Dow down 831 points over fears of trade war with China

Good grief! Let's all panic and pull all our money out now!!!!!

The end is near!

Oh, wait we said that a few months ago and it turned out okay. Just lefties wishful thinking.
But it is lower than the highs of January. Not really a good thing. Can you imagine what repubs would be saying if this was Obama?

Or, to put another way - in 8 1/2 months, the DOW has done squat.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

Forget what this known Trumpbot is saying...he is clearly clueless and/or talking through his MAGA hat.

Obviously, he is using this term to try and say 'everything is fine - nothing to see here'. And he insists that since the bond market fell that it is fine. That is not always the case (something he refuses to admit or simply does not know).

It's CNN, but it gives a good description of why the selloff today:

Stock market: Here's why stocks are down today - CNN

Even Trump is worried:

Trump says the Federal Reserve has 'gone crazy' by continuing to raise interest rates

This has been coming for a long time - the Fed eventually had to raise rates. Now it's happening and the markets don't like it. Throw in the uncertainty of a trade war? And things look murky.
Not terrible...but not good.

I assume this correction is temporary. But eventually, the Fed's rate rises will start to bite BIG TIME. You cannot live on cheap debt forever.
Trump said that about 2 weeks ago.
He was right.
Dailykos is for the fiscally responsible?
You’re not fiscally responsible.
You’re simply a hate filled Liberal.
I'm fiscally responsible and actually understand economics, unlike yourself. And I don't have to make up imaginary friends to debate...
I don’t remember you complaining about Obama and the Fed allowing money to be printed for 0%.
You’re “responsible” when there’s a Republican administration.
I've been for a balanced budget since Perot. That's a pretty long time....
Than tell us what an idiot Obama was.
He ran up debt way too much debt.
No you didn’t. You had a couple parrots talking points, nothing of substance.
And you dodge my question then?
I didn’t dodge anything. I don’t need to answer a question that is posed 100% on misguided opinion. You are simply pontificating and have given no substance for you accusation. That requires no answer. One can’t answer a non fact.
You obviously did. Here we go again. What can we do to limit the next recession? Given how long the expansion has been it is coming soon.
What recession? Please give reasoning other than your little talking points. Here we go again with what? Your stupidity?
Wow so you dodge again. Don't have an answer huh? I can't say I'm surprised. Sad fact is there won't be much we can do.
Not dodging anything. You can’t present a case. If you ever do, we can debate. Until then you are just background noise. Your meme has obviously been given to you by your buddies in the short bus.
You’re not fiscally responsible.
You’re simply a hate filled Liberal.
I'm fiscally responsible and actually understand economics, unlike yourself. And I don't have to make up imaginary friends to debate...
I don’t remember you complaining about Obama and the Fed allowing money to be printed for 0%.
You’re “responsible” when there’s a Republican administration.
I've been for a balanced budget since Perot. That's a pretty long time....
Than tell us what an idiot Obama was.
He ran up debt way too much debt.
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Good grief! Let's all panic and pull all our money out now!!!!!

The end is near!

Oh, wait we said that a few months ago and it turned out okay. Just lefties wishful thinking.
But it is lower than the highs of January. Not really a good thing. Can you imagine what repubs would be saying if this was Obama?

Or, to put another way - in 8 1/2 months, the DOW has done squat.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

Forget what this known Trumpbot is saying...he is clearly clueless and/or talking through his MAGA hat.

Obviously, he is using this term to try and say 'everything is fine - nothing to see here'. And he insists that since the bond market fell that it is fine. That is not always the case (something he refuses to admit or simply does not know).

It's CNN, but it gives a good description of why the selloff today:

Stock market: Here's why stocks are down today - CNN

Even Trump is worried:

Trump says the Federal Reserve has 'gone crazy' by continuing to raise interest rates

This has been coming for a long time - the Fed eventually had to raise rates. Now it's happening and the markets don't like it. Throw in the uncertainty of a trade war? And things look murky.
Not terrible...but not good.

I assume this correction is temporary. But eventually, the Fed's rate rises will start to bite BIG TIME. You cannot live on cheap debt forever.
Trump said that about 2 weeks ago.
He was right.

Well, he said it a few hours ago.

He also said this two years ago - and he was right then.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And he is not right now. The Fed has to normalize rates sometime. Trump just was hoping they would wait a while.
And you dodge my question then?
I didn’t dodge anything. I don’t need to answer a question that is posed 100% on misguided opinion. You are simply pontificating and have given no substance for you accusation. That requires no answer. One can’t answer a non fact.
You obviously did. Here we go again. What can we do to limit the next recession? Given how long the expansion has been it is coming soon.
What recession? Please give reasoning other than your little talking points. Here we go again with what? Your stupidity?
Wow so you dodge again. Don't have an answer huh? I can't say I'm surprised. Sad fact is there won't be much we can do.
Not dodging anything. You can’t present a case. If you ever do, we can debate. Until then you are just background noise. Your meme has obviously been given to you by your buddies in the short bus.
I did. We go into recession, what can we do to limit it? Very simple question.
I'm fiscally responsible and actually understand economics, unlike yourself. And I don't have to make up imaginary friends to debate...
I don’t remember you complaining about Obama and the Fed allowing money to be printed for 0%.
You’re “responsible” when there’s a Republican administration.
I've been for a balanced budget since Perot. That's a pretty long time....
Than tell us what an idiot Obama was.
He ran up debt way too much debt.
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Deficits decreased after the recession was over. Should have cut spending.
Good grief! Let's all panic and pull all our money out now!!!!!

The end is near!

Oh, wait we said that a few months ago and it turned out okay. Just lefties wishful thinking.
But it is lower than the highs of January. Not really a good thing. Can you imagine what repubs would be saying if this was Obama?

Or, to put another way - in 8 1/2 months, the DOW has done squat.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

Forget what this known Trumpbot is saying...he is clearly clueless and/or talking through his MAGA hat.

Obviously, he is using this term to try and say 'everything is fine - nothing to see here'. And he insists that since the bond market fell that it is fine. That is not always the case (something he refuses to admit or simply does not know).

It's CNN, but it gives a good description of why the selloff today:

Stock market: Here's why stocks are down today - CNN

Even Trump is worried:

Trump says the Federal Reserve has 'gone crazy' by continuing to raise interest rates

This has been coming for a long time - the Fed eventually had to raise rates. Now it's happening and the markets don't like it. Throw in the uncertainty of a trade war? And things look murky.
Not terrible...but not good.

I assume this correction is temporary. But eventually, the Fed's rate rises will start to bite BIG TIME. You cannot live on cheap debt forever.
Trump said that about 2 weeks ago.
He was right.

Well, he said it a few hours ago.

And he is not right. The Fed has to normalize rates sometime. Trump just was hoping they would wait a while.
It was also reported 2 weeks ago.
He was right.
I don’t remember you complaining about Obama and the Fed allowing money to be printed for 0%.
You’re “responsible” when there’s a Republican administration.
I've been for a balanced budget since Perot. That's a pretty long time....
Than tell us what an idiot Obama was.
He ran up debt way too much debt.
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Deficits decreased after the recession was over. Should have cut spending.
Obama had no plan for expansion...ever.
I didn’t dodge anything. I don’t need to answer a question that is posed 100% on misguided opinion. You are simply pontificating and have given no substance for you accusation. That requires no answer. One can’t answer a non fact.
You obviously did. Here we go again. What can we do to limit the next recession? Given how long the expansion has been it is coming soon.
What recession? Please give reasoning other than your little talking points. Here we go again with what? Your stupidity?
Wow so you dodge again. Don't have an answer huh? I can't say I'm surprised. Sad fact is there won't be much we can do.
Not dodging anything. You can’t present a case. If you ever do, we can debate. Until then you are just background noise. Your meme has obviously been given to you by your buddies in the short bus.
I did. We go into recession, what can we do to limit it? Very simple question.
You have no substance . Just your opinion. You aren’t very good at this at all. I’m sure it works in your grade school kids. It doesn’t work with grownups. Lay out the reasons for recession. How it will happen, what will cause. Until then. You are a simple parrot.
I've been for a balanced budget since Perot. That's a pretty long time....
Than tell us what an idiot Obama was.
He ran up debt way too much debt.
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Deficits decreased after the recession was over. Should have cut spending.
Obama had no plan for expansion...ever.
We talking about debt or economic expansion? You seem to be jumping around. I can't recall any moves that would be real pro growth, but capitalism often works better with less intervention. There are things that can be done to limit recessions however.
You obviously did. Here we go again. What can we do to limit the next recession? Given how long the expansion has been it is coming soon.
What recession? Please give reasoning other than your little talking points. Here we go again with what? Your stupidity?
Wow so you dodge again. Don't have an answer huh? I can't say I'm surprised. Sad fact is there won't be much we can do.
Not dodging anything. You can’t present a case. If you ever do, we can debate. Until then you are just background noise. Your meme has obviously been given to you by your buddies in the short bus.
I did. We go into recession, what can we do to limit it? Very simple question.
You have no substance . Just your opinion. You aren’t very good at this at all. I’m sure it works in your grade school kids. It doesn’t work with grownups. Lay out the reasons for recession. How it will happen, what will cause. Until then. You are a simple parrot.
Recessions happen, that's just how the economy works. You have shown clearly that you just wish to dodge, I'm not surprised. We are in big trouble if a recession comes. And clearly you can't come up with any reason we aren't.
What recession? Please give reasoning other than your little talking points. Here we go again with what? Your stupidity?
Wow so you dodge again. Don't have an answer huh? I can't say I'm surprised. Sad fact is there won't be much we can do.
Not dodging anything. You can’t present a case. If you ever do, we can debate. Until then you are just background noise. Your meme has obviously been given to you by your buddies in the short bus.
I did. We go into recession, what can we do to limit it? Very simple question.
You have no substance . Just your opinion. You aren’t very good at this at all. I’m sure it works in your grade school kids. It doesn’t work with grownups. Lay out the reasons for recession. How it will happen, what will cause. Until then. You are a simple parrot.
Recessions happen, that's just how the economy works. You have shown clearly that you just wish to dodge, I'm not surprised. We are in big trouble if a recession comes. And clearly you can't come up with any reason we aren't.
Key word is “if”. I’m not dodging, you want to pontificate doomsday with no back up. You have no point.
Than tell us what an idiot Obama was.
He ran up debt way too much debt.
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Deficits decreased after the recession was over. Should have cut spending.
Obama had no plan for expansion...ever.
We talking about debt or economic expansion? You seem to be jumping around. I can't recall any moves that would be real pro growth, but capitalism often works better with less intervention. There are things that can be done to limit recessions however.
Don’t go deer in the headlights on me.
Debt eventually outpaced by income with a solid plan.
So is today's decline bad or expected? I had a 12 hour day today and am just now catching up on the days news. Read a bit of this thread and can't decipher all the partisan shit.
Also just heard the hurricane was nearly a cat 5 when last I heard it was a two.
Wow so you dodge again. Don't have an answer huh? I can't say I'm surprised. Sad fact is there won't be much we can do.
Not dodging anything. You can’t present a case. If you ever do, we can debate. Until then you are just background noise. Your meme has obviously been given to you by your buddies in the short bus.
I did. We go into recession, what can we do to limit it? Very simple question.
You have no substance . Just your opinion. You aren’t very good at this at all. I’m sure it works in your grade school kids. It doesn’t work with grownups. Lay out the reasons for recession. How it will happen, what will cause. Until then. You are a simple parrot.
Recessions happen, that's just how the economy works. You have shown clearly that you just wish to dodge, I'm not surprised. We are in big trouble if a recession comes. And clearly you can't come up with any reason we aren't.
Key word is “if”. I’m not dodging, you want to pontificate doomsday with no back up. You have no point.
A recession isn't doomsday. They happen all the time. They are part of the cycle... Never mind you are quite hopeless.

Back to the Dow. We are below the highs from January. It's now October. MAGA!
Big moves in interest rates tend to unsettle investors, and they can also push them to sell stocks and buy bonds more day to see what happens as this could be a huge buying opportunity!
He ran up debt way too much debt.
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Deficits decreased after the recession was over. Should have cut spending.
Obama had no plan for expansion...ever.
We talking about debt or economic expansion? You seem to be jumping around. I can't recall any moves that would be real pro growth, but capitalism often works better with less intervention. There are things that can be done to limit recessions however.
Don’t go deer in the headlights on me.
Debt eventually outpaced by income with a solid plan.
When has that happened?
So is today's decline bad or expected? I had a 12 hour day today and am just now catching up on the days news. Read a bit of this thread and can't decipher all the partisan shit.
Also just heard the hurricane was nearly a cat 5 when last I heard it was a two.
It's not good when the dow has almost no gains for the whole year when it is October....
Thank you!
Did he attempt anything that might have offset that debt in the long run.
Deficits decreased after the recession was over. Should have cut spending.
Obama had no plan for expansion...ever.
We talking about debt or economic expansion? You seem to be jumping around. I can't recall any moves that would be real pro growth, but capitalism often works better with less intervention. There are things that can be done to limit recessions however.
Don’t go deer in the headlights on me.
Debt eventually outpaced by income with a solid plan.
When has that happened?
Right now.
Trump just announced a National Water Infrastructure project.
Bad Trump!
Wanting clean water.
I’m getting such a kick out of the fact that you’re miserable due to the letter R.

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