Down with Black Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!

The cops didn't use force for selling loose cigarettes, idiot. They used it because he resisted, as I already told you. Why can't you understand that the arrest is not the punishment?

There was also no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones per the autopsy report article I read.

Garner died because he was a fat piece of sh1t who resisted arrest, after being caught committing a victimless crime invented by Democrats. Right, no damage to the windpipe or neck bones. It's like when they trank very big animals, they have to get them back on their feet quickly or the animal could die.
The cops didn't use force for selling loose cigarettes, idiot. They used it because he resisted, as I already told you. Why can't you understand that the arrest is not the punishment?

There was also no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones per the autopsy report article I read.

Garner died because he was a fat piece of sh1t who resisted arrest, after being caught committing a victimless crime invented by Democrats. Right, no damage to the windpipe or neck bones. It's like when they trank very big animals, they have to get them back on their feet quickly or the animal could die.
NYPD Brass Ordered a Crackdown on Illegal Cigarettes Right Before Eric Garner’s Death

Not vouching for the source, but it's in line with the other articles I saw.

If the democrats want to run their zoo safely, they need to limit the population size by neutering their pets.
You can speculate about what would have happened all you want. The bottom line is these two incidents involved significantly different responses to the cops' arrest attempts from the suspects and the cops' actions were accordingly different. If you wanted.

The only difference was how much force you use based on race.

Roof was white- he got Burger King.
Garner was black- He got a chokehold.

That's all kinds of fucked up, for those of us who aren't racists.

The cops didn't use force for selling loose cigarettes, idiot. They used it because he resisted, as I already told you. Why can't you understand that the arrest is not the punishment?

Because it wasn't something that really merited arrest. I mean, I guess cops could shoot jaywalkers, but most sensible people would consider that excessive.
You can speculate about what would have happened all you want. The bottom line is these two incidents involved significantly different responses to the cops' arrest attempts from the suspects and the cops' actions were accordingly different. If you wanted.

The only difference was how much force you use based on race.
Except the video clearly shows Roof giving up right away while Garner resists. You're in denial aren't you?
Roof was white- he got Burger King.
Garner was black- He got a chokehold.

That's all kinds of fucked up, for those of us who aren't racists.

The cops didn't use force for selling loose cigarettes, idiot. They used it because he resisted, as I already told you. Why can't you understand that the arrest is not the punishment?

Because it wasn't something that really merited arrest. I mean, I guess cops could shoot jaywalkers, but most sensible people would consider that excessive.
Once again, your stupidity knows no limits. Could cops shoot jaywalkers? Sure, if they pull out a gun and shoot at the cop when he tries to detain them. And if the guy is black, you'll likely be on here saying the white cop shot him for jaywalking because you're too stupid to see the real reason he shot him.

I don't know what De Blasio was pushing as the punishment for selling cigarettes, but if it related to tax collection like I think it did, then it wouldn't surprise me if it was arrestable given that tax evasion in the US carries years of prison time. Not that it matters, since any ticket can be turned into an arrest if the suspect is stupid enough, like refusing to sign the ticket copy in some states. What Happens if You Refuse to Sign a Traffic Citation

Not sure if the video is real or an act, but something like this can happen in some states:

Not sure if the video is real or an act, but something like this can happen in some states:

It seems cops are taught not to play games. You have a knife, put it down or get shot. You have a ticket, sign it or be arrested. The cop probably isn't going to sit there and argue with you for an hour. Nor should he. Playing games makes the cop look stupid and it gives the suspect opportunity to cause greater trouble.
Not sure if the video is real or an act, but something like this can happen in some states:

It seems cops are taught not to play games. You have a knife, put it down or get shot. You have a ticket, sign it or be arrested. The cop probably isn't going to sit there and argue with you for an hour. Nor should he. Playing games makes the cop look stupid and it gives the suspect opportunity to cause greater trouble.

Even if the cops did act for personal/unprofessional reasons (like hatred, racism, etc...), which doesn't seem to be the case, it's far more likely they would have reacted to Garner's annoying behavior, as he was whining about harassment and waving his arms around like a retard, than due to some general racism towards blacks. Liberals just can't debate much without injecting some half-assed racial/sexual orientation/gun prohibition angle into it.

Anyway, what's their solution to dealing with Garner?

1. Get rid of cigarette taxes and sales tax (or whatever the case was with Garner), which would make this a nonissue.

2. Make it a rule saying cops shouldn't try to apprehend or detain lawbreakers if they resist.

It's obvious Garner wasn't giving up without a fight, so asking him nicely wouldn't have worked.
This thread is proof racism is still a major problem in this country.

It's Nearly Impossible for Victims of Police Brutality to Get Justice
With every life taken, law enforcement is exposed for being the source of violence rather than its remedy.

Despite three years of intense public pressure over the fatal police shootings of black Americans, district attorneys, judges and juries around the country have rarely held law enforcement accountable. And so the shootings and acquittals continue.

St. Louis police act more like the Gestapo, than they do public servants.

The Sunday after Stockley’s acquittal was announced, police used a controversial tactic of mass arrests called “kettling,” ultimately taking more than a hundred people into custody through savage force. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch interviewed one activist who was arrested so roughly that he couldn’t breathe, telling the newspaper, “It was the most brutal arrest I’ve ever experienced in my life. I thought I was going to die.”

Mike Faulk, a reporter for the paper, was also among those arrested. His experience was described thus:
Multiple officers knocked Faulk down, he said, and pinned his limbs to the ground. A firm foot pushed his head into the pavement. Once he was subdued, he recalled, an officer squirted pepper spray in his face.

This is why it is the duty of all Americans to support the BLM movement.
Nothing but excuses from you Joe. It's all you have which means you have nothing because you're miserable existence is worth nothing.

whatever, Possum Catcher..

Point is, eventually, there's going to be a day when White folks aren't running this country anymore... then what do you do?

Even you realize your existence is worthless.

There won't be a country if n*ggers and spics are expected to run it. They can't run a household.
You do realize that you continue to make excuses for your hatred of cops?

Not at all. Good cops who do their jobs and are professional totally have my support. They are the ones who get picked for a show like "LivePD". Guys like Loehmann and Van Dyke, they don't get picked for shows like that. Even their police departments know they are loose cannons.

That's why blacks will always be behind whites. You make excuses for them enabling them to continue to do things that keep themselves down. And you wonder why they'll be behind.

Again, pretending racism isn't pervasive in this country doesnt' make it go away.

Both of the encounters were filmed. Roof gave up right away. The moron Garner was waving his hands like a retard and yelling and didn't give up easily. Roof's stop looked like it was initially a higher risk stop and that's visible in the cops' decision to stop him at gunpoint, but what they did afterwards is what affected the way they were eventually put into handcuffs and taken away.

Okay, buddy, you tell yourself that. A black guy who wasted 9 white people wouldn't have gotten the kids gloves Burger King treatment.
You can speculate about what would have happened all you want. The bottom line is these two incidents involved significantly different responses to the cops' arrest attempts from the suspects and the cops' actions were accordingly different. If you wanted.

A better question is why you posted pictures of two incidents that worked against your position.
Initial arrests generally don't have an existing conviction associated with them, just suspicion. The cop's job is not to punish the criminal, but to arrest him, which is why the entirety of the arrest process generally has little to do with the suspected crime and more to do with the behavior of the suspect.

sorry, I don't think that selling loose cigarettes is worthy of lethal force. That's just crazy talk.
The cops didn't use force for selling loose cigarettes, idiot. They used it because he resisted, as I already told you. Why can't you understand that the arrest is not the punishment?

There was also no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones per the autopsy report article I read. Garner was held by the neck for less than 20 seconds. I'm not aware of anyone who can be choked to death in 20 seconds or less unless the choking action causes other damage to the throat, which apparently was not found in the autopsy. Watching the video, it looks like Garner was held in a "choke hold" for a few seconds at most and was then able to speak. The report even cited prone positioning during physical restraint as a cause of death, the others including the choke hold/medical conditions. So yes, while the choke hold may have prevented him from breathing initially, it was less than 20 seconds and obviously not enough to even cause unconsciousness. The rest of the time Garner spent without breath was apparently due to his own weight pressing on him. He literally chose to make himself so fat that he couldn't survive a prone arrest!

This guy was on the way to morgue for a long time. And it was his fault.

Meanwhile, De Blasio is still making cigarettes more expensive and fueling the illegal cigarette trade:
NYC Hikes Price Of Pack Of Cigarettes To $13, Highest In US

Joe is only concerned about the reason the police were there. Joe doesn't take into account that when they arrived, he resisted arrest.
Except the video clearly shows Roof giving up right away while Garner resists. You're in denial aren't you?

Again, brutal force was used with a black guy, a white guy was treated with kid gloves. I mean, shit, they got him lunch at Burger King, for crying out loud.

Once again, your stupidity knows no limits. Could cops shoot jaywalkers? Sure, if they pull out a gun and shoot at the cop when he tries to detain them. And if the guy is black, you'll likely be on here saying the white cop shot him for jaywalking because you're too stupid to see the real reason he shot him.

Mike Brown didn't have a gun.
LaQuan McDonald didn't have a gun. (he had a pocket knife that wasn't even out.)
Sandra Bland didn't have a gun
Eric Garner didn't have a gun
Tamir Rice didn't have a gun (it was a toy, and it wasn't even visible)

And these are the ones we know about because someone got them on tape. Who knows what kind of shit we don't know about.

See a pattern here.
Joe is only concerned about the reason the police were there. Joe doesn't take into account that when they arrived, he resisted arrest.

Um, yeah, that's kind of important. It should not take six guys and a chokehold to arrest a guy for something as petty as selling single cigarettes.

Yet you ignore he resisted. That's what happens when you don't do what you're asked to do.
Yet you ignore he resisted. That's what happens when you don't do what you're asked to do.

Yup, he resisted.. Good for him. You should resist unjust laws.

Aren't you the one who goes around threatening to shoot anyone who tries to take your guns?

Until those laws are the ones you Liberals want in place.

Where have I threatened such a thing?
Post a quote where I said what you claimed I said.

Are you man enough to try and take them from me? We both know you aren't.

Again, I said that we will fight for laws to get the government to take them from you. Otherwise that will be theft.

So WHEN we actually pass that gun law, are you going to peacefully hand over the guns or not?

If you were man enough to try, I can guarantee no theft would occur.

Won't happen, son, just like you having the guts to be a man and do yourself what you say should be done won't happen. My gunS are safe.

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