want someone who has demonstrated that he doesn't have a clue how to grow the economy or create jobs...vote for Joe Biden!

Everything else is just posturing!

Trump inherited a good economy and added very little to it before he crashed it.

33% drop in GDP Growth
40 million jobs lost
100,000 small businesses have closed permanently.

Whatever gains were made in Trump's term have been more than erased in his incompetence.
You say that yet his economic numbers were off the charts before the pandemic shut down the world's economy! All you have to do is listen to what Biden is proposing and it's obvious that his agenda won't fix our economy. Tax increases and a Green New Deal? That's as stupid as imposing ObamaCare and asking for Cap & Trade legislation in the midst of recession!

I find it amazing you guys get us into recessions and then whine that we don't fix the problems fast enough.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
In the immortal words of James Carville "It's the economy, Stupid!"

This is pretty simple stuff, Kiddies! If you want someone who has demonstrated that he knows how to grow the economy and create jobs...vote for Donald Trump. If you want someone who has demonstrated that he doesn't have a clue how to grow the economy or create jobs...vote for Joe Biden!

Everything else is just posturing!
Our economy ? The recession we're in ? How many unemployed now ? How many states with increases in the virus No sit downs in restaurants to eat but send the kids back to school ?? Are they bonkers? And where is the art of the deal bullshit ? No compromise?? His way or the highway?? Is that how any sane American wants our country run? And the mail in voting ?? The pos is wetting his pants in fear trying his best to limit americas voting Voting that's been the same for many many years The garbage in the WH likes to build scarecrows only to tear them down
I'm curious, Joey...what Biden move is it that will "fix" our economy? His tax increases? His imposing the Green New Deal? His defunding the Police? Joe Biden is going to be just as bad with the economy as Barack Obama was which means we don't recover from this recession for a long, long time!

We were out of the BUsh recession in 2009 thanks to Obama's efforts, with the Repukes sabotaging him every step of the way.

I realize it would kill you to give the black guy credit for anything.

Biden hasn't called for defunding the police... in fact, he's called for more resources for them along with needed reform.

The Green New Deal will strengthen the economy. Making the rich pay their fair share will do so as well. We certainly can't go on borrowing... eventually someone is going to stop lending us money.
You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.

It is when Trump is the main problem. He has no idea what he is doing....
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
I'm curious, Joey...what Biden move is it that will "fix" our economy? His tax increases? His imposing the Green New Deal? His defunding the Police? Joe Biden is going to be just as bad with the economy as Barack Obama was which means we don't recover from this recession for a long, long time!

We were out of the BUsh recession in 2009 thanks to Obama's efforts, with the Repukes sabotaging him every step of the way.

I realize it would kill you to give the black guy credit for anything.

Biden hasn't called for defunding the police... in fact, he's called for more resources for them along with needed reform.

The Green New Deal will strengthen the economy. Making the rich pay their fair share will do so as well. We certainly can't go on borrowing... eventually someone is going to stop lending us money.
Also great infra structure plans will put millions of Americans back to work
Well,not at all.

Oh, absolutely....

And Pelosi and company? Well, they said this:

Now stop lying.
I'm curious, Joey...what Biden move is it that will "fix" our economy? His tax increases? His imposing the Green New Deal? His defunding the Police? Joe Biden is going to be just as bad with the economy as Barack Obama was which means we don't recover from this recession for a long, long time!

We were out of the BUsh recession in 2009 thanks to Obama's efforts, with the Repukes sabotaging him every step of the way.

I realize it would kill you to give the black guy credit for anything.

Biden hasn't called for defunding the police... in fact, he's called for more resources for them along with needed reform.

The Green New Deal will strengthen the economy. Making the rich pay their fair share will do so as well. We certainly can't go on borrowing... eventually someone is going to stop lending us money.
What would I be giving Obama "credit" for? Before the GOP took back control of Congress Barry rammed ObamaCare down our throats and the Democrats were proposing Cap & Trade legislation something that would have increased energy costs to our already struggling industries. If the GOP hadn't won big in 2010 then our recovery would have been even slower than it was. If Barry had had his way and he was able to stop fracking and increase the price of oil and gas then we never would have had the oil and gas boom that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad!

How will the Green New Deal "strengthen" the economy? How will raising taxes do the same? It's amazing to watch you on the left that are totally clueless about economics assure us that your agenda is going to be great for the average American! It's a recipe for economic disaster.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
...said his boss, Barry Obama.

'nuff said.

I was reading some far left blogg's this am and found that Harris is not supported by most moderate democrats and those of color. this appears to be an epic failure. Nov 3rd will tell the tale..
credible link?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why do you give Trump credit for the economy that was doing well under Obama? Did the trillions given to the 1% put that thought in your head ?Did all the tariffs ? Did having to give billions in aid to farmers to bribe them to vote Repub? The truth is Trump is a disaster and the state of Americas economy proves it Now he tops all his bs by screwing with our Postal Service?

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