Don’t you find it odd that women in America are being treated worse than women in Afghanistan?

Is that the hallucinogens talking? Nobody could post something that blatantly stupid. Oh, wait it’s Penelope.....
Nobody in the USA can compete in the field of stupidity with white-right Trumpoid RepubliQans! You bastards live in a Constitutionally democratic society and want to replace that with white-right fascism! You're fucking insane.
Well except for burning down schools for girls, honor killings, forcing women to stay at home, covering their faces, things like that.

Psssssst, by the way Stella, since you are obviously having a temper tantrum over the Texas abortion law, women in Afghanistan cannot abort their offspring unless their lives are at stake. Got that Einstein?


But you admit that Trump is literally Hitler & that all conservatives are monsters, yes????
This is the most idiotic post I have ever seen on this board. What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Do you really believe in God and Jesus? Or are you a Republican following the demon who calls himself Jesus in order to ensnare gullible fearful white-rights in the movement for fascism?

Be aware, Trumpoids are worshiping demons, not Jesus.
You guys giveth and take it away. Freedom my arse. Read Job.

You guys are worst than the ISIS. Republican are worst than ISIS.

Let me know when a Republican Leader does a live feed beheading their enemy or tossing gays off buildings because until then you are full of shit!
You white-right Trumpoids are the USA's Taliban. You are just as vile, just as reprehensible, and just as deserving of a drone strike on your ass.

Your perverse culture and upbringing have made you a twisted misogynist. You need to be surveilled, traitor.
And the FBI should be reading your insanity…
Let me know when a Republican Leader does a live feed beheading their enemy or tossing gays off buildings because until then you are full of shit!
I will let you know. They have done it to blacks already. All we need is a white boy female of male.

They are in training and as soon as they retain power, watch out.
I will let you know. They have done it to blacks already. All we need is a white boy female of male.

They are in training and as soon as they retain power, watch out.
Show us the video of a Republican leader beheading a Black person or throwing a gay Black person off a roof because you just stated they have done it, so show it!
Show us the video of a Republican leader beheading a Black person or throwing a gay Black person off a roof because you just stated they have done it, so show it!
They are in training for the time they take power. (I imagine I could find it if I searched the internet)
They are in training for the time they take power. (I imagine I could find it if I searched the internet)
You made the claim it has already happened, so provide a Republican leader beheading a black or throwing a gay black off the roof and if not then I accept you are nuts as usual!
You don't think they are like the taliban:

Case in point Republicans are ready :
1. they want to spread Christianity the world over.
2.They want Christian prayers in public schools.
3. They want biblical laws to rule the US.
4. They want women to home school.
5. They want abstinence compared to sex education
6. They are already banning abortions.
7. They believe tramp won and waged an insurrection to prove it.
8. They have a lot of militia groups all over the US.
9. They are suppressing the vote.
This is a little what they will do.
They want to prepare for Armageddon.

If you don't think they will take over and when they do, if they don't turn this USA a theocracy and autocracy, you are mistaken.
I don’t know you but this one post lets me know you have no earthly idea what Islam is and certainly not the brand of Islam that ISIS or the Taliban practice.
Anyone who says that is either a liar or has no fucking idea what they are saying and is just a extremist with their speech.

I've been in Afghanistan, anyone who says that is one of the two examples above. They either are not qualified to make the statement or a liar.
They have done it to blacks already.

You mean like Trump who provided Blacks with the most employment they ever had in the history of the country? Or lowered their taxes, gave them greater family income and prevented Illegals from flooding in?
The sad thing is that you Moon Bats are full of so much hate that you actually believe that.

The irony is that the Dimm's have done more FOR the Taliban and ISIS by the way they withdrew from Afghanistan than any other political entity in history!!

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