Dopey Donald Trump dithers while economy burns ... The US might already be in a recession


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
While Dopey Donald Trump is blubbering and whining the US economy is in flames.

Air travel has almost ceased. Boeing appears in desperate trouble.

The cruise ship business has stopped.

Travel businesses are shriveled.

Stores and shops are closed.

Concert business moribund.

Sporting events canceled.

Oil and gas industry withers as price falls.

People told to avoid the office and stay home.

Pay checks have dried up.

Dopey Donald Trump is out of his depth.

The US might already be in a recession

The US might already be in a recession
Peter Coy 20 hrs ago

NCAA tournament games closed to fans

Let’s just say it: The longest economic expansion in U.S. history may already be over, killed by Covid-19.

It might seem crazy to talk about a recession when jobs are plentiful. Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced a decline in the February unemployment rate to 3.5%, tying a 50-year low.

But a recession isn’t when things are bad. It’s when they aren’t quite as good as they were at the peak. (Conversely, an “expansion” begins when the economy hits bottom and starts back up.)

When economic historians look back, they may pick February as the peak of the expansion that began in June 2009. That would give it a longevity of 128 months, the longest in records maintained by the National Bureau of Economic Research going back to 1854.

This wouldn’t be the first time the U.S. was in a recession without knowing it. In the summer of 2008 policymakers of the Federal Reserve were still predicting decent economic growth for that year and the next—even though a recession had begun the previous December, as later determined by the business cycle dating committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research. ...
While Dopey Donald Trump is blubbering and whining the US economy is in flames.

Air travel has almost ceased. Boeing appears in desperate trouble.

The cruise ship business has stopped.

Travel businesses are shriveled.

Stores and shops are closed.

Concert business moribund.

Sporting events canceled.

Oil and gas industry withers as price falls.

People told to avoid the office and stay home.

Pay checks have dried up.

Dopey Donald Trump is out of his depth.

The US might already be in a recession

The US might already be in a recession
Peter Coy 20 hrs ago

NCAA tournament games closed to fans

Let’s just say it: The longest economic expansion in U.S. history may already be over, killed by Covid-19.

It might seem crazy to talk about a recession when jobs are plentiful. Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced a decline in the February unemployment rate to 3.5%, tying a 50-year low.

But a recession isn’t when things are bad. It’s when they aren’t quite as good as they were at the peak. (Conversely, an “expansion” begins when the economy hits bottom and starts back up.)

When economic historians look back, they may pick February as the peak of the expansion that began in June 2009. That would give it a longevity of 128 months, the longest in records maintained by the National Bureau of Economic Research going back to 1854.

This wouldn’t be the first time the U.S. was in a recession without knowing it. In the summer of 2008 policymakers of the Federal Reserve were still predicting decent economic growth for that year and the next—even though a recession had begun the previous December, as later determined by the business cycle dating committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research. ...
Yet, Pelosi's house is going on recess today without taking up legislation to help Americans in this...unacceptable.

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While Dopey Donald Trump is blubbering and whining the US economy is in flames.

Air travel has almost ceased. Boeing appears in desperate trouble.

The cruise ship business has stopped.

Travel businesses are shriveled.

Stores and shops are closed.

Concert business moribund.

Sporting events canceled.

Oil and gas industry withers as price falls.

People told to avoid the office and stay home.

Pay checks have dried up.

Dopey Donald Trump is out of his depth.

The US might already be in a recession

The US might already be in a recession
Peter Coy 20 hrs ago

NCAA tournament games closed to fans

Let’s just say it: The longest economic expansion in U.S. history may already be over, killed by Covid-19.

It might seem crazy to talk about a recession when jobs are plentiful. Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced a decline in the February unemployment rate to 3.5%, tying a 50-year low.

But a recession isn’t when things are bad. It’s when they aren’t quite as good as they were at the peak. (Conversely, an “expansion” begins when the economy hits bottom and starts back up.)

When economic historians look back, they may pick February as the peak of the expansion that began in June 2009. That would give it a longevity of 128 months, the longest in records maintained by the National Bureau of Economic Research going back to 1854.

This wouldn’t be the first time the U.S. was in a recession without knowing it. In the summer of 2008 policymakers of the Federal Reserve were still predicting decent economic growth for that year and the next—even though a recession had begun the previous December, as later determined by the business cycle dating committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research. ...
Yet, Pelosi's house is going on recess today without taking up legislation to help Americans in this...unacceptable.

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Undertaker Mitch McConnell doesn't allow legislation through the Senate.
At a time when America needs a leader, they can trust and rely on, America is cursed with a dishonest self-absorbed known prolific liar.
Oooooooooook given that the markets have been over valued by more than a third since the FED went into overdrive pumping in money, what prescription do you financial wizards have for unpopping the bubble?
Yet, Pelosi's house is going on recess today without taking up legislation to help Americans in this...unacceptable.
Pelosi ignores Trump taunts as she steers through another crisis
Pelosi ignores Trump taunts as she steers through another crisis

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was preparing to hop in a caravan of SUVs to depart the Capitol Tuesday afternoon when he called Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Mnuchin had just spent an hour huddling with Senate Republicans as President Donald Trump tried to sell wary GOP lawmakers on his plan to prevent an economic collapse from the coronavirus pandemic. Pelosi, who was having a hard time hearing Mnuchin due to poor cell phone reception, asked if he just wanted to come to her office across the Capitol instead.

a morning tweet. But that didn’t deter the speaker, who huddled with Mnuchin for a 30-minute meeting in her office. The two also chatted on the phone twice on Wednesday, and Pelosi is now on the verge of pushing through a massive stimulus bill that could earn GOP support, as well as Trump’s signature.

For any other leader, the rapid turnaround on the recovery plan would be a herculean feat at best. But for Pelosi, successfully negotiating a multi-billion-dollar economic package with a hostile and often antagonistic Trump administration was just another day in the speaker’s suite.

It’s also a reminder that for all Trump’s omnipresence on Twitter and cable TV, Pelosi remains the dominant figure on Capitol Hill when it comes time to actually getting something accomplished.
While Dopey Donald Trump is blubbering and whining the US economy is in flames.

Air travel has almost ceased. Boeing appears in desperate trouble.

The cruise ship business has stopped.

Travel businesses are shriveled.

Stores and shops are closed.

Concert business moribund.

Sporting events canceled.

Oil and gas industry withers as price falls.

People told to avoid the office and stay home.

Pay checks have dried up.

Dopey Donald Trump is out of his depth.

The US might already be in a recession

The US might already be in a recession
Peter Coy 20 hrs ago

NCAA tournament games closed to fans

Let’s just say it: The longest economic expansion in U.S. history may already be over, killed by Covid-19.

It might seem crazy to talk about a recession when jobs are plentiful. Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced a decline in the February unemployment rate to 3.5%, tying a 50-year low.

But a recession isn’t when things are bad. It’s when they aren’t quite as good as they were at the peak. (Conversely, an “expansion” begins when the economy hits bottom and starts back up.)

When economic historians look back, they may pick February as the peak of the expansion that began in June 2009. That would give it a longevity of 128 months, the longest in records maintained by the National Bureau of Economic Research going back to 1854.

This wouldn’t be the first time the U.S. was in a recession without knowing it. In the summer of 2008 policymakers of the Federal Reserve were still predicting decent economic growth for that year and the next—even though a recession had begun the previous December, as later determined by the business cycle dating committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research. ...

A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP.
We don't even have one quarter of negative growth.
So how stupid is it claiming we're in a recession already, very stupid.
At a time when America needs a leader, they can trust and rely on, America is cursed with a dishonest self-absorbed known prolific liar.

Actually, what we need is someone that does something, not someone who does nothing but coddle everyone and tells them that everything will be ok. Democrats are ignorant and non-pragmatic.
At a time when America needs a leader, they can trust and rely on, America is cursed with a dishonest self-absorbed known prolific liar.

A leader like Obama? Who allowed thousands to die from H1N1 before he did anything?
Erroneous whataboutisms are not going to bail out the Divider-in-Chief for his culpability in his incompetent response to the c-virus.
Opinion | Why Trump's cruel Ebola tweets have come back to haunt him

How can you call Trump incompetent? What "culpability"? Trump kept the US infection rate as low as possible.
The USA is doing way better than the EU looking at comparable populations.

So how stupid is it claiming we're in a recession already, very stupid.
Parsing the technical definition of the word recession doesn't change the fact that the economy is contracting more by the day and is likely to show negative growth for Q2 and 3. Something the Dems are prepared to do something about.
Pelosi ignores Trump taunts as she steers through another crisis

Democrats aren't prepared to do a thing except tax the rich. The economy was humming along until this Black Swan event. Nobody can prevent the dip in the economy. The worst thing we can do is over-react and implement more idiotic, restrictive Democratic policies that will doom our economy in the future.
While Dopey Donald Trump is blubbering and whining the US economy is in flames.

Air travel has almost ceased. Boeing appears in desperate trouble.

The cruise ship business has stopped.

Travel businesses are shriveled.

Stores and shops are closed.

Concert business moribund.

Sporting events canceled.

Oil and gas industry withers as price falls.

People told to avoid the office and stay home.

Pay checks have dried up.

Dopey Donald Trump is out of his depth.

The US might already be in a recession

The US might already be in a recession
Peter Coy 20 hrs ago

NCAA tournament games closed to fans

Let’s just say it: The longest economic expansion in U.S. history may already be over, killed by Covid-19.

It might seem crazy to talk about a recession when jobs are plentiful. Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced a decline in the February unemployment rate to 3.5%, tying a 50-year low.

But a recession isn’t when things are bad. It’s when they aren’t quite as good as they were at the peak. (Conversely, an “expansion” begins when the economy hits bottom and starts back up.)

When economic historians look back, they may pick February as the peak of the expansion that began in June 2009. That would give it a longevity of 128 months, the longest in records maintained by the National Bureau of Economic Research going back to 1854.

This wouldn’t be the first time the U.S. was in a recession without knowing it. In the summer of 2008 policymakers of the Federal Reserve were still predicting decent economic growth for that year and the next—even though a recession had begun the previous December, as later determined by the business cycle dating committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research. ...
you're probably the main reason the usa will never have it's greatest generation ever again.
How can you call Trump incompetent?
Get back to me with those numbers in a month.
Incompetent for all the reasons I've mentioned a dozen times. Essentially, the failure to get ahead of the crisis by adequately preparing for what he said wasn't going to amount to anything while the health experts were telling him this was going to get bad. Lack of test kits, lack of masks, a disjointed, contradictory message, lack of preparation for hospitals to be overwhelmed..............all because he didn't want to acknowledge how bad things would get despite the warnings from experts and the evidence of what was happening around the world.
At a time when America needs a leader, they can trust and rely on, America is cursed with a dishonest self-absorbed known prolific liar.

A leader like Obama? Who allowed thousands to die from H1N1 before he did anything?
Erroneous whataboutisms are not going to bail out the Divider-in-Chief for his culpability in his incompetent response to the c-virus.
Opinion | Why Trump's cruel Ebola tweets have come back to haunt him
Why is it coming back to haunt him? The only thing Trump is a bit crass. But the top Prog politicians are crazy.

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