Double digit lead over June? Wow...what will he ever do?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And here we have the bad news.......hilary clinton was ahead of Trump by double digits in June of we all know, President Hilary was a great candidate, athletic, healthy and full of Vim and Vigor.....

Just like Joe biden......the candidate of Communist china and antifa and Black lives matter..

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Keep in mind......Trump had not been in any political office......Trump did not have over 95% support among Republicans......and Trump was doing better than other republicans with the Black and Hispanic communities...........and then the democrats saw that an sent antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill in the Black communities under their control.....
And here we have the bad news.......hilary clinton was ahead of Trump by double digits in June of we all know, President Hilary was a great candidate, athletic, healthy and full of Vim and Vigor.....

Just like Joe biden......the candidate of Communist china and antifa and Black lives matter..

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Keep in mind......Trump had not been in any political office......Trump did not have over 95% support among Republicans......and Trump was doing better than other republicans with the Black and Hispanic communities...........and then the democrats saw that an sent antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill in the Black communities under their control.....

Personally, I don't believe the stats being broadcasted.... Remember Hillary was programed to win hands down by double digits too....
And here we have the bad news.......hilary clinton was ahead of Trump by double digits in June of we all know, President Hilary was a great candidate, athletic, healthy and full of Vim and Vigor.....

Just like Joe biden......the candidate of Communist china and antifa and Black lives matter..

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Keep in mind......Trump had not been in any political office......Trump did not have over 95% support among Republicans......and Trump was doing better than other republicans with the Black and Hispanic communities...........and then the democrats saw that an sent antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill in the Black communities under their control.....
Oh but the polls are RIGHT, THIS time... pfft... :lol:

You might as well get SUCKER tattooed on your forehead if you believe the POLLS.

How many times can democrats be fed a SHIT SANDWICH before they realize... it's a SHIT SANDWICH? Good God these people are freakin' dumber 'n a sack of horse piss.
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And here we have the bad news.......hilary clinton was ahead of Trump by double digits in June of we all know, President Hilary was a great candidate, athletic, healthy and full of Vim and Vigor.....

Just like Joe biden......the candidate of Communist china and antifa and Black lives matter..

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Keep in mind......Trump had not been in any political office......Trump did not have over 95% support among Republicans......and Trump was doing better than other republicans with the Black and Hispanic communities...........and then the democrats saw that an sent antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill in the Black communities under their control.....
Oh but the polls are RIGHT, THIS time... pfft... :lol:

You might as well get SUCKER tattooed on your forehead if you believe the POLLS.

How many times can democrats be fed a SHIT SANDWICH before they realize it's a SHIT SANDWICH? Good God these people are freakin' dumber 'n a sack of horse piss.

You mean we shouldn't believe the Bloomberg polls? Didn't Bloomberg spend like a billion dollars trying to win the nomination to unseat Trump? You think Bloomberg's hatred of Trump is driving his numbers? One debate between slow Joe and It's all about me Trump will end in disaster for senile old Joe.
And here we have the bad news.......hilary clinton was ahead of Trump by double digits in June of we all know, President Hilary was a great candidate, athletic, healthy and full of Vim and Vigor.....

Just like Joe biden......the candidate of Communist china and antifa and Black lives matter..

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Clinton has 49% support to Trump's 37%, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9%, according to the poll of 750 likely voters. The poll was conducted Friday through Monday and released Tuesday evening, meaning many of those polled were surveyed before the Orlando terrorist attack.
Particularly damaging for Trump: 55% of those surveyed said they would never vote for him, compared to 43% who said they'd never back Clinton.

It's a much larger lead than Clinton held in national polls conducted in May and early June, prior to Trump's accusation that the federal judge in the Trump University lawsuit is biased because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump is advocating a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Keep in mind......Trump had not been in any political office......Trump did not have over 95% support among Republicans......and Trump was doing better than other republicans with the Black and Hispanic communities...........and then the democrats saw that an sent antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill in the Black communities under their control.....
Oh but the polls are RIGHT, THIS time... pfft... :lol:

You might as well get SUCKER tattooed on your forehead if you believe the POLLS.

How many times can democrats be fed a SHIT SANDWICH before they realize... it's a SHIT SANDWICH? Good God these people are freakin' dumber 'n a sack of horse piss.

Dimms have eternal bad breath.

Polls are for sheep....Dimm sheep.
Trump is a fighter........that is what he has going for him....I hope he makes it across the finish line. The country can't survive a biden Presidency....antifa and black lives matter burning, looting and killing will continue and expand......China will become even more powerful and may even make their move against our allies in Asia....and putin will move west.....
Rasmussen reports that Trump is getting about 29% of the black vote.
If true, the election is wayyyyyy over.

And it is that poll, and others like it that forced the democrat party to move up the schedule for their race riots in Black neighborhoods.........they likely wanted to conduct the race riots with their antifa and black lives matter marxist terrorist groups after the summer and closer to the election.......but that poll number forced their hand and they panicked.....

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