Don't Vote!

You have no good option. And even if you do, realize this: No matter who wins tomorrow, your government WILL fail you. Again. And again.
Better yet do as I do, vote third Party or write in.

This way your vote REGESTERS as a protest vote and shows just how many VOTERS are really fed up with both parties. If you don't vote at all you will be ignored as too apathetic to even try to appeal to. Why should any politician try to appeal to someone who doesn't bother to vote?
Happy to report that the "advice" given in the OP has been totally rejected!

I am a family friend with one very local Democrat candidate in this little village. I voted for him for that poor reason. But, beyond him, I voted an ALMOST straight "Conservative" line. If the candidate had the Republican Party AND the Conservative Party endorsement, I did my part by voting for the Conservative line.

I am very embarrassed to report that I voted for that state-wide embarrassment, Carl Paladino, for Governor of the Empire State. But not wanting to sully the Conservative Party, I made him the exception. He and he alone got the GOP line vote.

I can almost start to relax now. Tonight it will be entertainment and sport to watch the national Election returns come in. I am praying for a sea change. Dump ALL the liberal Democratics.

Thank you to the various national Tea Parties. Great jobs! :clap2:
I am very embarrassed to report that I voted for that state-wide embarrassment, Carl Paladino, for Governor of the Empire State. But not wanting to sully the Conservative Party, I made him the exception. He and he alone got the GOP line vote.

Why embarrass yourself with that kind of vote? You really think it's worth it?
It is important that a person vote their convictions. To not vote is to say my family deserves to die, I should give away all my possessions, so just leave the front door open so the government can enter and rape my wife and children. Meantime I will idly stand by and allow it.
I was raised that it is my duty to vote. If you are not part of the process, you can't complain about what the government does. And, I'm on an absentee ballot so I have already voted. In Presidential Elections, I often choose a 'fuck you both' option. I show I care, but I also show them I won't vote for lying, cheating scum.
Don't complain if you don't vote. I mean you can..but we can laugh at you.
You have no good option. And even if you do, realize this: No matter who wins tomorrow, your government WILL fail you. Again. And again.

And you are part of the problem with this Republic. Political cowards are pathetic.

How do you equate this with cowardice Robert? I didn't just make this abstention out of apathy. I'm not your typical bum that just sits on the corner on election day looking for spare change while not minding the bigger picture. That's very presumptuous of you to label me a coward because I refuse to cast a ballot given the lacking quality of my choices.
If you don't vote, don't come here and post about the lousy government. You will have no right!
If you don't vote, don't come here and post about the lousy government. You will have no right!

This is where you're wrong. When your candidate is elected and he fails, it's YOU who will be the foolish one for suddenly turning on him. I already know the end results will be terrible, and as a taxpayer, I can use any channel available to me to let that congresscritter know how I feel.
You have no good option. And even if you do, realize this: No matter who wins tomorrow, your government WILL fail you. Again. And again.

And you are part of the problem with this Republic. Political cowards are pathetic.

How do you equate this with cowardice Robert? I didn't just make this abstention out of apathy. I'm not your typical bum that just sits on the corner on election day looking for spare change while not minding the bigger picture. That's very presumptuous of you to label me a coward because I refuse to cast a ballot given the lacking quality of my choices.

Your "defense," is there were no good options, and even if I voted, it wouldn't change anything. That may have been the case where you live. That doesn't mean you couldn't have written in who you wanted, or campaign for office yourself. Standing on principle is never wrong.

You basically gave up while telling me and others it wouldn't change anything. That is a defeatist attitude. That is the same kind of attitude that many people have in this Republic. And then they wonder why this Republic continues to decay.

If you aren't willing to stand your ground and do your very best, what are you doing? You are supposed to be one of the employers of this Republic, not a helpless victim.
civil disobedience and protest are the votes that really count
I am very embarrassed to report that I voted for that state-wide embarrassment, Carl Paladino, for Governor of the Empire State. But not wanting to sully the Conservative Party, I made him the exception. He and he alone got the GOP line vote.

Why embarrass yourself with that kind of vote? You really think it's worth it?

Because I detest Andrew Cuomo.

I knew that jack-wagon, Cuomo, was going to win anyway, so my vote was nothing more than a gesture. I'd rather vote for a guy I do not like than a piece of shit.

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