DOW futures down over 1,000 points

CNBC is now showing the DOW in green - which is bullshit. Take a look at Bloomberg.



NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

Yea, outsourcing manufacturing of 90% of our pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the last 30 years has consequences.

President Trump was right, we should be making the things we need and not depend on a communist dictatorship that has been waging a trade war against us for 30 years. That’s why Congress should embrace President Trump’s policy of pro-America and not pro-China like Biden would have us do.
If anyone ever takes the pharmaceutical industry to task over it's betrayal of America it will be a democrat and you will hate it.
LMAO, what a joke. They are the first to defend the honor of a Communist China, not to mention to get on their payroll. Your beloved Hussein heaped praise on China, your leftwing celebrities praise China and never dare criticize it. Bloomberg even admitted they write news stories that please Chinese censors. LeBron James and the NBA attacking anyone that shows support for Hong Kong protestors and silencing anyone in the league that would dare criticize China. Social media cracks down on Chinese criticism as well.

So fuck you liberals that kiss the ass of China.
You complain about the pharmaceutical industry but it's all China's fault somehow. If this mess turns into another deep depression you will be supplied with a handy list of scapegoats. Anyone except those who hold sway over our economy. Pay close attention as the man who wanted all the credit for a rising economy now runs from any responsibility for it's decline.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

Yea, outsourcing manufacturing of 90% of our pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the last 30 years has consequences.

President Trump was right, we should be making the things we need and not depend on a communist dictatorship that has been waging a trade war against us for 30 years. That’s why Congress should embrace President Trump’s policy of pro-America and not pro-China like Biden would have us do.
If anyone ever takes the pharmaceutical industry to task over it's betrayal of America it will be a democrat and you will hate it.
LMAO, what a joke. They are the first to defend the honor of a Communist China, not to mention to get on their payroll. Your beloved Hussein heaped praise on China, your leftwing celebrities praise China and never dare criticize it. Bloomberg even admitted they write news stories that please Chinese censors. LeBron James and the NBA attacking anyone that shows support for Hong Kong protestors and silencing anyone in the league that would dare criticize China. Social media cracks down on Chinese criticism as well.

So fuck you liberals that kiss the ass of China.
You complain about the pharmaceutical industry but it's all China's fault somehow. If this mess turns into another deep depression you will be supplied with a handy list of scapegoats. Anyone except those who hold sway over our economy. Pay close attention as the man who wanted all the credit for a rising economy now runs from any responsibility for it's decline.

It’s not China’s fault, it’s the fault of our politicians for the last 30 years that allowed it to happen. GOP and Dems. President Trump is the only guy who has stood up to China, and of course you Dims demonize him for it, so fuck off. The only guy on the left that has criticized these policies has been Bernie, which is of course why the DNC is trying so hard to burn him at the stake. The corrupt Dems who have sold us out to China stand to lose a lot of money if Bernie wins and continues to try to bring jobs back like President Trump has.
I’m not worried about a darn thing. People are over reacting to what really is nothing but the flu. Stocks have been over priced, so it’s good to see a correction.

Just means you can buy more shares with every deposit you make to your 401K and after this passes, the market will get back to normal.

Makes me laugh to watch all these Godless Heathens in a panic and looking for someone to blame for their fear!

If Jesus comes, I’m outta here and don’t need my retirement anyways.

And all that will be left are Miserable Godless Lefty Commies and other Creeps and Unrepentant Sinners of all kinds.

I won’t be able to say I told yah so from Heaven, but I’ll be watching the world unravel for The Heathens Left Behind!
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Monday is looking bad. NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points.

Well if you have some cash on hand it would be a great time to buy some good stocks at a nice price. Just remember to make it a good stock with good fundamentals. Shitty stocks are never cheap enough to make them worth buying.
I pay into a 401k every month. Aren’t my dollars taking advantage of these low stock prices?
Monday is looking bad. NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points.

Well if you have some cash on hand it would be a great time to buy some good stocks at a nice price. Just remember to make it a good stock with good fundamentals. Shitty stocks are never cheap enough to make them worth buying.
I pay into a 401k every month. Aren’t my dollars taking advantage of these low stock prices?

Well, you know what they say about dollar cost averaging.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.

Personally, I don't think stocks are cheap right now. I think they are still way overly inflated. I foresee a recession.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.

Personally, I don't think stocks are cheap right now. I think they are still way overly inflated. I foresee a recession.
And let’s see a republican here tell us what stock we should buy. We will keep track and see if that stock ends up being a good pick.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.

Personally, I don't think stocks are cheap right now. I think they are still way overly inflated. I foresee a recession.
And let’s see a republican here tell us what stock we should buy. We will keep track and see if that stock ends up being a good pick.

I agree. We are past the point where Trump can use lies and misinformation to artificially buoy the markets. The markets are now in control.
CNBC is now showing the DOW in green - which is bullshit. Take a look at Bloomberg.

That's right...Keep hoping for the retirement and pension accounts of hard working and saving Muricans to go to shit, so that you can achieve your political ends.

You're a fucking pathetic piece of shit of an alleged human being.
The markets will likely rebound after Trump is defeated.
CNBC is now showing the DOW in green - which is bullshit. Take a look at Bloomberg.

That's right...Keep hoping for the retirement and pension accounts of hard working and saving Muricans to go to shit, so that you can achieve your political ends.

You're a fucking pathetic piece of shit of an alleged human being.
Well if you’re a republican you’re enjoying the shitty market because now you can buy low.

if you are a year away from retiring your investments shouldn’t be in a risky investment right?
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.

Personally, I don't think stocks are cheap right now. I think they are still way overly inflated. I foresee a recession.
They're overly inflated because of the $4 trillion of fake value that your mulatto savior had pumped into Wall Street for him, and you know it.

You are one of the lowest forms of life on the mammalian tree, and will likely be replaced soon by the Norway rat.

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