Don't Waste Your Sorrows

I always saw Esus the trinity god to be the name they created in the character which was originally written in Greek
IEsus (meaning The Esus=tri god)
IEsous(the swine) Rome's derogatory term-nickname .
Would be interesting if they used the other Yehuda, the murderer thief Galionite and not the tax revolter Galilean as a bait and switch mockery like everything else seems to be.
Clearly the Temple tables over turned mimick the story of the Galionite "ransacking" the Temple. The story of Jesus Barabbas the thief murderer on the cross being confused for each other is liken to history of the 2 Yehudas being mistaken for each other.
The fact that just about every major character had similar confused figures just shows my points about passing stories down the line in the age of poor communications.
Characters often confused; Yeshu son of Mary and Yehuda Ben Tabbai 100bc
Yehuda the Galilean 6bc and Yehuda the Galionite, Theudas by the Jordan 45ad and Yehuda the Galilean.
Shimon the disciple & Shimon the sorcerer.
John the Apostle & John of Patmos.
Saul and Sergius Paulus called Paul.
Well it gets more interesting as it should come as no surprise to me anyway that the Gauls sacked Rome itself and other Gaul tribes spread into parts of Greece and Anatolia in what is now modern day Turkey where they formed a country called Gallia..Gauls were often used as mercenaries as well in many armies including by Antiochus and Rome itself later on..It would seem that and is not inconceivable that some Gauls settled in parts of Roman held Israel or Judea since they are relatively close given what transpired earlier...The other thing is that Julius Cesar later on conquered large tracks of Gaul and as we know Rome always took a peoples belief system and incorporated it and used it against them so given what transpired in Israel And before them Greece and other places it is not inconceivable that what you just pointed out was not used by the Romans to further their power and conquests....

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