Dopey overtly racist white sorority video pulled

you watch it yet Scooter? Thats what I thought.

I did. What's the big fucking deal?
read the quote in the OP. I thought that would go w/o saying :dunno:

I did read it. I think anyone who has a problem with this video has shit for brains.
color me surprised. :doubt:

NEWSFLASH kiddo!!! Theres more to college/sororities than partying & strutting & strutting around in street walker clothes w/ your white friends. They are supposed to be involved in academics and philanthropy, among other things, but you knew that right?

From my OP that you claimed to have read:

Set to the clubby Seven Lions song “Strangers,” the video makes no reference to academic achievement, philanthropy or individuality.
My white friends and I can have a good time without a token minority being present.

True story......... :thup:
You can't make this stuff up.

U. Alabama sorority removes recruiting video after backlash
A glitzy, ditzy recruiting video for the University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi sorority was denounced by the school and declared “worse for women than Donald Trump” by one writer before being swiftly scrubbed from YouTube.

The four-minute video, which has the sheen of a professionally shot clip, shows dozens of members from the apparently all-white sorority strutting in bikinis, partying in their opulent house, compulsively laughing, blowing bubbles and lounging around in matching white dresses. Set to the clubby Seven Lions song “Strangers,” the video makes no reference to academic achievement, philanthropy or individuality.
That video isn't the only thing getting pulled.
you watch it yet Scooter? Thats what I thought.

I did. What's the big fucking deal?
read the quote in the OP. I thought that would go w/o saying :dunno:

I did read it. I think anyone who has a problem with this video has shit for brains.
color me surprised. :doubt:

NEWSFLASH kiddo!!! Theres more to college/sororities than partying & strutting & strutting around in street walker clothes w/ your white friends. They are supposed to be involved in academics and philanthropy, among other things, but you knew that right?

From my OP that you claimed to have read:

Set to the clubby Seven Lions song “Strangers,” the video makes no reference to academic achievement, philanthropy or individuality.

Who the fuck cares? The point of the video was to show the fun side of belonging to a sorority and being part of a sisterhood. It's called advertising for Christ's sake. You really think anybody goes to college not knowing what the hell they are there for?

Honest to God, lately I've really begun to wonder if we're being taking over by pod people from outer space because the stupid is getting stronger with so many of you out there.
Yo, I posted this earlier, just a bunch of nice looking Republican women! The Socialist can`t take the truth, simple!!!


Yo, skagg`s in the Democrat Party!!!
Everyone is asking what's racissssss about it? Simple. Its now racissss to simply be to white. That sorority is to white.very simple answer....its the cultural marxist that pushes this....
reminds me of a Repub Convention :up: a sea of white faces.
Love it, social justice warriors got triggered by hot sorority girls.

After watching the video, even agnostic like me can say, the heaven exists.
Everyone is asking what's racissssss about it? Simple. Its now racissss to simply be to white. That sorority is to white.very simple answer....its the cultural marxist that pushes this....

LOL, how dare they to be openly slim, white and pretty, and act like woman and not like womyn. That's why we need forced diversity to prevent this from happening.
I liked the video, brought back memories of several blonde jokes from years back. My favorite:

A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small town in Arkansas. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde in the 4th row stands on her chair and starts shouting: "I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the color of a person's hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community and from reaching our full potential as a person. Because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general, and all in the name of humor!"
The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells, "You stay out of this, mister! I'm talking to that little bastard on your knee."
reminds me of a Repub Convention :up: a sea of white faces.
That's because democrats pander to segregation and racists. Whenever an ostensibly diverse democrat event is over, the blacks go home to their segregated black neighborhoods, the insulated guilty whites go home to theirs, the highspanics go to their casas y grocery de internacionale and the homos go clusterfucking.
forcing myself to think like a liberal and find racism everywhere is painful to a free thinking and open mind.

I'm so glad I don't spend every waking moment looking for someone to hate and then bully them into doing what I demand.

I bet leftist can't drink coffee and think coffee shops are racist

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