Dow down 831 points over fears of trade war with China

I'm wondering what tomorrow and Friday are going to bring.

Remember..................when the stock market had it's first big crash, it kept dropping for weeks after that.

If the stock market continues to drop this week, expect another crash like 2008 had.
The DOW drops over 1000 points in one day (including after hours trading)...and you call that 'profit taking'?

The VIX spikes to 22 on 'profit taking'? The worst day for NASDAQ futures since 2011...and you call that 'profit taking'?

You have not a clue what you are talking about on this.

"Markets In Turmoil": FANG Freefall Sparks Longest Losing Streak Of Trump Era

Find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you? I bet you cannot.

This is - IMO - primarily about rising bond yields and trade questions but mostly a general fear that the Fed/central banks are hawking for the next few years.

The central banks have propped up the economies of the world for over a decade. Now they are backing off to load their magazines so they can have bullets for the next recession. And the markets are NERVOUS.

You obviously didn't read my post, petunia.

Money wasn't running for safety, it was profit taking. If the markets were scared they'd be buying bonds hand over fist and I made money on my bond short today. That means they were selling off government bonds today for you rookies. TBT

I don't need penny stock crybabies like you telling what the markets are doing.

I read your ignorant post...and you were dead wrong. Some money did go into bonds, some into the dollar and some into PM's. But if you knew ANYTHING about the markets over the last decade, you would know that it is primarily being driven by stock buybacks.
So what happens when companies sell off their own stocks? They pay down their debts that went to buy the equities in the first place. DUH.

Now answer my question (which you ducked) you economic ignoramus...find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

I bet you cannot.

If it wasn't just profit taking today they would have been buying government bonds you idiot. Flight to safety. Quit listening to your broker. They make money on your stupidity and obviously they're making a killing off you.

You keep ducking my simple question. I will make it easier for you...Now answer my question (which you ducked) you economic ignoramus...find my two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

Here dipshit. learn something about how the markets work off the yield curve and correlation to equity markets. Go build youself a running comparison of S&P 500 PE against the yield curve. I'm not giving you mine and I'll send you an invoice for any more information .

Pretty simple shit for most people. You don't sell bonds when you're worried about equities, moron. And bonds sold off today.

Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates

They do NOT always go into bonds you macroeconomic ignoramus. With the Fed messing everything up - they went to debt paydown/cash today.

A rare and worrisome thing happened during Wednesday's stock market slaughter: Bonds fell, too

I will not discuss this again with you until you answer my question below:

find me two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

If your theory is sooooo right. Surely lots of unbiased economists must agree with you. So, far, you cannot even find one.
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You obviously didn't read my post, petunia.

Money wasn't running for safety, it was profit taking. If the markets were scared they'd be buying bonds hand over fist and I made money on my bond short today. That means they were selling off government bonds today for you rookies. TBT

I don't need penny stock crybabies like you telling what the markets are doing.

I read your ignorant post...and you were dead wrong. Some money did go into bonds, some into the dollar and some into PM's. But if you knew ANYTHING about the markets over the last decade, you would know that it is primarily being driven by stock buybacks.
So what happens when companies sell off their own stocks? They pay down their debts that went to buy the equities in the first place. DUH.

Now answer my question (which you ducked) you economic ignoramus...find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

I bet you cannot.

If it wasn't just profit taking today they would have been buying government bonds you idiot. Flight to safety. Quit listening to your broker. They make money on your stupidity and obviously they're making a killing off you.

You keep ducking my simple question. I will make it easier for you...Now answer my question (which you ducked) you economic ignoramus...find my two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

Here dipshit. learn something about how the markets work off the yield curve and correlation to equity markets. Go build youself a running comparison of S&P 500 PE against the yield curve. I'm not giving you mine and I'll send you an invoice for any more information .

Pretty simple shit for most people. You don't sell bonds when you're worried about equities, moron. And bonds sold off today.

Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates

They do NOT always go into bonds you macroeconomic ignoramus. With the Fed messing everything up - they went to debt paydown/cash today.

A rare and worrisome thing happened during Wednesday's stock market slaughter: Bonds fell, too

I will not discuss this again with you until you answer my question below:

find my two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

Right from your article, dipshit. No one is scared about the equities market. It's profit taking plain and simple. Traders are locking in profits for the year and will looking to move in to consumer discretionary equities moving in to the Christmas buying season.

Now where that address for me to send my invoice. chop, chop

"Analysts say the unusual trade could be a warning that there will be more stock market selling ahead, or at least until investors get scared enough to jump back into Treasurys and markets steady."
There is nothing isolationary about the US Constitution.

More importantly there’s nothing Globalist in there, except for the section about treaties. There is no mandate for ANY monies or military involvement with any other nation. Thst means ALL foreign aid and military involvement outside the US is unconstitutional.
I read your ignorant post...and you were dead wrong. Some money did go into bonds, some into the dollar and some into PM's. But if you knew ANYTHING about the markets over the last decade, you would know that it is primarily being driven by stock buybacks.
So what happens when companies sell off their own stocks? They pay down their debts that went to buy the equities in the first place. DUH.

Now answer my question (which you ducked) you economic ignoramus...find my three, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

I bet you cannot.

If it wasn't just profit taking today they would have been buying government bonds you idiot. Flight to safety. Quit listening to your broker. They make money on your stupidity and obviously they're making a killing off you.

You keep ducking my simple question. I will make it easier for you...Now answer my question (which you ducked) you economic ignoramus...find my two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

Here dipshit. learn something about how the markets work off the yield curve and correlation to equity markets. Go build youself a running comparison of S&P 500 PE against the yield curve. I'm not giving you mine and I'll send you an invoice for any more information .

Pretty simple shit for most people. You don't sell bonds when you're worried about equities, moron. And bonds sold off today.

Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates

They do NOT always go into bonds you macroeconomic ignoramus. With the Fed messing everything up - they went to debt paydown/cash today.

A rare and worrisome thing happened during Wednesday's stock market slaughter: Bonds fell, too

I will not discuss this again with you until you answer my question below:

find my two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

Right from your article, dipshit. No one is scared about the equities market. It's profit taking plain and simple. Traders are locking in profits for the year and will looking to move in to consumer discretionary equities moving in to the Christmas buying season.

Now where that address for me to send my invoice. chop, chop

"Analysts say the unusual trade could be a warning that there will be more stock market selling ahead, or at least until investors get scared enough to jump back into Treasurys and markets steady."

For the fifth time - find me two, WELL respected AND politically unbiased economists who agree with you that today was primarily profit taking?

You can't - but you don't have enough guts to admit it. It's obvious.
Partisans are just so dumb.[/QUOTE]
”Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high!” ~ George Bush[/QUOTE]

Cherry picked quote of a politician claiming credit for something good. You got nothing kid[/QUOTE]
You take credit, you own it.

Of course, the numbers back his claim too...

Yeah well the major point is the raiting agencies were corrupt and so were the morgauge lenders. That was the heart of the problem. Because of that both dems and Republicans did what they could to encourage home ownership[/QUOTE]
Yeah, good idea to ignore the fact that the subprime lending didn’t explode until 2004.[/QUOTE]

Add to the fact that right around that time the bush boy was bragging that he deregulated Fannie Mae to allow more people to buy houses. What he didn't say was the deregulation was to allow Fannie Mae to buy those sub prime loans, bundle them with a couple good loans then rate them prime loan bundles. Then sold them around the world and in America as all prime loans.

There's a reason why those regulations were established in the first place. Because the same lending practices were happening in the 1920s and helped to cause that real estate and stock market crash.

Practices that were illegal and categorized as predatory lending before the bush boy became very legal and lethal to our economy and nation. A lot of bankers and people on Wall Street made billions though.

Unregulated capitalism destroys economies. All you end up with is monopolies with a small amount of people with a lot of money and power.

Capitalism needs the free flow of money throughout the whole economy to work properly and benefit everyone. That can't happen without the proper regulation on commerce. Which the founders of this nation knew so they included the power for the government to regulate commerce in the constitution it's called the Commerce Clause.

I really wish people would read that document.
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There is nothing isolationary about the US Constitution.

More importantly there’s nothing Globalist in there, except for the section about treaties. There is no mandate for ANY monies or military involvement with any other nation. Thst means ALL foreign aid and military involvement outside the US is unconstitutional.

That there is no mandate does not mean doing it is unconstitutional, it would only be unconstitutional if the government were limited from doing so.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail


If you are stupid enough to look at the whole of trade based on one day of the stock market, you deserve to lose everything you have. Only morons take that short of a view. Holy fuck you moonbats are ignorant.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail


If you are stupid enough to look at the whole of trade based on one day of the stock market, you deserve to lose everything you have. Only morons take that short of a view. Holy fuck you moonbats are ignorant.

Futures go into positive as you type. Barely but a good sign
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail


If you are stupid enough to look at the whole of trade based on one day of the stock market, you deserve to lose everything you have. Only morons take that short of a view. Holy fuck you moonbats are ignorant.

Futures go into positive as you type. Barely but a good sign
These people in here are truly morons.
My son straddles options.
He told me back in June this was going to happen, but he was thinking very late September.
He made some very nice money today and saved a friend over 65K.
Imagine what these partisans would say if the Dow dropped 800 when Obama was president. Funny stuff.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail


If you are stupid enough to look at the whole of trade based on one day of the stock market, you deserve to lose everything you have. Only morons take that short of a view. Holy fuck you moonbats are ignorant.

Seems it is more than just a day, over the last 261 days since the first tariffs were levied, the down is down more than 1000 points, the S&P is down more than 100 and the NASDAQ is down about 80.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail


If you are stupid enough to look at the whole of trade based on one day of the stock market, you deserve to lose everything you have. Only morons take that short of a view. Holy fuck you moonbats are ignorant.

Futures go into positive as you type. Barely but a good sign
These people in here are truly morons.

They don't understand why the markets react and how. The OP reads some BS that had zero to do with why the markets tanked today and looks the fool
There were at least three years under Obama in which US GDP grew faster than Trump's has.

Show me one time any of you hacks started a topic about what a great job Obama was doing.

Fuck, show me even one POST. Show me an "on fire"!

You fucking hypocritical partisans fucks.

Only idiots confine the results of economy and stock market to the dates of an administration. But if your narrative makes you think you have proven a point or makes you feel good, by all means continue.
My son straddles options.
He told me back in June this was going to happen, but he was thinking very late September.
He made some very nice money today and saved a friend over 65K.
Next time share the tip before and maybe I'll believe you. Amazing how many people made money today. haha

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