DOW futures down over 1,000 points

The markets will likely rebound after Trump is defeated.

Sure, because everyone will be eager to pay an additional transaction fee and/or become millionaires to give money to the government....dumbass.
The markets will likely rebound after Trump is defeated.
But pray that it's not before, so that you can score political points.

Fucking pathetic piece of shit.
Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019. If the markets don’t rebound does he deserve a second term?

I think a bad 2020 would mean his tax breaks didn’t work
The markets will likely rebound after Trump is defeated.
But pray that it's not before, so that you can score political points.

Fucking pathetic piece of shit.
Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019. If the markets don’t rebound does he deserve a second term?

I think a bad 2020 would mean his tax breaks didn’t work
You'll take a bad 2020 any way that you can get it.

GFY, pathetic old man.
NASDAQ futures also down almost 400 points. Asia-Pacific and Europe also down. Looking bad.

This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.

Personally, I don't think stocks are cheap right now. I think they are still way overly inflated. I foresee a recession.
They're overly inflated because of the $4 trillion of fake value that your mulatto savior had pumped into Wall Street for him, and you know it.

You are one of the lowest forms of life on the mammalian tree, and will likely be replaced soon by the Norway rat.
You’ll blame anything bad on anyone but trump. Convienent
The markets will likely rebound after Trump is defeated.
But pray that it's not before, so that you can score political points.

Fucking pathetic piece of shit.
Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019. If the markets don’t rebound does he deserve a second term?

I think a bad 2020 would mean his tax breaks didn’t work
You'll take a bad 2020 any way that you can get it.

GFY, pathetic old man.
We need a democrat to replace rbg little man
This is what republicans cause. Booms and busts. Unregulated and unsafe. Obama was slow, steady and safe.

I agree. DOW now down about 1,200.

Stock Indices Futures -
Yet I don’t think us 401k investors are benefitting from the low stock prices. Notice the other person suggested buying stock and choosing wisely? Who can afford to do that? Rich people. But I don’t think it works the same way for us peon 401k investors. Otherwise we should be happy stocks are cheap right now.

and anyone 3 years from retirement shouldn’t have their money in high risk investments.

Personally, I don't think stocks are cheap right now. I think they are still way overly inflated. I foresee a recession.
They're overly inflated because of the $4 trillion of fake value that your mulatto savior had pumped into Wall Street for him, and you know it.

You are one of the lowest forms of life on the mammalian tree, and will likely be replaced soon by the Norway rat.
You’ll blame anything bad on anyone but trump. Convienent
I understand why Wall Street is over inflated.....The Fed has painted the nation into a corner under the Boiking, and you didn't give a flying fuck when they were doing it....But if it benefits you now in the election, you' gladly cheer on people who have saved and invested going broke.
With DOW futures down I guess this makes billionaires less billionairy?
Dow futures tumble more than 1,000 points as all-out oil price war adds to coronavirus stress; 10-year Treasury yield drops below 0.5%

Dow futures tumble more than 1,000 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil price war
You should be elated that those rich sons of bitches like Buffet, Gates and other elite billionaires and millionaires are losing their shirts. Why all of a sudden do you give a shit?
They aren't losing anything. They're buying and they're buying cheap.
Gee, I wonder if Trump is worried?
Trump Plays Golf While Coronavirus Cases Surge

It was just a matter of time before a crisis came along and revealed just how inept and stupid our dumbass in the White House is.
Trump's hostage video coronavirus speech just drove the DOW futures down over 800 points. Holy shit.

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