DOW futures down over 1,000 points


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

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Monday is looking bad. NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points.

Well if you have some cash on hand it would be a great time to buy some good stocks at a nice price. Just remember to make it a good stock with good fundamentals. Shitty stocks are never cheap enough to make them worth buying.
Monday is looking bad. NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points.

Well if you have some cash on hand it would be a great time to buy some good stocks at a nice price. Just remember to make it a good stock with good fundamentals. Shitty stocks are never cheap enough to make them worth buying.

Buy on the dips? So funny. I expect it to get much dippier.
Monday is looking bad. NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points.

Well if you have some cash on hand it would be a great time to buy some good stocks at a nice price. Just remember to make it a good stock with good fundamentals. Shitty stocks are never cheap enough to make them worth buying.

Buy on the dips? So funny. I expect it to get much dippier.

A great way to lose your ass is trying to call the highs and lows. The sharks on the street just love it when rubes like you try to beat them at their game. You're easy pickins.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

Yea, outsourcing manufacturing of 90% of our pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the last 30 years has consequences.

President Trump was right, we should be making the things we need and not depend on a communist dictatorship that has been waging a trade war against us for 30 years. That’s why Congress should embrace President Trump’s policy of pro-America and not pro-China like Biden would have us do.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

You know what? It is still way over 17K, and only going down, because of a Chinese Virus that was allowed to escape. When the people get out of hand, then it is time to punish the people, the liberal/communist way.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
I honestly could care less about the stocks of corporations that depend on communist China. Let them sink with China. Fuck ‘em, they’ve been fucking over America for decades.
Monday is looking bad. NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points.

Well if you have some cash on hand it would be a great time to buy some good stocks at a nice price. Just remember to make it a good stock with good fundamentals. Shitty stocks are never cheap enough to make them worth buying.
No. Stop trying to out a positive face on this. We are gonna drop a lot more before its over. Don't buy anything yet.

I'm still a long way based on the buys I made during The Great Obama Recession!
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

You know what? It is still way over 17K, and only going down, because of a Chinese Virus that was allowed to escape. When the people get out of hand, then it is time to punish the people, the liberal/communist way.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
You hang out with that mindwars guy, don't you.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

Yea, outsourcing manufacturing of 90% of our pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the last 30 years has consequences.

President Trump was right, we should be making the things we need and not depend on a communist dictatorship that has been waging a trade war against us for 30 years. That’s why Congress should embrace President Trump’s policy of pro-America and not pro-China like Biden would have us do.
If anyone ever takes the pharmaceutical industry to task over it's betrayal of America it will be a democrat and you will hate it.
Dow futures tumble more than 1,000 points as all-out oil price war adds to coronavirus stress; 10-year Treasury yield drops below 0.5%

Dow futures tumble more than 1,000 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil price war
You should be elated that those rich sons of bitches like Buffet, Gates and other elite billionaires and millionaires are losing their shirts. Why all of a sudden do you give a shit?

This is one of those spoof post...right?
I honestly could care less about the stocks of corporations that depend on communist China. Let them sink with China. Fuck ‘em, they’ve been fucking over America for decades.

not to mention all hard working Americans that have 401ks with ties to the stock market...fuck them too! Fuck em all!
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

Yea, outsourcing manufacturing of 90% of our pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the last 30 years has consequences.

President Trump was right, we should be making the things we need and not depend on a communist dictatorship that has been waging a trade war against us for 30 years. That’s why Congress should embrace President Trump’s policy of pro-America and not pro-China like Biden would have us do.
If anyone ever takes the pharmaceutical industry to task over it's betrayal of America it will be a democrat and you will hate it.
LMAO, what a joke. They are the first to defend the honor of a Communist China, not to mention to get on their payroll. Your beloved Hussein heaped praise on China, your leftwing celebrities praise China and never dare criticize it. Bloomberg even admitted they write news stories that please Chinese censors. LeBron James and the NBA attacking anyone that shows support for Hong Kong protestors and silencing anyone in the league that would dare criticize China. Social media cracks down on Chinese criticism as well.

So fuck you liberals that kiss the ass of China.
CNBC is now showing the DOW in green - which is bullshit. Take a look at Bloomberg.


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